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发布时间: 2021-02-09 02:35:19

① 现在人们越来越适应快节奏的生活,但相比之下,以我的性格,我认为我更喜欢比较慢一点生活方式的英文翻译

Noways people are more and mora suitable for fast life. But in compare as my characteristic I think I prefer slow live

② 翻译:“我喜欢快节奏的生活” 用英语怎么说

i enjoy the fast-paced life

③ “慢生活”用英语怎么说

Slow Life

④ 用英语描述慢节奏生活的缺点

compare like the slow rhythm the life,I thought that the slow rhythm life is one kind of life manner,one kind of healthy point of view,one kind of positive struggle,is highly self-confident thinks actually to the life wants to go.The slow life,is not the support is lazy,slows the tempo delays the time.Only then alternates work with rest,could find balanced in the ever changing social life.The slow rhythm's life is very good.As soon as comes to be possible to be at oneself the striking condition,two come to be possible to let the blood be at saturated and the smooth condition,three come also to be possible to enjoy the life fully.The rhythm of life has been too quick,sometimes will press the human not to gasp for breath,but I hoped that more people will get down slowly as far as possible the rhythm,how colorful under will enjoy our life is,will get down slowly the life,I believed that you will think will be more substantial.

⑤ 为什么喜欢慢生活节奏的英语作文

,it is a kind of compared to the far hills of the earthly fireworks,Lin is a poetic habitation of way of life,is a return to self,taste life attitude.In this hurried after s in a hurry,we should press the temper,enjoy the life in the slow.
Like slow,because it can make us keep a quiet heart,people struggling in a fast-paced life,if the stone hit the water,a splash water around a countless throw namely,and peace of heart is like still water,no ripples.,the quiet,not quiet beyond reach \"nothing that slow,with a common perspective to look at life,all are in a slow tempo become lovely.
Boil a pot of tea to fold a white plum blossoms,hold a green umbrella slowly look at small rain flower.No summer rain quickly,slowly taste,life is so quiet elegant.

⑥ 我觉得慢节奏的生活是一种享受的翻译是:什么意思

I think the slow pace of life is a kind of enjoyment

⑦ 慢生活 用英语怎么说,出自何处谢谢



在年开始,意大利人Carlo Petrini推动“慢食运动”(Slow Food Movement),现今已成为二十一世纪世界关注的话题。“慢食”风潮从欧洲开始席卷全球,让我们不断思考自己的生活。并由此发展出一些列的“慢”生活方式,以提醒生活在高速发展时代的人们,请慢下来关注心灵、环境、传统。快餐式的生活是粗糙的、缺乏关怀的。于是,一群关注“如何生活是好”的先锋,在各个领域和层次,以各种创新的方式,体现“慢”的态度——

慢设计(SLOW Design):慢设计涉及的,不只是耐力或速度,而是深思和熟虑,还有温柔而充满爱意的关照。现在,以北欧的产品设计、欧洲或美国一些极具人文关怀的杂志为主要体现。

慢食(SLOW Food):其实“慢食”不只说要慢慢品尝,更是一种懂得珍惜和欣赏的生活态度。“我们吃的东西,应该是以更缓和的步调去培植、去烹煮和食用。Petrini表示,慢吞吞并非慢食的目标,慢的真义是指你必须能掌握自己的生活节奏,掌握自己的品味,世界才会更加丰富。”

慢写(SLOW Up):在资讯爆炸的时代,每天塞得满满的头条和大标题,人们注重时效、哗然、轰动、猛料、私隐。“慢写”的态度,不只是要慢慢写、经过思考地写,而是要懂得欣赏和理解,寻回失落的人文精神,好好读一本书,写一段感受;研究传统的文化,不让它们成废墟;学习如何言之有物,文字是有灵魂的。经常阅读和制造快餐化文字,只会让创造力越来越丧失。

慢爱(SLOW Love):速食般的恋情、一夜情,为了排遣寂寞的恋爱,是否来得太快、太无原则?朴实纯真的爱情,是需要你自己先慢下来,懂得欣赏和赞美身边的事物。否则,寂寞是永恒的。


⑧ 越来越多的人们喜欢过一种慢节奏的生活用英语怎么说

More and more people like to live a slower pace

⑨ 很多人喜欢慢节奏的乡村生活的翻译是:什么意思

many people like slow county life

⑩ 人们应该放慢生活的节奏,英语怎么说

People should slow down the pace of life

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