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发布时间: 2024-04-15 17:07:25

⑴ 2021骞翠笂鍗婂勾澶у﹁嫳璇鍥涚骇缈昏瘧鍙傝3绡

銆 #鍥涘叚绾ц冭瘯# 瀵艰銆戝疂鍓戦攱浠庣(鐮哄嚭锛屾呰姳棣欒嚜鑻﹀瘨鏉ャ傚潥鎸佸囪冪殑浜虹敓锛屽緢绉鏋侊紝寰堝疂璐碉紝寰堝姳蹇椼傚啿鍚э紝鍔鍔涘惂锛佷互涓嬩负 锛




銆銆Eight Major Cuisines

銆銆China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation with a vast territory and abundant resources, and every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes. Regional cuisines have taken shape after long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and other factors. The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan锛孻ue, Min, Su锛孼he, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as 鈥淓ight Major Cuisines鈥. Dishes in the 鈥淓ight Major Cuisines鈥漣n China are characterized by diversified cooking skills, with each having its strong points.


銆銆鍑犱釜涓栫邯浠ユ潵锛屼腑鍥藉湪鑷鐒朵腑瀵绘眰鐏垫劅鍜岃嚜鐭ヤ箣鏄(self- knowledge)銆 鍥犳わ紝鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉洯鏋椾腑寮曞彂鑷鐒朵笘鐣屻傜敱浜庡煄甯傚湡鍦颁竴鐩 鏄傝吹锛屼腑鍥藉煄甯傜殑鍥鏋楃浉瀵归兘姣旇緝灏忥紝浣嗘槸姣忎竴涓涓鍥藉洯鏋楅兘鑷村姏 浜庡博鐭炽佹嶇墿銆佹按鐪嬭捣鏉ユ瘮瀹冨疄闄呬笂瑕佹洿濂斤紝鍥犱负涓鍥界殑鍥鏋楄捐 甯堢敤宸у欑殑鏂瑰紡甯﹂嗘父瀹浠庝竴涓鐙鐗圭殑鏈夊埄瑙嗚(vantage point)鍒板彟鏈夊埄瑙嗚掋


銆銆For centuries, the Chinese have sought inspiration and self- knowledge in nature. Hence, the gardens in China evoke the natural world. Because land has always been expensive in cities锛寀rban China gardens are relatively small, but the space of every Chinese garden de¬voted to rocks锛宲lants and water seems much greater than it actually is because of the clever ways in which Chinese garden designers lead the visitor from one unique vantage point to another.




銆銆Equity in ecation

銆銆In order to promote equity in ecation, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of ecational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory ecation Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children鈥檚 coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better ecation for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools now.


⑵ 英语四级翻译练习题:汉语桥


“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛(the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students)是由国家汉办(the Office of Chinese Language Council International)主办的大规模国际性比赛。到目前为止,这个一年一度的比赛已经成功举办了12届。今年的决赛共有来自77个不同国家的123名选手(contestant)参加。该赛旨在激发各国学生学习汉语的兴趣及加强世界对汉语和中国文化的了解。 同时,这个比赛也建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁。


The "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students is a large-scale international competition sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International So far this yearly event has been successfully held for 12 times. A total of 123 contestants from 77 different countries participated in the finals this year. The "Chinese Bridge" Competition aims to arouse the interest of students in various countries in learning Chinese and strengthen the world's understanding of Chinese language and culture. It also builds a communication bridge between young college students of China and other countries.


1.第1句中的定语“由国家汉办主办的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用过去分词短语sponsored by…引出,表被动。

2.第2句中的“已经成功举办了12届”形式上为主动句,其含义却表被动,译成英文时要采用被动语态,故译作has been successful held for 12 times.

3.第3句“今年的决赛共有来自77个不同国家的123名选手参加”如果直译成the finals of this year had 123 contestants…,不符合英文表达习惯:翻译时,先确定好主要结构(a total of 123 contestants participated in the finals)。“来自77个不同国家的”作主语的后置定语,用介词短语from 77 different countries来表达。时间状语“今年”置于句末。

4.最后一句中的“建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁”如果逐字对译为builds a communication bridge between Chinese young college students and students in other countries则显重复啰嗦。故“省译”两个“学生”中的一个,把“中国”和“其他国家”处理成后置定语,表达为between young college students of China and other countries.


⑶ 英语四级翻译练习题:北京


北京是中华人民共和国的首都,也是全国的政治和文化中心。大约70万年前,北京人(Peking Man)出现在北京西南48公里的周口店地区。十世纪初期,北京成为辽代(the LiaoDynasty)的第二个都城。从那时起,北京先后成为金、元、明和清四朝的首都,直至1911年。1949年10月1日,毛主席在北京向全世界宣布了中华人民共和国的成立。北京人口超过2000万,大约1000万人住在城里,其他人住在郊区。


Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, is the nation's political and cultural center. Some 700,000 years ago, Peking man appeared at Zhoukoudian, 48 kilometres southwest of Beijing. At the beginning of the 10th century, it became the second capital of the Liao Dynasty. From then on, Beijing had been the capital of the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties until 1911. On October 1st, 1949, Chairman Mao proclaimed to the whole world the founding of the People's Republic of China in Beijing. Beijing has a population of over 20 million; about 10 million live in the city proper and the rest on the suburbs.

1.政治和文化中心:翻译为political and cultural center。


3.向全世界宣布:翻译为proclaim to the wholeworld。proclaim意为“宣布, 宣告”,proclaim to…意为“向…宣布”。

4.中华人民共和国的成立:翻译为the founding of thePeople's Republic of China。表示“成立”要用founding。

5.北京人口超过2000万:翻译为 Beijing has a population of over 20 million。


⑷ 英语四级翻译考前模拟:了解是信任的基础/契约精神





Understanding leads to trust.Today,I would like to speak to you about China's
development strategy and its future against the backdrop of the evolution of the
Chinese civilization and China's current development endeavor.I hope this will
help you gain a better understanding of China.




Chinese Confucian culture also values fidelity, which even has been fixed as
a key point in “Five Constant Virtues(benevolence, righteousness, propriety,
wisdom and fidelity).In our traditional culture background, the interpersonal
trust is mainly relied on consanguinity, marriage affinity, geographical and
personal ties rather than on rules and contracts. In recent decades, the
market-oriented reform pushes the transition of Chinese society with the force
of a thunderbolt, shaking the long-established blood, geographic and working
relationship and impacting the traditional acquaintances social networks and the
trust between acquaintances. The development of market economy promotes the
increasing trust between strangers, forming graally the practices of more and
more people acting in accordance with rules. Under the globalization of world
economy, only obeying the rules can Chinese enter into international society as
soon as possible. Those who want to live by their wits regardless of the
contract spirit or that kind of people will lose the opportunity of achieving
great wisdom. In the torrent of modernization, China needs not only more
capital, technology and scientific administration, but also the contract


⑸ 2020年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题:唐诗


唐诗(Tang poetry
Hundred Poems of the


Tang Poetry

Tang poetry generally refers to poems written ringthe Tang Dynasty (618
A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetryis one of the most valuable cultural heritages of
theHan Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influenceon the cultural
development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely
spreadamong Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the “Three
Hundred Poems ofthe Tang Dynasty”,many of which are quite popular with people of
later generations. Thereare lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and
Du Fu are world-famous. Many of thetwo great poets’works are household

1.泛指:翻译为generally refer to,其中“泛”即一般来说,故译为 generally 即可。

2.汉族:应译为Han Chinese。

3.产生了很大影响:用固定短语have a great influenceon...来表达即可。

4.流传最广:翻译为the most widely spread,

5.脍炙人口的诗篇:翻译为household poems,其中脍炙人口用形容词 household表达,即“家喻户晓”。


⑹ 2022年6月英语四级翻译部分真题及答案(第二套)




从前有个人养了一群羊,一天早上他准备出去放羊,发现少了 一只。他仔正野细一看,看到羊栏(sheepfold)上有个窟窿。显然 夜间有狼钻进羊圏叼走了羊。邻居劝他修羊栏,可是他不听。

第二天他发现狼又通过窟晓叼走一只羊。他想起邻居的话,就 赶快堵上窟窿,把羊栏补好。此后,他的羊再也没有被狼叼走。


Once upon a time, a man, who kept a flock of sheep, was ready to herd them when he noticed one of them was gone. Observing carefully, he saw a hole in the sheepfold. Obvi ously, a wolf must have got in and taken the sheep away. His neighbour advised him to fix the sheepfold, but he wouldn, t listen only to find the next day that another sheep was carried away by the wolf. Remembering his neig- hour, s words, he hurried to repair the sheepfold by plug ging the hole. Since then, no sheep was missing in this way ever again.

The story tells us: if we solve the problem in time, we can prevent ourselves from suffering bigger loss.

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