『壹』 我是一个高中学生,我喜欢做志愿者活动,并且喜欢帮助别人,我想体验一下火车站的工作 用英语说
『贰』 我喜欢志愿者工作用英语怎么说
I like to volunteer work
『叁』 我喜欢做志愿者翻译
很不错啊, 既可以锻炼能力, 还能结交新的朋友。 不知道楼主在哪里,水平如何, 如果有机会可以给你介绍一些机会。
『肆』 我要做一名动物志愿者。我喜欢动物,所以我会很认真的工作。每周星期六我想要帮助那些流浪的动物,让它们
I want to be a animal volunteer. I like animals, so I will try my best to do this. I want to help homeless animal every Stuarday. Let them have a family.
『伍』 翻译:我想当一名志愿者 因为志愿者能帮助别人 帮助别人快乐自己 我喜欢这份工作 希望你也能成功一名
I want to be a volunteer,because a volunteer could help others, helping others and make oneself happy.I like this job.I hope you can be a volunteer, too.
『陆』 给我用英语翻译:在我们班大部分人都想成为一名志愿者,汤姆喜欢读书,他想去课外阅读中心做志愿者,他可
Most people in our class wants to become a volunteer, Tom likes reading, he wanted to go to the extracurricular reading center volunteer, he can teach children to read can also tell them stories. Lucy is a helpful girl, he volunteered to go only once a week, homes for the elderly, it can help the old people clean, and can give their singing and dancing, making them more happy.
『柒』 因为我非常喜欢志愿者英语
Because I like the volunteer very much 。
『捌』 “我还喜欢帮助他人、志愿者需要熟悉周边环境”用英语怎么说
I also like to help others, volunteers have to be familiar with circumjacent environment
『玖』 我们很喜欢参加这种志愿者活动 英语翻译,过去式
We really enjoyed participating in the volunteer activities
『拾』 写一篇英语作文关于我曾经参加过志愿者活动,里面包含:我喜欢交朋友,为人友善;最喜欢看书和做运动;在
In the afternoon of Saturday, the school will undertake a caring activities, the theme of "real warm people's heart."The main requirements and arrangements are as follows:
This is a public service activities, the need for volunteers to participate.The activities of voluntary participation, the spirit of free will and interest in assisting a person to improve the social purposes and does not seek self-interest and the social concept of reward.
We will need to go to a primary school, primary school for the children inside the obligations of the lectures, which students in storytelling, mathematics, science, children's paintings, and other aspects of children's music had an outstanding performance, you can register.
This is a dedication of love, this is a transfer of love. Let us a small hand big hand, the love passed on to more people.