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发布时间: 2024-07-06 05:39:21

⑴ 你是否喜欢住在漳州英文

in the suburbs.nowadays,more and more people from the country go to work inthe city and live there.However,many people are moving from cities to the suburbs .What do you think of it?In my opopinion ,cities are often noisy.The cost of living is high and the trafic is ofen heavy.But the suburbs are quiet.The air is cleaner and fresher.It is possible for me to live in a house with a big yard in the suburbs .I enjoy living in a house with a lawn and a garden.So I prefer living in the suburbs.

⑵ 有的人喜欢住城市,有的人喜欢住乡村。你喜欢住哪里为什么80词左右。(英语作文

I like living in the city more than in the co untry because of three reasons. Firstly, t he city is convenient as it has a number of public transport and there are shoppin g centres all around. Secondly, there are lots of entertainment venues in the city. F or example, cinemas, karaokes, amuse ment parks and many more. Finally, the city has better schools and more work po sitions for people to choose from. The ab ove three reasons are why I like living in the city more than the countryside.

⑶ 你喜欢住在学校吗/ 英语怎么问

Do you like living in the school?

⑷ 英语作文 你喜欢住在哪个城市

the city I love to live in
I like to live in city.The city i love to live in is Shanghai.There are a lot of shops,hospitals and so on.In a word,it is very convenient to live in a modern city.We can take a bus,take a taxi,take a bicycle or by other vehicle.SO we can easily go to everywhere.In a big city,we can see many tall buildings,they are very magnificent.So I love live in the city----Shanghai.

⑸ 你居住在乡村还是城市你喜欢你居住地方吗英语作文

I like living in the country.Because the air is fresh.And living in the country can make me feel very comfortable.

⑹ 用英语说:你喜欢住在哪里,用一句话描绘

Where do you like to live?

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

⑺ 你喜欢住在哪儿 英语

where do you like most to live

⑻ 你喜欢住在那用英文翻译


You want to live there?

Where do you want to live?
Where would you like to live?
Where do you prefer to live?
Where would you prefer to live?

⑼ 你喜欢住在这吗 用英语怎么说

Are you fond of living here?

⑽ 你喜欢住在城市里吗用英语怎么说!!

Do you like living in the city? 经常性习惯性动作 like doing sth

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