当前位置:首页 » 英文单词 » 我很喜欢中国电影用英语怎么说


发布时间: 2024-06-28 17:08:58

A. 我对这部电影感兴趣。用英语怎么说

I'm interested in the film.

B. "我喜欢看电影"英语怎么说谢谢..

(1)I love watching movies.

(2)I'd like to see a movie.

(3)Would you like to see the movie with me?

C. 我喜欢看电影,英语怎么说

I like watching films/going to the cinemas/seeing movies
【like doing sth】喜欢做...

D. 我喜欢看电影用英语翻译

I like to watch movies

E. 鎴戝枩娆㈢湅鐢靛奖,鑻辫鎬庝箞璇

I enjoy watching movies.

鐪嬬數褰辨槸璁稿氫汉浼戦棽鏀炬澗鐨勬柟寮忎箣涓锛屽畠涓嶄粎鑳藉甫缁欐垜浠娆涔愬拰鎰熷姩锛岃繕鑳芥嫇瀹芥垜浠鐨勮嗛噹锛岃╂垜浠浜嗚В涓嶅悓鐨勬枃鍖栧拰鏁呬簨銆傝嫳璇浣滀负涓绉嶅叏鐞冮氱敤鐨勮瑷锛屽湪琛ㄨ揪杩欑嶅枩濂芥椂涔熼潪甯哥洿鎺ュ拰绠鍗曘傞氳繃浣跨敤“I enjoy watching movies”杩欎釜鍙ュ瓙锛屾垜浠鍙浠ユ竻鏅板湴鍚戜粬浜轰紶杈捐嚜宸辩殑杩欎竴鐖卞ソ銆

杩欎釜鍙ュ瓙鐨勭粨鏋勭浉瀵圭畝鍗曪紝涓昏鏄“I”锛岃皳璇鏄“enjoy”锛屽捐鏄“watching movies”銆傚叾涓锛“enjoy”鏄涓涓琛ㄨ揪鍠滃ソ鐨勫父鐢ㄥ姩璇嶏紝鑰“watching movies”鍒欐槸涓涓鍔ㄥ悕璇嶇煭璇锛屼綔涓哄捐鏉ヨ存槑鎴戜滑浜鍙楃殑鍏蜂綋娲诲姩鏄浠涔堛傝繖鏍风殑琛ㄨ揪鏃㈢洿鎺ュ張鏄庝簡锛屼笉瀹规槗寮曡捣璇瑙c

姝ゅ栵紝鍦ㄨ嫳璇涓锛屾垜浠杩樺彲浠ヤ娇鐢ㄥ叾浠栨柟寮忔潵琛ㄨ揪绫讳技鐨勬剰鎬濓紝姣斿“I love watching movies”鎴栬“I am fond of watching movies”绛夈傝繖浜涘彞瀛愬湪琛ㄨ揪涓婄暐鏈夊樊寮傦紝浣嗘牳蹇冩剰鎬濋兘鏄鐩稿悓鐨勶紝鍗虫垜浠鍠滄㈢湅鐢靛奖銆傝繖绉嶈〃杈剧殑澶氭牱鎬т篃浣撶幇浜嗚嫳璇鐨勭伒娲绘у拰涓板瘜鎬с

鎬讳箣锛岄氳繃绠鍗曟槑浜嗙殑鍙ュ瓙“I enjoy watching movies”锛屾垜浠鍙浠ヨ交鏉惧湴鍚戜粬浜轰紶杈捐嚜宸卞枩娆㈢湅鐢靛奖鐨勪俊鎭銆傝繖鏍风殑琛ㄨ揪鏃㈢洿鎺ュ張鏄撲簬鐞嗚В锛屾槸鑻辫涓琛ㄨ揪涓浜哄枩濂界殑涓绉嶅父瑙佹柟寮忋

F. 我很喜欢看电影。英语翻译。

1.I like watching movies very much.
2.movies是movie的复数形式;一直喜欢是like doing ,一时喜欢是like to do (回film和movie意思差不答多)

G. 关于介绍中国电影的英语作文

1冰河世纪:20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.2.阿黛拉的非凡冒险(短)The story happened in 1912, o Della, dry white, a fearless female journalist. In order to save her sister, faraway places, even if all farris truly means to Egypt and various mummy launched matchups. As she will mummy carried to Paris, natural history museum, greater danger but in Paris afoot. The natural history museum in 100003600 million years ago only pterodactyl eggs, mysterious hatch. The whole city, enveloped in the terror of the sky. But nothing can stop o Della's footsteps, in her journey will uncover more incredible mysteries...

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