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发布时间: 2024-07-03 20:47:52

㈠ 鑻辫缈昏瘧锛屽~绌

1.These are some of my photos.
2.Amy like to swim in the pool.
3.My father is talking with his friends.
4.I like English because it's very interesting.

㈡ 鎴戠殑鐖哥埜鍠滄㈡父娉充袱绉嶈嫳璇琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡

My father likes swimming.
My father is fond of swimming.
My father enjoys swimming.

㈢ 爸爸他很高他喜欢游泳这句话怎么用英语写出来

My father is very tall, and he likes swimming.
Dad is very tall and he likes swimming.

㈣ 我和爸爸经常去游泳翻译英语主谓宾

My father and I often go swimming.

㈤ 用英语怎么说 我爸爸觉的游泳很有趣 我认为她不是个好学生 他最喜欢的学课是英语

1 My father think swimming is ineresting.
2 I don't tink she is a good student.
3 His favourite subject is English .
4 Let's leave at six o'clock.
5 Thank you for your help.
6 Do you want to watch TV?
7 Does Tom do homework at home?
8 Here is one of my family photos.
9 Is Nany having dinner?
10 No,she is palying football at school.

㈥ 你爸爸喜欢游泳吗用英语说是什么

Does your father like swimming?

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