⑴ 日语翻译 日本料理里我最喜欢吃寿司,你呢中文和日文有些词意思是想反得呢 比如说女儿
⑵ 日本料理我最喜欢寿司,我不擅长做寿司 求翻译成日语
⑶ “我喜欢吃日本料理和韩国料理”翻译成英文,要翻译的高级一点,不要“I like eating...
The Japanese and Korean cuisine are my favourite!
Nothing but the Japanese and Korean cuisine are my love!
I cann`t like the Japanese and Korean cuisine a little more!
There`s no taste but the Japanese and Korean cuisine.
⑷ 我喜欢日本料理英语
"I like to eat Japanese food and Korean cuisine"
⑸ 我喜欢吃日本料理 翻译成英语是
I love you, not because of who you are, but because when I am around you who I am.I think I have not be matural enough to forgive betrayal.In this world there will always be a person, to give you a packet of arsenic as honey, as you will swallow.</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>
⑹ 我喜欢吃生鱼片,我想问下西宁的日本料理店,谢谢!
商业巷里面有个美食城 里面有家日本料理。很容易找的。口味还可以~
⑺ 跪求日语翻译!!(十万火急)最好要有罗马字母。 内容:“我喜欢篮球、NBA和日本料理。我擅长做饭。”
Wa ta si ha bas u ke tto bou ru ya e nu bii ei ya ni ho nn ryo u ri ga su ki de su. So sit e ,wa ta si ha ryo u ri ga to ku I de su .
⑻ 请问日语“这家店的日本料理我很喜欢”怎么翻译