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发布时间: 2022-11-18 13:25:52

⑴ 姜堰马力英语好还是新东方英语好

Everyone's dream must be a strong backing to the country's powerful. 上个世纪火得一塌糊涂的美国梦,都是以美国强大的经济实力和文化实力为依托的,而那正是美国经济最繁荣的一段时期。 Mess of fire last century the American dream, are powerful economic strength and cultural strength relying, that is the U.S. economy the most prosperous period. 同样,随着我们中国经济的飞速发展,综合国力日益增强,国际地位显著提高,我们现在完全有资本,有能力畅谈“我的中国梦”。 Similarly, as China's rapid economic development, the comprehensive national strength growing international status improved significantly, we are now fully capital, the ability to talk about the "I Dream of China".
以前我们国家积贫积弱,饱受欺凌,那时候每一个中国人都想自己的祖国强大,祖国强大了,我们才能过上幸福的生活。 Our country poor and weak, suffering from bullying, when every Chinese person wants to own a powerful country, the motherland is strong, we can live a happy life. 国家,国家,先有国后有家。 Country, the state, the first country after the home. 让祖国强大欺凌,让中国人民站起来,这是我们上一辈人执着追寻的中国梦啊! So the motherland strong bullying, so that the Chinese people have stood up, this is our previous generation, the persistent pursuit of the Chinese Dream! 经过艰苦卓绝的奋斗,上一辈人的梦想已经实现了,看看我们的周围,看看洋溢着笑容的你们。 After arous struggle, the dream of a generation ago would have been achieved, take a look around, look at you beaming with smiles. 作为上一辈人梦想的见证者,我倍感荣幸,也深感责任重大,他们把更大的梦想交给了我们,时至今日,我们要将这中国梦继承下去。 As the last generation of people dream of a witness, I felt honored, but also feel the heavy responsibility, and their greater dream to us today, we want this dream inherited down. 我们的祖国现在强大了,人民富足了。 Our motherland strong, the people of affluence. 我们没有理由做得比上一辈差。 There is no reason for us to do worse than the previous generation. 我的中国梦就是继承了上一辈们的执着,让祖国更强大,人民更富有。 My dream is inherited on his daughter's persistent, more powerful motherland, the people richer. 同时,让我们的下一代有更好的条件实现他们的中国梦。 At the same time, so that our next generation in a better position to achieve their Chinese dream.
中国梦的传承就是中华民族自强不息精神的传承。 The heritage of the Chinese dream is self-improvement spiritual heritage of the Chinese nation. 虽然今天的我们不需要经历战火的洗礼,但是我们有责任去弘扬民族精神,为祖国的一切贡献出自己的力量。 Although today we do not need to experience the baptism of the war, but we have a responsibility to promote the national spirit, contribution to the motherland of all their strength. 继承上一辈的中国梦,为了下一代的中国梦,这就是我的中国梦! Inherited generation dream for the next generation of Chinese dream, this is my dream of China!
雄关漫道真如铁,是对梦想的追求;而今迈步从头越,是对梦想的执着! Man of iron, and the pursuit of dreams; CHAMC devotion to the dream! 来吧,让我们携起手来,响应时代的号召,为了美好的明天,为了光荣的未来,前进! Come, let us join hands in response to the call of the times, for a better tomorrow, to a glorious future, forward! 我的梦,中国梦! My dream, dream!

⑵ 马力英语培训究竟如何

偶在扬抄州马力学的四级班,这次四级考了八十二分 ,很高兴,要知道这个班的内容我才学了二分之一啊! 在这里学习了也半年的时间了,感觉以前那么多年的英语真是白学了,训练量加起来还没有这短短几个月的多,真是脱胎换骨啊 ,口语听力也大有进步,以前怎么敢开口啊,现在不一样了,与外教交流也不错了。 虽然过了四级,可课程还没学完呢,还要继续啊,把口语说的再流利些,当然还要考六级 马力真的不错,在家去看看撒,想学就不要错过哦

⑶ 扬州马力英语怎么样


⑷ 靖江比较好的英语培训机构是哪家啊能不能留一下电话和地址

靖江马力英语 0523-84851011

⑸ 扬州市区附近有什么好的英语培训学校


⑹ 孩子新概念学了一半了,老师突然换了孩子就不大想学了,想换家培训机构的,扬州哪家好点啊马力怎么样


⑺ 马力英语是什么

马力 [mǎ lì]
n. horsepower ; soup
misc. pferdestaerke

1.This motor turns up 100 horsepower.

2.After all, the reasoning goes, if we have the horsepower to move elephantsaround, mere mice should pose no challenge.

3.We give our old laptops to our parents because they don’t need high horsepowerand rarely use the machines, if at all.

⑻ 宝应马力英语怎么样值得去吗


⑼ 扬州市培训英语的地方

咨询电话:0514-7343112 7318958

⑽ 有谁知道淮安马力英语的地址以及电话


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