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发布时间: 2024-06-28 13:32:59

⑴ 我最喜欢的食物是米饭用英语怎么说

我最喜欢的食物是米饭的英语翻译:My favorite food is rice.

My favorite food is rice. I eat rice every day. Rice originated in China.

Almost all Chinese eat rice every day. It's white and small. Before you cook it, it's hard, but when you boil it in water, it's soft and delicious.

People usually eat rice with other things, such as meat, vegetables, fish and everything else, because when you eat rice with other things, it tastes even better than just rice. That's why I like rice. It's a healthy food that everyone should try.


⑵ 我最喜欢吃的食物,就是牛肉.用英语怎么说

My favorite food is beef
英 [ˈfeivərit] 美 [ˈfevərɪt, ˈfevrɪt]
n. 特别喜欢的人(或物); 喜欢的事物; 最有希望获胜者(尤指马); 收藏夹;
adj. 喜爱的,宠爱的,中意的;
[美国英语] = favourite;

⑶ “你最喜欢的食物是什么”的英语翻译是什么

1.what's your favourite food?

2.What do you like to eat food the best?

⑷ 我最喜欢的食物是什么英语怎么说

What's my favorite food?


⑸ 最喜欢的食物用英语怎么说

my favorite food望采纳

⑹ 最爱的食物英语



The skin is yellow and the inside is red. It tastes sweet and smooth. It's delicious and refreshing. I'll make sure you want to eat it. You ask, "what's this?" This is my favorite food - sweet potato.


Some sweet potatoes are round, some are flat, and others are neither round nor flat.


Sweet potato also has a name called "sweet potato". Probably because it grows in the ground, so it's called sweet potato! I also heard my mother tell me the story: in the Ming Dynasty, the people's life was very hard, the hard-working grain was collected by the landlords, the rest of the grain was not enough for the people to eat, and the people were often in famine.


Sweet potato originated in America and was introced to China by European missionaries. After trial planting, it was found that it had strong adaptability, drought resistance, barren resistance, wind and rain resistance, few diseases and pests, and could be cultivated in mountain and slope fields.


⑺ 闈㈡潯鏄鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇

闈㈡潯鏄鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿鍦ㄨ嫳璇涓鍙浠ヨ翠负"Noodles are my favorite food."銆


鍦ㄨ嫳璇涓锛岄潰鏉¢氬父鐢"noodles"杩欎釜璇嶆潵琛ㄧず銆"Noodles"鏄涓涓娉涙寚锛屽寘鎷浜嗗悇绉嶄笉鍚岀被鍨嬬殑闈㈡潯锛屽傛剰澶у埄闈㈡潯spaghetti銆佷腑鍥介潰鏉chinese noodles銆佹棩鏈鎷夐潰ramen noodles绛夈


杩欑嶅浗闄呭寲鐨勫垱鏂颁娇寰楅潰鏉℃洿鍔犲氭牱鍖栵紝骞朵笖婊¤冻浜嗕笉鍚屼汉浠鐨勫彛鍛抽渶姹傘"Noodles are my favorite food."鏄琛ㄨ揪"闈㈡潯鏄鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿"鐨勮嫳璇鍙ュ瓙銆傞潰鏉′綔涓轰竴绉嶅彈浜哄枩鐖辩殑椋熺墿锛屽湪涓栫晫鑼冨洿鍐呴兘鏈夌潃閲嶈佺殑鍦颁綅銆


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