1. “有人说过,爱可以卑微,但不可以卑贱。”请会英语的人翻译一下。
直接搜 网络翻译 然后,想翻译什么都可以啦。
Someone once said, love can be humble, but not mean
2. 我爱你,但不会爱到让自己变得卑微。用英语怎么说
I love you,yet not to make myself humble.
3. 喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出花来。用英语怎么说
Like a person would be humble to the st inside, and then out flowers.
4. ‘请你不要用我卑微的爱情来践踏我仅存的自尊’的英文翻译
Please do not trample on my only pride by such a cruel means of my humble love.
5. 最凉不过人心最卑微不过爱情用英语怎么说
6. 喜欢真是一件很卑微的事情用英语怎么说
Favorite is a humble matter.
7. 爱到深处是卑微用英语怎么说
To the depths of love is humble
8. 我很渺小但不卑微用英语怎么说
I very small but not humble!
9. 卑微的 卑微的爱 两句 用英语分别怎么说
ignorable, humble
ignorable love, humble love
10. “我的爱太卑微,卑微到你发现不了”的英文翻译
My love is too low, the humble to you can not find the