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发布时间: 2024-06-22 16:50:23

㈠ 鍒板崡鏄屾梾娓哥敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇

Tourism to Nanchang 鍒板崡鏄屾梾娓
Nanchang trip 鍗楁槍涔嬫梾

㈡ 老师要我们介绍家乡,用英文介绍,300词左右。我的家乡是南昌,应该从哪方面入手求告知,谢谢。

I love this city.She’s small and quiet.Every day I live here,I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms.
I love this city.She is very beautiful and lovely.Everywhere you can see the flowers,grass and trees.The shops are full of all kinds of goods.When you walk in the street,you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air.
I love this city.The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities.

㈢ 旅游南昌八一广场的英语作文

We can see lots ladies dancing in the square or open spaces after dinner time.It was a very harmonious scene not until someone fire guns and release his dogs to threaten these ladies to escape,just because their music is too loud.Some people think this lousy music has seriously affecting their life,so that the dancing lady should be expelled from public place.While I can’t agree with them.I have two reasons to support my views.In the first place,most dancing ladies are retired woman,they finally have extra time to do something they like

㈣ 国庆南昌游记英语作文

I am so excited about this National Day's vacation.
I went for a trip with my parents as I planned.We visited a famous mountain witch is the highest mountain in my town.Like a climber,we decided to get to its peak.So,we started with enough food and water.It was easy for me at first.But I started to feel tired just 30 minutes later.I wanted to give up.But my father said never give up until you reach your goal.he also told me that I would feel the happiness of victory .so,I went on my journey.Eventually I made it,I reached the top.I realized my father was right the moment I stepped the peak and put my eyes on the scene.I was shocked deeply,the fresh air and the breeze made me comfortable.
Yes,never give up.I learn a lot from this trip.My vacation was meaningful.

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