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发布时间: 2021-01-08 10:51:36

❶ 用英文翻译:我不喜欢抽烟、喝酒,不喜欢拈花惹草,不喜欢对我漠不关心,不主动找我聊天,不喜欢不会做

I didn't like smoking, drinking, doesn't like to chase after loose women, doesn't like to I be indifferent to, do not take the initiative to find me chat, don't lovewon't do housework, didn't love to others and generous, don't like spendingboy

❷ 英语翻译  我不喜欢酒的味道,但我喜欢酒醉的感觉.

I don't like the taste of wine,but I like drunk feeling

❸ 我喜欢喝酒是因为它只会伤胃不会伤心的英文

I enjoy drinking the wine , just because it only hurt stomarch , but heart.
I love drinking the wine, just because it only harm stomarch, but heart.

❹ 我不喜欢喝酒


❺ 英语翻译,我不喜欢一年之内喝酒抽烟加起来次数超过十次的人。

I don't like people who drink and smoke more than ten times a year.

❻ 英语翻译 我不喜欢这酒店因为酒店对员工一点都不好 怎么翻译成英文

I do not like this hotel because the hotel staff is not good.

❼ 我喜欢和啤酒,但我现在不打算喝(用英语怎么说)

I like beer. But I'm not going to drink right now

❽ 英语翻译 这两晚,沉迷酒吧气氛,但抗拒酒精 意思就是`我喜欢酒吧的气愤,但不喜欢喝酒

These two night,I was addicted to the atmosphere of the pub,but reject the alcohol.

❾ 我不喜欢喝酒,我不会喝酒,但我慢慢的学会了,喝醉了,什么事都忘了翻译成英语

I don't like booze and I don't know how to drink, but I have learnt it graally; when I was drunk,
I forgot everything.

❿ 我不喜欢喝啤酒(英文

i don't like drike beef

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