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发布时间: 2021-03-06 22:02:01

① 蔬菜沙拉的英文用,用什么词可以修饰

salad 蔬菜沙拉

② 蔬菜沙拉的英语

vegetables salad

③ 我们想要一些蔬菜沙拉的英文

We would like some vegetable salad.

④ 请问 蔬菜沙拉 用英语 salad with vegetable 还是vegetables


⑤ 沙拉用英语怎么说

sarah的音标是英 ['sεərə]美 ['sεərə],中文拼写:萨拉,这个名字来源于希伯来语,寓意是“公主”专,经常也拼写为Sara。



(1)Sarah Caldwell 萨拉•考德威尔:(1924~2006),美国女指挥家。

(2)Sarah McLachlan 萨拉•麦克拉克伦:(1968~),加拿大音乐家、歌手和作词人。

(3)Sarah Brightman莎拉·布莱曼,1960年8月14日出生于英国伯肯斯特得,古典跨界音乐(Claasical crossover)女高音歌手、音乐剧演员、词曲作者。

(4)Sarah Connor莎拉·寇娜,1980年6月13日出生于德国下萨克森州代尔门霍斯特,流行音乐歌手,德国蓝调天后[1]。莎拉于2000年代初期便在欧洲走红。

(5)Dr. Sara Tancredi萨拉·唐克里迪(维恩·卡里斯)经典美剧越狱的女主角。

⑥ 用英语写出制作蔬菜沙拉的过程

1.Get a bowl, and a head of lettuce. Make sure you wash the lettuce well. Break the leaves off, and rub the lettuce under cold water. Then dry. To save time, simply buy a bag of already washed and shredded lettuce.
2.Add some veggies that you like! Wash and chop up a few to throw in with the salad. Try to mix interesting flavors, such as tomatoes, celery, and herbs (fresh is best).
3.Add some tofu or seitan chunks, and walnuts are good for any salad.
4.Mix all of your ingredients into the bowl and stir together. Add your favorite dressing.
Now you can enjoy your taste salad~!That's all.

⑦ 蔬菜沙拉用英语怎么说

蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable Salad;
1.We don't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette, okay? 我们不想要蔬菜沙拉淋上洋梨醋, 好吗 ?
2.She made a salad of crisp vegetables for a starter. 她制作了一个鲜脆蔬回菜沙拉作为第一道答菜。

⑧ 蔬菜色拉的英语

vegetable salad

⑨ 怎样做蔬菜沙拉 用英语写的》。。

Main ingredient: Mosaic lettuce, yulan food, red bell peppers, and thyme small tomato, purple cabbage, fabaceous seedling, purple leaf lettuce, corn kernels, onion
Ingredients: thousand island salad sauce
Vegetable salad practice
1, hua xie lettuce break into large pieces on the plate.
2, will yulan food evenly set before them.
3, put in red pepper circle and cut small tomato.
4, adding appropriate fabaceous seedling and purple cabbage silk.
5, purple leaf lettuce rolled up on vegetables and and onion rings and sweet corn kernels.
6, put in thousand island salad sauce mix well.serve.
Efficacy: lose weight, beauty to raise colour, the clear brain and kidney function, regulate appetite
Fruit salad to rece weight, choose oil vinegar and the thousand island dressing, control heat:
In recent years popular for salad oil vinegar to the taste, is by the olive oil and black vinegar move into, is very healthy and low caloric sauce. Should try not to add thousand island dressing, because of the thousand island dressing high quantity of heat will put the vegetable salad of low quantity of heat to offset.

⑩ 关于食物的菜名英语.蔬菜沙拉的英语怎么说 它是用什么材料作成的(要用英语)

vegetable salad. ingredients: vegetables. fresh fruit. salad sauce

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