发布时间: 2021-01-01 13:15:40
A. 我放不下你,因为我喜欢你的英语怎么说
I can't stop thinking about you, because I like you.
B. 这是什么意思因为我喜欢你怎么用英语表示
What's the meaning of this? Because I like you
C. 因为我喜欢你 英文怎么解释
because I love you 望采纳 。
D. 因为我喜欢你,胜过地球上任何一个人.用英语怎么写
because I like you more than anyone in this world.
E. 只是因为我喜欢你。英语怎么说
Just because I like you,
F. 我等你,因为我喜欢你.用英语怎么写
I will wait for you because I really like you
G. 因为我喜欢你用英语怎么说
Because I am fond of you / I like / love you.