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发布时间: 2024-04-03 08:37:50

Ⅰ 鲜花,蝴蝶,小亭子,行人,小溪,小河,小鱼,大树,淘气的小孩子用英语怎么说

鲜花,蝴蝶,小亭子,行人,小溪,小河,小鱼,大树,淘气的小孩子 英文是:
Flowers, butterflies, small pavilion, pedestrians, streams, rivers, fish, trees, naughty children

Ⅱ fish鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇达紵





锛1锛塧 small fish 涓鏉″皬楸

锛2锛塛e caught several fish 鎹曚簡鍑犳潯楸笺



锛1锛塧ll the fishes of the sea娴锋磱涓鐨勫悇绉嶉奔绫

锛2锛塗he stonefish is the most deadly of the fishes.鐭抽奔鏄鎵鐢ㄩ奔绫讳腑鏈鑷村懡鐨勩





1銆丼alted fish鍜搁奔 ; 鑵岄奔 ; 鑵屽埗楸 ; 鐩愯厡鐨勯奔

2銆乨ried fish楸煎共锛涙枃鏄岄奔骞诧紱骞查奔绮夛紱骞查奔


Ⅲ 捉鱼英语作文

One day, I had a good idea I wanted to catch a fish and bring it to Hang Zhou. I took a cup and went to the garden and run quickly to the pond. I saw a lot of fishes running freely in the water. I chose a suitable site in shore of the pond, and then bent myself to use the cup to catch fish. I couldn't catch any fish, though I tried many times. After that, I began to lose my patience and I waited till fishes swam and gathered together in somewhere near the shore. I thought it was a good opportunity so that I'm made sure I could catch one of them. I held the cup out in the water quickly, but I found no fish in the cup and suddenly lost my balance. I fell into the pond and was wet through. Fortunately the poll was very shallow, so I hadn't injured myself just been frightened a little. Eventually I couldn't catch any fish in the pond, but this interesting and memory I had kept all the time never left in my memory.

Ⅳ 鎹夐奔鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璁

鍏跺疄鎹夐奔璺熼挀楸肩殑鑻辫搴旇ヤ竴鏍凤紝閮芥槸 go fishing

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