A. 在那时我喜欢听悲伤的歌 英语翻译
At that time I like to listen to the sad song
B. 我喜欢听音乐。英语怎么说
I like listening to music
C. 英语作文"我喜欢听伤感的音乐"
It is a kind of sadness that we usually try to avoid emotions. Why do they like to listen to our music which people sad? Sad concert arouse passion. And this sad triggered by the music seems to give people pleasure. What is the reason? Aristotle had proposed the concept of emotional catharsis famous: When exactly in the middle of a bad mood, the music (or play) allows us to be purified. Kind of situation will arise in the cheerful song: perceived joyful mood, feel better than scoring high. Overall, the emotional classification, in a characteristic tone, the perceived mood than the feel of a high scoring mood.
D. 我喜欢听音乐 用英语怎么说
1、用“like”来表示:I like listening to music .
2、用“love”来表示:I love listening to music.
3、用“enjoy”来表示:I enjoy listening to music.
4、用“be fond of”来表示:I am fond of listening to music.
5、用“be keen on”来表示:I am keen on listening to music.
6、用“adore”来表示:I adore listening to music.
7、用“delight in”来表示:I delight in listening to music .
例句:Do you like their new house?(翻译:你喜欢他们的新房子吗?)
例句:He loved the way she smiled.(翻译:他喜欢她微笑的样子。)
3、 enjoy:享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱。
例句:Ross had always enjoyed the company of women.(翻译:罗斯向来喜欢有女人伴其左右。)
4、be fond of sth:指喜爱(尤指已爱上很长时间的事物)。
例句:We were fond of the house and didn't want to leave.(翻译:我们喜欢上了这座房子,不想搬家。)
5、be keen on sth:指喜欢、喜爱。
例句:She's not keen on being told what to do.(翻译:她不喜欢别人向她发号施令。)
例句:I simply adore his music!(翻译:我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!)
7、delight in:喜欢…,以…为乐;深嗜笃好;赏玩。
例句:I enjoy seeing your parents take such a delight in the boys. (翻译:看到你父母如此喜欢这些男孩子,我很高兴。)
“music”中的“mus”=muse 娱乐 , 来自希腊神话“缪斯”女神, 是文艺音乐女神。
1、mus娱乐+ic 某种药,即“让人开心的药物——音乐”:music。
3、a加强+mus 娱乐+e ,即“一再娱乐”:amuse。
4、amuse娱乐,使高兴+ment 表名词,即“娱乐”:amusement。
E. 我喜欢听音乐英语怎么说
I like listening to musics.
F. 为什么我喜欢听伤感的纯音乐
你喜欢纯音乐我送你几首.平时我也爱听. 呵呵,不过希望你可以在这些纯音乐中释放自己心中的压力.得到解脱. 不要在音乐中让自己伤感.不然作曲人会很伤心的拉... 1.Shining sliver skies rip by Greensleaves 2.TVエンディングテーマ- 吉田洁 3.Highlands- Various Artists 4.峨眉金顶-蜀山online 5.Great morning- Daveed 6.风居住的街道- 纯音乐 7.春野樱主题曲- 火影忍者主题曲,比较欢快 8.在记忆里- 纯音乐 9.Love Story meets Viva La Vida- 纯音乐
G. “我喜欢伤感的音乐”英语翻译~~求助.
H. “我喜欢伤感的音乐”的英语翻译
I love blue music
I like music that make me weep
I. 为什么我喜欢听悲伤的轻音乐
每个人的风格不同 也许你就是喜欢梁祝那种令人荡气回肠却又潸然泪下的凄楚 听听轻音乐可以舒缓一下心情 放松自己 是种不错的选择 我也很喜欢听伤感的轻音乐 有什么好的音乐推荐一下啊~ 嘻嘻~
J. 我喜欢音乐,因为它可以使我快乐,当我不开心的时候,我就会听音乐,这段话用英语怎么说
英语就是 I love music, because it can make me feel happy. When I am not happy, I will listen to music.