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发布时间: 2024-07-05 15:39:37

Ⅰ 鏍规嵁姹夎鎻愮ず鐢ㄨ嫳璇鍥炵瓟涓嬪垪闂棰

鍏跺疄寰堝氫腑鍥戒汉瀛﹁嫳璇閮藉お涔︽湰璇濅簡 璇寸殑璇濆熀鏈鑰佸栭兘娌′汉鐢 杩樻槸绠鍗曠偣 鍙h鍖栫偣鏈濂
1 have another go, your will be fine if your try hard ( 鍐嶈瘯璇曪紝 鍔鍔涚偣涓瀹氳岀殑锛
2 why do you get mad (涓轰粈涔堜笉鐖戒簡锛)
3 i dont like the way my hair looks (杩欏彂鍨嬬湅璧锋潵涓嶅ソ鐪)
4 how was your weekend, where did you go (鍛ㄦ湯杩囩殑鎬庝箞鏍凤紵 閮藉幓閭d簡?)
5 i am going to shopping at zhongshan road (鎴戣佸幓涓灞辫矾璐鐗)
6 take care when you corss the road. (杩囬┈璺鐨勬椂鍊欒佸皬蹇冿級
7 绗7涓浣犺寸殑涓嶆竻妤 濡傛灉浣犳兂璋㈣阿鏈嬪弸甯︿綘閫涙牎鍥 thanks for showing me around (璋㈣阿浣犻嗘垜閫涢)
8 he is so smart (浠栫湡鑱鏄) 鑰佸栦笉鐢╟lever 涔熶笉鐢╥ntelligent 杩囦簬姝e紡
9 this clother is so costy, out of my budget (杩欎欢琛f湇澶璐典簡 瓒呰繃浜嗘垜鐨勯勭畻)

鍏跺疄灏卞儚姹夎涓鏍 鍚屾牱涓鍙ヨ瘽寰堝氭柟寮忓彲浠ヨ〃杈 浣嗘槸鎴戜滑杩樻槸鍠滄㈢畝鍗曟槑浜嗙殑 鑻辫涔熸槸涓鏍 涓嶆槸鍚楋紵

Ⅱ 帮我写七份三分钟的小学三年级的英语情景对话。

1、A:May I help you?
B:l want to buy a pair of shoes.
A:What size do you want?
B:My size is M.
A:Here you are.
B:Thank you.
2A:What’s the matter?How dirty your clothe is!
B:Oh,mun,l was just playing football with my friends and knocked down.
A:You are too careless.
B:I’m sorry, and l want to wash clothes by myself.
B:Good boy.
3 My father is a kind man.He is tall and thin.His jod is a doctor, and he likes his job very much.
And l like him very much
4A:Oh,how lovely panadas!
B:yeah.They are my favourite animals.their bodies are black and white.And their favourite food is the bamboo.
A:You know so much about panadas.
B:aknow monkeys as well,for they are my father’s favourite animals. They are considered to be the ancestors of humans,and they look quiet like humans.As they like fruits,you can feed them on some bananas.

Ⅲ 七下英语复习提纲(人教)

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 一.短语: 1 .be from = come from 来自于---- 2. live in 居住在--- 3. on weekends 在周末 4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人 5 .in the world 在世界上 in China 在中国 6.pen pal 笔友 14 years old 14岁 favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 7.the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽约 8.speak English 讲英语 like and dislike 爱憎 9.go to the movies 去看电影 play sports 做运动 二.重点句式: 1 Where’s your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal from/ 2 Where does he live? 3 What language(s) does he speak? 4 I want a pen pal in China. 5 I can speak English and a little French. 6 Please write and tell me about yourself. 7 Can you write to me soon? 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 三.本单元的国家,人民、语言对应。 1 Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2 France------ French------French 3 Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4 Australia----Australian----- English 5 the United States------ American---- English 6 the United Kingdom---British----- Enghish Unit 2 Where’s the post office? 一. Asking ways: (问路) 1. Where is (the nearest) ……? (最近的)……在哪里? 2. Can you tell me the way to ……? 你能告诉我去……的路吗? 3. How can I get to ……? 我怎样到达……呢? 4. Is there …… near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有……吗? 5. Which is the way to ……? 哪条是去……的路? 二.Showing the ways: (指路) 1. Go straight down / along this street. 沿着这条街一直走。 2. Turn left at the second turning. 在第二个路口向左转。
3. You will find it on your right. 你会在你右手边发现它。 4. It is about one hundred metres from here. 离这里大约一百米远。 5. You’d better take a bus. 你最好坐公交车去。(You’d better+动词原形) 三.词组 1. across from …… 在……的对面 across from the bank 在银行的对面 2. next to…… 紧靠…… next to the supermarket 紧靠超市 3. between……and…… 在……和……之间 between the park and the zoo 在公园和动物园之间 among 表示位于三者或三者以上之间 4. in front of…… 在……前面 There is a tree in front of the classroom. 课室前面有棵树。 in the front of…… 在……(内)的前部 There is a desk in the front of the classroom. 课室内的前部有张桌子。 5. behind…… 在……后面 behind my house 在我家后面 6. turn left/ right 向左/右拐 on the left/right of…… 在某物的左/右边 on the left of our school 在我们学校的左边 on one’s left/right 在某人的左/右边 on my left 在我左边 7. go straight 一直走 8. down /along…… 沿着……(街道) down/along Center Street 沿着中央街 9. in the neighborhood=near here 在附近 10 welcome to…… 欢迎来到…… 11. take /have a walk 散步 12. the beginning of…… ……的开始,前端 at the beginning of…… 在……的开始,前端 in the beginning 起初,一开始 13. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快 我昨天玩得很开心。 I had fun yesterday. I had a good time yesterday. I enjoyed myself yesterday. 14. have a good trip 旅途愉快 15. take a taxi 坐出租车 16. 到达:get to +地方 get here/ there/ home 到这/那/家 arrive in +大地方 I arrive in Beijing. arrive at +小地方 I arrive at the bank. reach +地方 17.go across 从物体表面横过 go across the street 横过马路 go through 从空间穿过 go through the forest 穿过树林 18.on + 街道的名称。 Eg: on Center Street at + 具体门牌号+街道的名称 Eg: at 6 Center Street 三.重难点解析 1.enjoy doing sth 享受做某事的乐趣,喜爱做某事 I enjoy reading. 我喜爱读书。 到目前为止,我们学了两个特殊的动词finish和enjoy,都是要带 doing. I finish cleaning the room. 我扫完了这间屋子。 2.hope to do sth 希望做某事 I hope to pass this exam. 我希望通过这次考试。 hope +从句 I hope tomorrow will be fine. 我希望明天将会晴朗。 (从句即是一个小句子,这个小句子又放在大句子中,从属于大句子,所以叫从句。如tomorrow will be fine是一个从句,它又放在I hope 的后面,形成句中有句。) 3. if 引导一个表示假设的句子。 If I have much money, I will go to the moon. 如果我有许多钱,我就会去月球。 If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket. 如果你饿了的话,你可以在超市买一些食物。 四.本单元的反义词、近义词配对 1new—old 2 quiet--- busy 3 dirty--- clean 4 big---- small Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears? 一.重点词组 eat grass eat leaves be quiet very shy very smart very cute play with her friends kind of South Africa other animals at night in the day every day ring the day 二. 交际用语 1. Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very clever. 2. Why does he like koalas? Because they’re kind of interesting. 3. Where are lions from? They are from South Africa. 4. What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Why? Because they’re friendly and clever. 5. Molly likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 6. She’s very shy. 7. He is from Australia. 8.He sleeps ring the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. 9.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day. 10.Let’s see the pandas first. 11.They’re kind of interesting. 12.What other animals do you like? 13.Why do you want to see the lions? 三. 重点难点释义 1、kind of 有点,稍微 Koala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有点害羞。 kind 还有“种类”的意思 如:各种各样的 all kinds of We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school. 2、China n. 中国 Africa n. 非洲 China 和Africa都是专有名词,首字母都应该大写,而且和介词in连用。 There are many kinds of tigers in China. There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa. 3、friendly adj. 友好的,和蔼可亲的 它是名词friend的形容词形式,常常和be动词连用, be friendly。 The people in Cheng are very friendly. 4、with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起 I usually play chess with my father. 注意区别与and的用法,and通常用于连接主语或宾语,连接主语时, 如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后,如: My father and I usually play chess together. Play with “和…一起玩耍”“玩…” I often play with my pet dog. Don’t play with water! 5、day和night 是一对反义词,day 表示白天或一天,night表示夜或夜晚。 通常说in the day, ring the day, at night。 Koala bears often sleep ring the day and eat leaves at night. 6、leaf n. 叶子 复数形式为:leaves, 类似的变化还有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves, knife—knives等。 7、hour n. 小时;点钟 hour前边通常加上冠词an 表示“一个小时”, 即:an hour。 There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour. 8、be from 来自… be from = come from Pandas are from China. = Pandas come form China. 9、meat n. (食用的)肉,为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修 饰,即:much meat He eats much meat every day. 10、grass n. 草, 为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much grass。 There is much grass on the playground. 四. 语法知识 特殊疑问句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。 特殊疑问句的基本构成有两种情况: 1. 疑问句+一般疑问句结构。这是最常见的情况。例如: What’s your grandfather’s telephone number? 你爷爷的电话号码是多少? Who is that boy with big eyes? 那个大眼睛的男孩是谁? Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? When is he going to play the piano? 他什么时候弹钢琴? Where does he live? 他住在哪儿? How are you? 你好吗? How old are you? 你多大了? How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹? 2. 疑问句+陈述句结构。这时疑问词作主语或修饰主语。例如: Who is on ty today? 今天谁值日? Which man is your teacher? 哪位男士是你的老师? 我们学过的What/How about+名词/代词+其他?也是特殊疑问句,它是一种省略结构。 例如: I like English. What/How about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢? What about playing basketball? 打篮球怎么样? Unit 4 I want to be an actor. 一.短语: 1 want to do sth 想要作某事 2 give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 / 把某物给某人 3 help sb do sth 帮助某人作某事 Eg: I want to help my mother do some housework at home. 4 help sb with sth 帮助某人谋事 Eg: I want to help my mother with some housework at home 5 in the day 在白天 6 at night 在晚上 7 talk with/ to sb 和----谈话 8 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Eg: He is busy listening to the teacher. 9 in a hospital 在医院l 10 work/ study hard 努力工作 11 Evening Newspaper 晚报 二.重点句式及注意事项: 1 询问职业的特殊疑问词是what; 有三种主要句式 ① What + is / are + sb? ② What + does/ do + sb + do? ③ What + is/ are + 名词所有格/ 形容词性物主代词 + job? 2 People give me their money or get their money from me. 3 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. 4 I like talking to people. 5 I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners. 6 Where does your sister work? 7 then we have a job for you as a waiter. 8 Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter. 9 Do you like to work evenings and weekends? 10 We are an international school for children of 5-12.三. 本单元中的名词复数。 1 policeman--- policemen 2 woman doctor----- women doctors 3 thief-----thieves Unit 5 I’m watching TV 一.现在进行时 Ⅰ现在进行时的用法 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作 Ⅱ现在进行时时间状语及标志性词 ① now 现在 ② at this time 在这时 ③ at the moment 现在 ④ look 看(后面有明显的“!”) ⑤ listen 听(后面有明显的“!”) Ⅲ 现在分词的构成 ① 一般在动词结尾处加ing Eg: go—going look--looking ② 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing。Eg: write—writing close--closing ③ 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加ing. Eg: get—getting run—running ( swim, run, put,get,sit,begin) Ⅳ 现在进行时的构成 肯定句: 主语+ am/is/are+ doing +其他+时状. Eg: He is doing his homework now. 否定句:主语+am/is/are +not+ doing+其他+时状. Eg: He is not doing his homework now. 一般疑问句: Am/Is/Are +主语+ doing+其他+时状?Eg: Is he doing his homework now? 肯定回答:Yes,主语 +am/is/are Eg Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, 主语+am not/isn’t/aren’t Eg: No, he isn’t. 二.短语: 1.do one’s homework 做某人的作业 do housework 做家务 2.talk on the phone 在电话里交谈,讲电话 talk about…… 谈论…… talk to(with)sb 和某人交谈 3.write a letter 写信 write a letter to sb 给某人写信 4.play with…… 和……一起玩 5.watch TV 看电视 TV show 电视节目 6.wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物 7.some of…… ……中的一些 8.in the first photo 在第一张照片里(介词用in,序数词前面有the) in the last photo 在最后一张照片里 a photo of one’s family 某人的家庭照片 9.at the mall 在购物街 at/in the library 在图书室 at/in the pool 在游泳池 10.read a book = read books = do some reading看书\阅读 11.thanks for = thank you for 为某事而感谢(后接动词要用v-ing) 三. 重点句式及注意事项: 1. 他正在干什么? What is he doing? 他正在吃饭。 He is eating dinner. 他正在哪里吃饭? Where is he eating dinner? 他正在家里吃饭。 He is eating dinner at home. 2. 你想什么时候去? When do you want to go? 让我们六点钟去吧。 Let’s go at six o’clock. 3. 他正在等什么? What is he waiting for? 他正在等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus. 4. 他们正在和谁说话? Who are they talking with? 他们正在和Miss Wu说话。 They are talking with Miss Wu. 5. 你们正在谈论什么? What are you talking about? 我们正在谈论天气。 We are talking about the weather. 6. 他们都正在去上学。 They are all going to school. 7. 这儿是一些我的照片。 Here are some of my photos. 这儿是一些肉。 Here is some of meat. (some of meat不可数,故用is) 8. 谢谢你帮我买这本书。 Thank you for helping me buy this book. 9. family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。 His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。 His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。 Unit 6 It’s raining! 一.短语: 1 take photos/ pictures 照像 2 take photos/ pictures of sb/ sth 给某人或某物照相 3 have a good time\have fun\have a great tame 玩得愉快 4 work for sb / sth 为某人工作 Eg: Yuan Yuan works for CCTV’s Around The World show 5 on vacation 度假 Eg: There are many people here on vacation. 6 some----others--- 一些.....另外一些..... one……the others…….一个....另一个....(两者之间) Eg: There are many students in the classroom. Some are writing, others are reading. 7 put on 穿上(动作) wear 穿着(状态) Eg: Tom is putting on his coat now. 8 on the beach 在沙滩上 Eg: Tom and his family are playing on the beach at this moment. 9 this group of people 这一群人 10. in this heat 二.重点句型 1.How is the weather? 天气怎么样? In the raining. 在下雨。 2.What are you doing? 你正在做什么? I'm watching TV. 我在看电视。 3.What are they doing? 他们在做什么? They are studying. 他们在学习。 4.What is he doing? 他在做什么? He is playing basketball . 他在打篮球。 5.What is she doing ? 她在做什么? She is cooking . 她在做饭。 三.重难点解析 1 询问天气情况的句式:(横线内容可替换) ① How is the weather in Beijing? (How is the weather today?) ② What’s the weather like in Beijing? ( What’s the weather like today?) 2 回答上面问题的句式: ①It’s + adj. (形容词) Eg: It’s windy. 3 How’s it going (with you)? ① Not bad. ② Great! ③ Terrible! ④ Pretty good. 4 Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The Word show. 5 I am surprised they can play in this heat. 6 Everyone is having a good time. 7 People are wearing hats and scarfs. ① wear 指穿衣服的状态。 ② put on 指穿衣服的动作。 四.谈论天气的日常用语 1. It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy. 今天是晴天/雨天/阴天。 2. Lovely weather,isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗? 3. It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。 4. It’s raining cats and dogs. 正是瓢泼大雨。 5. It seems to be cleaning up. 天似乎要转晴。 6. It’s blowing hard. 风刮得很大。 7. It’s snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。 8. The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。 9. It’s very foggy. 雾很大。 10. The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。 11. It’s thundering and lightening. 雷电交加。 12. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 13. What’s the weather report for tomorrow? 天气预报明天怎么样? 14. It’s quite different from the weather report. 这和天气预报相差很大。 15. It’s rather changeable. 天气变化无常。 16. What’s the temperature? 温度是多少? 17. It’s two below zero. 零下二度。 18. The temperature has dropped a lot today. 今天温度低多了。 Unit7 What does he look like? 一.短语 1 look like 看起来像.... 2 curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发 3 medium height/build 中等高度/身体 4 a little bit 一点儿… 5 a pop singer 一位流行歌手 6 have a new look 呈现新面貌 7 go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物 8 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长 9 be popular with sb 为---所喜爱 10 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 11 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 12 tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事 13 have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事 14 remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的) 15 remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做) 16 one of --- ---中的一个 二.本单元的重点句: 1 Is that your friend? No, it isn’t. 2 What does she look like? 3 I think I know her. ( I don’t think I know her.) 4 Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. 5 She’s a little bit quiet. 6 Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. 7 She never stops talking. 8 She likes reading and playing chess. 9 I don’t think he’s so great. 10 I can go shopping and nobody knows me. 11 Now he has a new look. 三.重难点解析 1 What does/ do +主语 + look like? 询问某人的外貌特征,看上去什么样? Eg: What does your friend look like? 2 形容头发时, 可按照先长短,后曲直, 最后说颜色的顺序说。 Eg: She has long curly black hair. 3 one of + 名词复数 ,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。 Eg: One of his friends is a worker. 4 不定代词做主语时, 谓语动词要用“单三”形式。修饰不定代词词,应该放在它的后面. Eg: I can go shopping and nobody knows me. 5.He is …(通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等) He has…(通常为形容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官) He wears…(穿、戴、留。可以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须) 6.I don’t think…的用法 表达否定的看法 I don’t think she is good-looking. Unit 8 I’d like some noodles 一. 短语 1. beef and tomato noodles\noodles with beef and tomato 牛肉西红柿面 chicken and cabbage noodles mutton and potato noodles tomato and egg noodles beef and carrot noodles 2.would like to do sth \want to do sth 想要作某事 3.what kind of noodles什么种类的面条 4.what size bowl of noodles什么大小碗型的面 5.a large\medium\small bowl of noodles 大\中\小碗的面 6.ice cream 冰淇淋 orange juice桔汁 green tea绿茶 RMB人民币phone number 7. House of Dumplings\noodles饺子\面馆 Dessert House甜点屋 二.重点句型 1. What kind of vegetables\meat\ drink food would you like? I’d like …… I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. 2. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles. 3. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. 4. What size bowl \plate of noodles would you like? I’d like a large \ medium\ small bowl moodes. 5. What size cake would you like? I would like asmall birthday-cake. 三.重难点解析 1. would like 想要 (表示一种委婉的语气)其用法相当于want. would like + 名词 would like an apple (want an apple) would like to do sth He would like to play soccer. ----Would you like to see the dolphins? ----Yes, I’d like to. (1)would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,可与人称代词缩写为’d, 与其它情态动词一样可帮助完成疑问句和否定句。(你能举出例子吗?) 我想要些牛肉。 I’d like some beef. 她想去打乒乓球。She would like to play ping-pang. (你能变否定句和疑问句吗?) (2) Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any. 肯定回答是: Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./OK. 其否定回答是:No, thanks. 2. What kind of noodles would you like? kind 在此句中作“种类”讲,a kind of 一种,all kinds of 各种各样的。kind of 有几分 A cat is a kind of animal. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo The cat is kind of smart. 3. Can I help you?你要买什么 肯定 Yes, please . I would like …… 否定 No, thanks. Unit 9 How was your weekend 一.短语 1. play +运动 play soccer play tennis play sports play the + 乐器 play the guitar play with…和某人\物玩耍 2.have +三餐 have breakferst \lunch \ supper 3. study for… clean the room visit sb stay at home have a party talk show 4.go to the beach go to the movies go for a walk go to the mountains 5.go shopping\do some shopping \go to the shop 买东西 6.last weekend\over the weekend 上周末 on weekends 每周末 7.on +某日+morning\afternoon\evening in + morning\afternoon\evening in+年\月\季节 at +时刻 last (next) month\year\week 8.what about+n\v-ing\pren=how about ……呢

Ⅳ 鎴戦渶瑕佷汉鏁欑増涓冨勾绾ц嫳璇涓嬪唽鍚勫崟鍏冪殑鎵鏈夎瘝缁勶紝鍙ュ瀷锛岃娉曪紝鏄鎴戣佸笀瑕佹垜浠鏀堕泦鐨勶紝澶氳呭緱鍒版墍鏈夌殑璐㈠瘜鍊

涓 瀹氫箟
缁勬垚鍙ュ瓙鐨勫悇涓閮ㄥ垎鍙鍙ュ瓙鎴愬垎銆傚彞瀛愭垚鍒嗗湪鑻辫鐨勫︿範杩囩▼涓鏈夌潃涓捐冻杞婚噸鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ傚傛灉璇磋瘝姹囨槸鐮栵紝閭d箞鍙ュ瓙鎴愬垎灏卞傚缓绛戠殑妗嗘灦缁撴瀯 銆傛帉鎻″ソ璇ラ儴鍒嗗规暣涓鑻辫鐨勫︿範璧风潃浜嬪崐鍔熷嶇殑鏁堟灉銆傝嫳璇鐨勫彞瀛愭垚鍒嗗寘鎷涓昏銆佽皳璇銆佸捐銆佽〃璇銆佸畾璇銆佺姸璇銆佽ˉ璇銆佸悓浣嶈銆

锛堜竴锛 涓昏锛(subject) 鏄涓涓鍙ュ瓙鐨勪富棰( theme)锛 鏄鍙ュ瓙鍙ュ瓙涓昏佽存槑鐨勪汉鎴栦簨鐗┿傚畠鐨勪綅缃涓鑸鍦ㄤ竴鍙ヤ箣棣栥傚彲鐢ㄤ綔涓昏鐨勬湁鍗曡瘝銆佺煭璇銆佷粠鍙ヤ箖鑷冲彞瀛愩
The man is a doctor.
He told a joke but it fell flat.
One is enough.
4锛庡悕璇嶅寲鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝鐢ㄤ綔涓昏銆傦紙甯歌佺殑鍚嶈瘝鍖栫殑褰㈠硅瘝the old ,the young , the rich ,the poor 绛夛紝涓鑸鎯呭喌涓嬪畠浠浣滀富璇璋撹鐢ㄥ嶆暟锛夈
The old are happy .
To see is to believe.
[鐗瑰埆鎻愰啋]锛氫负閬垮厤鍙ュ瓙澶撮噸鑴氳交锛屽父鐢╥t 鍋氬舰寮忎富璇锛岀湡姝g殑涓昏鏀惧湪鍙ュ熬銆
It is important for us to achieve our dream.
瀵规垜浠鏉ヨ 锛屽疄鐜版垜浠鐨勬ⅵ鎯冲緢閲嶈併
6锛 鍔ㄥ悕璇嶇敤浣滀富璇銆
Smoking is bad for you.
That you are late for class is impolite.
What you said is right .
鐗瑰埆鎻愰啋:1.that寮曞间富璇浠庡彞鏃, that涓嶅彲鐪併
2. 鍦╰here be 鍙ュ瀷涓涓昏浣嶄簬be涔嬪悗銆
There are 30 boys in the room.
(浜 )璋撹
璋撹鏄璇存槑涓昏鐨勫姩浣溿佺姸鎬佹垨鐗瑰緛銆備负鏂逛究鍒濆﹁呮帉鎻★紝 鎴戜滑鎸夊姩璇嶇殑绫诲埆鏉ョ湅璋撹鐨勭粍鎴愶紝涓鑸鍙鍒嗕负浜旂被锛
The sun rises.
This medicine works.
2.鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝( vt.)浣滆皳璇銆
We love China.
Tom visited the Great Wall last year.
He spent one hour finishing the task.
鐗瑰埆鎻愰啋:瀹炰箟鍔ㄨ瘝鍒嗕负鍙婄墿鍜屼笉鍙婄墿涓ゅぇ绫汇傚湪璇嶆眹琛ㄤ腑浠vt. ,vi.褰㈠紡鍛堢幇銆傚強鐗╁姩璇嶅悗蹇呴』璺熷捐锛屼笉鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝鍚庡垯涓嶈兘銆傚湪璁板繂鍔ㄨ瘝鏃 锛岃佺敤鐔熸倝瀹冧滑鍙婄墿涓庡惁锛 杩欏逛互鍚庨珮涓瀹氳浠庡彞鐨勫︿範涔熷緢閲嶈併
He is a boy.
I feel happy.
The food tastes good.
娉锛氬父瑙佺殑绯昏〃缁撴瀯鏈夛細fall ill, fall asleep , turn red, go bad, go wrong , stay warm, keep quiet,绛夈備竴鑸鎯呭喌涓嬶紝绯诲姩璇嶅悗甯歌窡褰㈠硅瘝浣滆〃璇銆備絾be鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅彈姝ら檺鍒讹紝鍏蜂綋鐨勮〃璇鍐嶈堪銆

The little boy can speak English.
They didn鈥檛 solve the problem last night.
锛 涓夛級瀹捐锛坥bject锛
瀹捐琛ㄧず鍔ㄤ綔琛屼负鐨勫硅薄锛岃窡鍦ㄥ強鐗╁姩璇嶆垨鍙婄墿鐭璇涔嬪悗锛屼笉鍚岀殑鍔ㄨ瘝鍚庨潰璺熶笉鍚岀殑瀹捐 锛屼富瑕佸彲鍒嗕负绠鍗曞捐銆 鍙屽捐鍜屽嶅悎瀹捐涓夌被銆
I.绠鍗曞捐锛氳兘浣滅畝鍗曞捐鐨勬湁鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃佹暟璇嶃佸姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡銆佸姩鍚嶈瘝 銆佷粠鍙ョ瓑銆
I love the world.
She always helps me.
We need five.
The girl wants to go shopping.
The students enjoy singing.
I know (that) you are a good kid.
She told me what I should do.
II.鍙屽捐锛氭湁浜涘強鐗╁姩璇嶅彲浠ュ甫涓や釜瀹捐锛屽線寰涓涓鎸囦汉锛屼竴涓鎸囩墿锛屾寚浜虹殑鍙闂存帴瀹捐 (direct object)锛屾寚鐗╃殑鍙鐩存帴瀹捐(indirect object)銆
He gave me some ink.
They buy us some books.
I teach them English.
绗涓绫伙細give, lend, bring, send, return, pass, write, show, hand, teach绛夈
绗浜岀被锛歜uy, get, fetch, make, sing, draw绛夈
He gave some ink to me. 浠栫粰浜嗘垜涓鐐瑰ⅷ姘淬
Please made a model ship for her. 璇风粰濂瑰仛涓鑹樻ā鍨嬭埞銆

璇存槑锛氣滀竷缁欌濓紙give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand锛夊拰鈥滃甫鈥濓紙bring锛8涓鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝锛屽湪鐩存帴瀹捐鍓嶇疆鏃讹紝蹇呴』鍦ㄥ悗闈㈠姞涓娾渢o鈥濄傚嵆锛氣渧t. 锛媠th.锛媡o锛媠b.鈥
III. 澶嶅悎瀹捐锛氭湁浜涘強鐗╁姩璇嶇殑瀹捐鍚庨潰杩橀渶瑕佹湁涓涓琛ヨ冻璇锛屾剰鎬濇墠瀹屾暣锛屽捐鍜屽畠鐨勮ˉ瓒宠鏋勬垚澶嶅悎瀹捐銆傝ラ儴鍒嗗湪琛ヨ璇﹁堪銆
I find the water in the river very dirty.
[鐗瑰埆鎻愰啋] 涓洪伩鍏嶅彞瀛愬ご閲嶈剼杞伙紝甯哥敤it 鍋氬舰寮忓捐锛岀湡姝g殑瀹捐鏀惧湪鍙ュ熬銆
I find it hard to make ends meet.

锛堝洓锛夎〃璇锛氳〃璇鏄璋撹鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎锛屽畠浣嶄簬绯诲姩璇嶄箣鍚庯紝璇存槑涓昏韬浠姐佺壒寰併佸睘鎬ф垨鐘舵併傚湪be鍔ㄨ瘝涔嬪悗鍙鐢卞悕璇嶃佷唬璇嶃佸舰瀹硅瘝銆佸壇璇嶃佷笉瀹氬紡銆佷粙璇嶇煭璇 銆佷粠鍙ョ瓑鍏呭綋銆傚湪鍏朵粬绯诲姩璇嶄箣鍚庝富瑕佺敱褰㈠硅瘝鍏呭綋銆
I鈥檓 a teacher.
Jim turned teacher.
Jim became a teacher.
This car is mine.
The weather is fine today.
His face turned red.
Nobody is in
To protect the earth is to protect ourselves.
I鈥檓 in danger.
The reason why I was late for class is that I miss the first bus.
She didn鈥檛 studied hard, that鈥檚 why she failed to pass the exam.

锛堜簲锛 瀹氳锛氬湪鍙ヤ腑淇楗板悕璇嶆垨浠h瘝鐨勬垚鍒嗗彨瀹氳銆傜敤浣滃畾璇鐨勪富瑕佹槸褰㈠硅瘝銆佷唬璇嶃佹暟璇嶃佸姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡銆乿-ing銆佽繃鍘诲垎璇嶃佷粙璇嶇煭璇銆佷粠鍙ョ瓑銆傚舰瀹硅瘝銆佷唬璇嶃佹暟璇嶃佸悕璇嶃佸崟涓鐨剉-ing浣滃畾璇鏃讹紝閫氬父鏀惧湪琚淇楗扮殑璇嶅墠闈銆
The new teacher is easygoing.
My friend will come.
This book is mine.
The bike shop is around the corner.

I need five books.
The first one to come is Lily.
The reading room attracts many students everyday.
The dog standing in the rain is barking.
The fallen leaves look like little boats dancing in the wind.
The girl named Rose often surfs the Internet.
People in trouble are in great need of help.
The lady who is in red is my niece.

锛堝叚锛 鐘惰
Please listen to me carefully.
This method is very useful銆
Smith lived in Paris .
To make a living , he works hard.
When I was a child , I wanted to be a scientist.
褰撴垜杩樻槸涓灏忓╁瓙锛 鎴戞兂鎴愪负涓鍚嶇戝﹀躲

(涓)琛ヨ锛氱敤鍦ㄦ湁浜涘強鐗╁姩璇嶇殑瀹捐鍚庨潰琛ュ厖璇存槑瀹捐鐨勫唴瀹瑰拰鐘舵侊紝浠ユ眰鎰忔濆畬鏁达紝瀹捐鍜屽畠鐨勮ˉ璇鏋勬垚澶嶅悎瀹捐銆傚垵楂樹腑甯歌冪殑鑳借窡琛ヨ鐨勫姩璇嶆湁 make銆 find銆 leave銆 keep 绛 銆
We make him our monitor.
His success made us happy.
Leave the door open.
Don鈥檛 keep the water running when you brush your teeth.
I found myself surrounded by the bees.
鎴戜笉鐭ヤ笉瑙夎铚滆渹鍖呭洿浜 銆
5. 浠嬭瘝浣滆ˉ璇銆
They found themselves in a difficult situation.
Let me help you.
You can ask your teacher to give you some advice.

渚1. I have English class on Monday.
涓昏锛堝湪鍙ラ栵級 璋撹锛堝湪鍙ュ瓙涓闂达級 瀹捐 鐘惰锛堝湪鍙ュ瓙鏈灏撅級
渚2. Our politics teacher often tells us
锛堢墿涓讳唬璇嶄綔锛夊畾璇 涓昏 锛堝壇璇嶄綔锛夌姸璇 璋 锛堜汉浣滐級闂村
a story about Comrade LeiFeng On Saturday.
锛堜簨鐗╀綔锛夌洿瀹撅紙浠嬭瘝鐭璇浣滃悗缃锛夊畾璇 鐘惰
锛圓锛夌煭璇瀹氳涓诲惧悗锛氭寚浠嬭瘝鐭璇鎴栧叾浠栫煭璇鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪綔瀹氳甯告斁鍦ㄤ富璇鎴栧捐鐨勫悗闈銆傚備笂鍙ヤ腑鐨刟bout Comrade LeiFeng浣滃畾璇灏辨槸 story鐨勫悗闈銆
锛圔锛夊舰銆佷唬瀹氳涓诲惧墠锛氭寚褰㈠硅瘝銆佷唬璇嶄綔瀹氳甯镐綅浜庝竴涓鍙ュ瓙鐨勪富璇鎴栧捐鐨勫墠闈銆傚備笂鍙ヤ腑鐨刼ur杩欎釜褰㈠硅瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇嶅氨鏀惧湪politics teacher 鍓嶉潰浣滃畾璇銆
锛圕锛夊彞涓璷ur杩欎釜褰㈠硅瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇嶅氨鏀惧湪politics teacher鍓嶉潰浣滃畾璇銆
渚3. He gave some money to me.
涓 璋 瀹 鐩村 闂村
ChenHua asked us to watch a volleyball match
涓昏 璋撹 瀹捐 瀹捐琛ヨ冻璇
in the Capital Stadium next Sunday.
鍦扮偣鐘惰锛堜綅浜庢椂闂寸姸璇涔嬪墠锛 鏃堕棿鐘惰
锛圓锛夊捐ˉ浣嶄簬瀹捐鍚庯細鎸囧捐鐨勮ˉ瓒宠甯稿父浣嶄簬瀹捐鐨勫悗闈锛屽備笂鍙ヤ腑鐨則o watch a volleyball match浣嶄簬瀹捐璾s涔嬪悗浣滆ˉ瓒宠銆
锛圔锛夊湴鐘跺父鍦ㄦ椂鐘跺墠锛氭寚鍦扮偣鐘惰甯稿父鍦ㄦ椂闂寸姸璇鐨勫墠闈锛屽備笂鍙ヤ腑鐨刬n the Capital Stadium灏辨槸鏀惧湪next Sunday涔嬪墠銆
渚4. This boy is my brother.
涓昏 绯 + 琛ㄨ锛堣皳璇锛

绗浜岃妭 鍙ュ瓙鐨勭被鍨

涓 绠鍗曞彞锛氱敱涓涓涓昏锛堟垨骞跺垪涓昏锛夊拰涓涓璋撹鎴栵紙骞跺垪璋撹锛夋瀯鎴愮殑鍙ュ瓙銆傝嫳璇鐨勭畝鍗曞彞涓昏佹湁浜旂嶇被鍨嬨
锛堜竴锛変富璇+璋撹 锛圫 +Vi锛
Birds fly.
锛堜簩锛変富璇+璋撹+瀹捐(S + V t +O)
We love China.
锛堜笁锛変富璇+璋撹+闂存帴瀹捐+鐩存帴瀹捐(S + V t + O i + O d )
He gave me a hand yesterday.
锛堝洓锛変富璇+璋撹+瀹捐+瀹捐琛ヨ(S + V t + O + O c)
The boss asks the girl to go abroad.
The player made us laugh.
锛堜簲锛変富璇+绯诲姩璇+琛ㄨ(S+V-link +P)
Ms Xiong is very beautiful.
浜岋紟骞跺垪鍙:鐢辫繛璇峚nd ,but ,so however, therefore, while 绛夎繛鎺ヤ袱涓鎴栦袱涓浠ヤ笂鐨勭殑绠鍗曞彞鑰屾瀯鎴愮殑鍙ュ瓙銆
He loves English and I loves English, too.
浠栧枩娆㈣嫳璇锛 鎴戜篃鍠滄㈣嫳璇銆
I know the news ,but I don鈥檛 want to tell him.
鎴戠煡閬撻偅涓娑堟伅锛 浣嗘槸鎴戜笉鎯冲憡璇変粬銆
He is in trouble now, so you should help him.
浠栫幇鍦ㄩ櫡鍏ュ洶澧冧簡锛 浣犲簲璇ュ府鍔╀粬銆
瀵癸細Lily always works hard, so she win the first place every term.
閿欙細Lily always works hard, she win the first place every term.

涓 澶嶅悎鍙:鍚鏈変粠鍙ョ殑鍙ュ瓙灏卞彨澶嶅悎鍙ャ傜敱浠庡睘杩炶瘝寮曞嚭鐨勫彞瀛愭槸浠庡彞锛屼笌浠庡彞鐩稿圭殑鏄涓诲彞銆傛牴鎹浠庡彞鍦ㄥ彞涓鐨勪綔鐢锛屼粠鍙ュ彲鍒嗕负鍚嶈瘝鎬т粠鍙ワ紝
What I told you is important.鎴戝憡璇変綘鐨勪簨鎯呭緢閲嶈併
People say that tomorrow is another day.浜轰滑閮借存槑澶╁張鏄鏂扮殑涓澶┿
That鈥檚 why you go.閭f槸涓轰粈涔堜綘绂诲紑銆
The news that he is a king is still unknown to everyone here.
God helps those who help themselves. 澶╁姪鑰呰嚜鍔╀箣銆
Because he was ill, he didn鈥檛 go to school.
鍘熷洜鐘惰浠庡彞 涓诲彞
鍥犱负浠栫梾浜 锛屾墍浠ヤ粬娌℃湁鍘讳笂瀛︺

鍥 骞跺垪澶嶅悎鍙:骞跺垪鍙ヤ腑鍚鏈変粠鍙ョ殑鍙ュ瓙銆
I know the news that his father was fired ,but I don鈥檛 want to tell him.

绗涓夎妭 鍙ュ瓙鐨勭嶇被
涓锛庨檲杩板彞 璇存槑涓涓浜嬪疄鎴栬呴檲杩拌磋瘽浜虹殑鐪嬫硶閫氬父鐢ㄩ檷璋冿紝鍙ユ湯鐢ㄥ彞鍙枫傝嫳璇鐨勫彞鍙锋槸涓涓鐐光.鈥濋檲杩板彞鍒嗕负鑲瀹氬彞鍜屽惁瀹氬彞涓ょ嶃
鑲瀹氬彞 We can go there.
鍚﹀畾鍙 we can鈥檛 go there.
浜岋紟 鐤戦棶鍙
1. 涓鑸鐤戦棶鍙 浠be, have,鎯呮佸姩璇嶆垨鍔╁姩璇嶅紑濮嬶紝閫氬父瑕佹眰鐢▂es鎴杗o鍥炵瓟锛屾湁鏃朵篃鍙鐢╟ertainly , perhaps , not at all绛夊洖绛斻 鍙ュ瓙閫氬父鐢ㄥ崌璋冦
Are you ready?
Do you love dogs?
Have you ever been to Shanghai?
2. 鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙:浠ョ枒闂浠h瘝who, whom, whose, which, what鍜岀枒闂鍓璇峸hen, where, why, how浠ュ強how寮曞嚭鐨勮瘝缁 how many锛 how long 绛夊紑澶寸殑鍙ュ瓙锛屼笉鑳界敤yes鎴杗o鏉ュ洖绛,璇婚檷璋冦
When shall we go?
What do you do?
How many people are there in your family?
3. 閫夋嫨鐤戦棶鍙ワ細鎻愬嚭涓や釜锛堟垨澶氫釜锛夐夐」鐪嬪摢涓涓鏄姝g‘鐨勫彞瀛愶紝涓ら儴鍒嗭紙鎴栧氶儴鍒嗭級鐢眔r杩炴帴锛宱r鍓嶇殑閮ㄥ垎璇诲崌璋冿紝or鍚庣殑閮ㄥ垎璇婚檷璋冦侽r鍙杩炴帴涓や釜锛堟垨澶氫釜锛夎〃璇銆佸捐銆佺姸璇銆佽皳璇鍔ㄨ瘝鎴栧垎璇嶏紝涓嶈兘鐢▂es鎴杗o鏉ュ洖绛旓紝璇搴忎负涓鑸鐤戦棶鍙ャ
-- Are you a student or a teacher?
--I 鈥榤 a teacher.
4.鍙嶄箟鐤戦棶鍙:鎻愬嚭鎯呭喌鎴栫湅娉曪紝闂瀵规柟鏄鍚﹀悓鎰忕殑鍙ュ瓙锛屼竴鑸鐢变袱閮ㄥ垎缁勬垚锛氣滆偗瀹氱殑闄堣堪鍙ワ紝+鍚﹀畾鐨勭畝鐣ュ彞鈥濇垨鈥滃惁瀹氱殑闄堣堪鍙+鑲瀹氱殑绠鐣ラ棶鍙モ濋檲杩板彞鐨勯儴鍒嗛氬父涓洪檷璋冿紝绠鐣ラ棶鍙ョ殑璇璋冩湁涓ょ嶏細褰撹磋瘽鑰呭圭О杩伴儴鍒嗚〃杩版鐤戞椂鐢ㄥ崌璋冿紝褰撹磋瘽鑰呭潥淇¢檲杩伴儴鍒嗘槸浜嬪疄鏃剁敤闄嶈皟;鐢▂es 鎴杗o鍥炵瓟銆
--You went to school yesterday ,didn鈥檛 you?
--Yes, I did./No , I didn鈥檛.
涓嶏紝鎴戝幓浜 銆/瀵癸紝 鎴戞病鍘汇
--It isn鈥檛 yours, is it?
--Yes, it is ./No, it isn鈥檛.
1锛 闄堣堪閮ㄥ垎鍚鏈塶o ,hardly, never, little, few绛夊惈鏈夊惁瀹氭剰涔夌殑璇嶆椂锛屽叾鍚庣殑绠鐣ラ儴鍒嗕笉鐢ㄥ惁瀹氥傦紙涓嶅寘鎷甯︽湁鍚﹀畾鎰忎箟鐨勫墠鍚庣紑鐨勮瘝锛屽俤islike ,unfair绛夛級
The boy has few friends, does he?
Mary dislikes singing, doesn鈥檛 she?
鐜涗附涓嶅枩娆㈠敱姝 锛屾槸鍚楋紵

Let鈥檚 go out to play, shall we?
Let us go fishing, will you ?
鍘婚挀楸硷紝濂藉悧 锛
3.濡傛灉涓诲彞鐨勮皳璇鏄痶hink, suppose, believe, imagine, expect, feel绛変笖
I don鈥檛 think he can come back , can he?
涓夛紟 绁堜娇鍙:琛ㄧず璇锋眰銆佸懡浠ゃ佸彯鍢便佸彿鍙绛夛紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ師褰锛涚堜娇鍙ヤ竴鑸閮借婚檷璋冿紱鍙ユ湯鐢 鈥!鈥濇垨 鈥.鈥
Come here, please!
Don鈥檛 laugh at others.
鍥涳紟鎰熷徆鍙: 琛ㄧず鍠滄掑搥涔愮瓑鎯呯华锛屽彞鏈鐢ㄦ劅鍙瑰彿鈥滐紒鈥濓紱璇婚檷璋冿紱澶氱敤what鎴杊ow寮曡捣锛泈hat鐢ㄦ潵淇楗颁竴涓鍚嶈瘝锛沨ow淇楗颁竴涓褰㈠硅瘝銆佸壇璇嶆垨鍔ㄨ瘝锛
What a nice lake it is!
What fine weather it is!
How clever the kid is!
How nice a lake it is!
How well she dances!
How he loved his family!

璧 鍚戦珮鑰
1. (2007鍖椾含鍗)You have failed two tests. You鈥檇 better start working harder, ____you won鈥檛 pass the course.
A.and B. so C. but D. or
璇戯細浣犲凡缁忎袱绉戞寕浜嗭紝浣犳渶濂借繕鏄寮濮嬪姫鍔涘︿範锛屽惁鍒欎綘鍙堣繃涓嶄簡銆 鏋愶細or杩炴帴鐨勫苟鍒椾粠鍙ャ
2. (2007鍖椾含鍗) When you鈥檝e finished with that book, don鈥檛 forget to put it back one the shelf, ____?
A. do you B. don鈥檛 you C. will you D. won鈥檛 you
3. (2007婀栧崡鍗) Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, _______the way they actually are.
A. as B. or C. but D. and

Ⅳ 帮助别人使我快乐 英语作文


I feel very happy if I help other people. I don't expect that the person I have helped will help me later, I think human beings live in a same planet, we need to help each other to make our society better.


Even for a beggar, I know some of them are not the really disable, not the way they said, but I still give them money because kneeling down on the street and beg is the way normal people would like to do.


Those beggars are really geting into a tough situation that makes them abandon their self-respect.


I will do my best to help other people if possible, when a old women crossing the street, why not just help her, when a couple of old people get on the bus, why not just give them a seat. Anyway, I hope more and more people love helping others appear in this earth.


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