『壹』 海南岛是个自然环境优美,也是一个度假旅游的好地方用英语翻译怎么说
Hainan Island is a good holiday resort and tourist attraction with beautiful natural scenery.
『贰』 “海南风景秀美,是旅游度假胜地”怎么用英文翻译
Hainan is a tourist holiday resort that is famous for its beautiful scenery.
『叁』 越来越多的人选择旅游作为他们的度假方式,这时以何种交通方式出行是他们面临的问题之一,的英语翻译
more and more people choose travel as their ways of taking a holiday. therefore how to take a trip is one of the problems they have to face.
『肆』 史密斯夫妇喜欢旅游,他们计划和往常一样出国度假。的英语翻译
The smiths like to travel, they plan to go abroad on vacation as usual
『伍』 “旅游度假区”英语怎么说
Tourist Resort
『陆』 “听说你要去旅游所以我在这给你说一下在旅游度假中的应该做什么和不应该做什么”用英语怎么说
It's said that you were having a travel. So I am here giving you some tips about what you could or could not do ring traveling.
『柒』 随着经济发展和人民生活水平的显著提高,旅游度假已成为许多人的首选 用英语咋说
With the economic development and great improvements of peoples's living conditions,
Travel or on vacation have become the priority of most people.
『捌』 太湖西岸旅游度假区 用英语怎么翻译
the west bank vacation area of taihu
『玖』 我想和朋友一起去度假用英语怎么说
I want to go on a vacation with my friends.
I want to go on holiday with my friends.
『拾』 “我和我的家人到香港度假,真是一次令人兴奋的旅行”用英语怎么说
My family and I made a trip to Hongkong on holiday,which was really an exciting tour.