A. 用英语怎么说:特别干净有条理的人和睡觉 neat freak & crash (87)
LH: 我刚收拾完房间,现在我要把所有文件分类,然后放在这些不同颜色的文件夹里。 LL: Wow, you really are a neat freak. LL: Calm down. Li Hua. To be neat is to be very clean and orderly. A freak is a person that is really weird or unusual. Together, a neat freak refers to someone who likes to keep things extremely clean and organized. LL: Yes, see, your room always looks perfect, you always make your bed. You never throw your clothes on the floor. And you have all your papers well organized. LH: 那你和neat freak刚好相反。你的房间总是乱糟糟的,床也不铺,衣服满地乱扔,还有,你的各种学习资料也是到处乱放。 LL: Well, I’m not a neat freak, so I don’t care if everything is neat and perfect. LH: 我看哪,Larry, 你就是太懒了– I think you are just too lazy。 LL: Well, maybe I am a little lazy, but look at your room, books, sweaters and even newspapers are stacked in order, and you’re a real neat freak. LL: Alright. Now that you’ve finished cleaning, why don’t we go to a movie. LH: Sure, let’s go!******LL: That movie was so long. It’s almost midnight! I’m so tired that I think I’m going to go home and crash. LL: No, I don’t mean crash as in car-crash. I mean crash as in go to sleep. LL: Yes, I really want to go home and crash means that I really want to go home and sleep. LL: Yes, you can say that. Another example is: I crashed at Jim’s house the other night because it was too late to go home. LL: Of course you can, but right now Li Hua, what I really want is to crash in my own bed. I can’t wait to get home. LH: 有那么着急吗? 刚才看电影的时候我看你眼睛还张的大大的呢。不过,我也挺累的了。我想我一到家也会倒头就睡着的 I will also crash when I get home. 今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是neat freak, 表示特别爱干净、有条理的人。
B. 他很有条理,处理事情井井有条用英语怎么说
He is very organized to deal with things in good order.
C. 英语翻译:教我们怎样有条理的想问题
teach us how to view questions in an organized way
D. 如何有条理的学好英语
1. 勤奋和持续坚持。大多数人学不好英语根本的原因是懒惰和三天打鱼两天专晒网。
2. 把英语当成一门声属音而不是文字来学。英语首先是一门声音,文字不过是声音的标本而已。所以大量的声音输入和输出是必不可少的,早期要多运用耳朵和嘴巴,少用眼睛。一个儿童学会母语靠得就是听说,打通耳朵是其学习语言的第一步,它首先在它听不懂的噪音里建立声音秩序。
3. 建议从学单词开始就听音背单词,建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力。而且英语单词的拼写大多数是有规律的,你记住了它的声音,拼写也就简单了,你说也就能脱口而出了。
E. 怎样记英语笔记有条理
我分为几类 词组:从A写到Z ,当然是每天积累的,而不是让你照着什么材料抄一大堆 语法:包括各种从句,虚拟语气,独立主格结构,倒装句,主谓一致这几大语法 重点单词解析 还有就是弄个错题本,在老师讲英语题时把那些你觉得比较难比较重要或易错的划上,课下把它抄下来,没事多看看。
F. 高一英语单词,短语,句型……如何有条理的学习(包括如何自学)(方法)
我曾经和你一样其实你现在报班也不起作用我是一直自学的所以我说的基本是自己体会的,哪怕是零起点的班因为人多的原因所以不是每个人都能顾及。 因此你可以这样学习(仅供参考) (一)准备的东西:一套国际音标;(如果会说普通话最少一个月时间每天最少2小时练习要听录音跟读,连普通话发音都有问题就要视情况增加练习了) ;;新概念英语1 (二)操作步骤:1复习一遍字母,每天练习音标(要大声读,旁边的人觉得你恶心你基本上就进步了) 2背诵一些简单的词汇最好超过600单词量要通过背简单句子来记忆词汇。(比如常见的打招呼等礼貌用语) 3开始学习新概念1册,每天坚持。(一天不坚持,相当于退步三天) 最后说说:你最好找个老师或者大学生家教都可以,基础总不能走弯路吧。让他带领你打完基础大概一两个月,在讲授知识的过程中顺便传授你方法这样的方法才是灵活的方法。学习方法是文字无法说清的你没有基础所以会完全按照所谓的说明步骤来练习这样对你是误导是不负责任的。只有面对面的交流才可以理解通透,灵活的使用方法。才能学好英语。所以我不提倡一开始就寻找所谓的方法而是找个老师让师傅把你领进门,在自己修行坚持。不然自己用了错误的方法坚持达到了不能更改的地步就完了。所以不要迷信别人的方法。或者上面的东西我说的东西也不用买,先找个英语好的家教,让他根据你情况给你挑一些适合你的教材这样是最好的。所以我说的也未必是对的,只是自己体会的。有可能不适合别人
G. 做事有条理 英语翻译
be very organized in doing sth.
or: be methodical in doing sth.
H. “做事有条理”的英文怎么说
do things in an orderly way
I. 英语高手帮帮忙!!!
Traffic Problems
It’ reported that in many cities, like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, nearly 70% of the families are considering buying a family car within the 5 to 10 years. I think private cares should not be encouraged in China, especially in the big cities.
As you know, China’s traffic situation is as bad as other major countries in the world. There is too much traffic in city and it’s getting worse. Too many people drive to work. Commuters have to spend a lot of time on the way. Some times the traffic jams cause long halts. Besides that, another big problem in many cities is the terrible air pollution. Too many private cars are causing too much smog. It’s especially bad in rush hours. Central city or business district in the downtown is especially affected by the air pollution.
According to this situation, I think government should plan to extend the extra charge for private cars with high emissions and invest more on uplift of public transportation. This will result in more people taking public transportations as buses and underground. Fewer people will drive to work.
Everybody hope to live in a cleaner and safer city. I think if forget buying a family car, you can get more.
J. 有条理的 用英语怎么说