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发布时间: 2021-02-26 09:53:47

1. 6月英语四级作文范文:什么是真正的朋友

We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’ know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.

2. 英语四级作文 求高手指点,改进Thanks, my friend

是要求写感谢信给你的朋友,所以信的第二段中的人称应该改一下:one of my good friends 改为you,同时下文中的She都改为you。

3. 一个对我影响最大的大学同学英语四级作文范文

I have met so many friends in my college life. They have exerted
enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive
friends is my roommate, Li Ming.

In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Ming did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because
he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness.
I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and
spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in
long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was
him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother
supporting the whole family. Finally, under great pressures, he balanced
his life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good
care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row.

The experience of Li Ming can be one of the most convincing cases of
the power of persistence and will. He left a deep impression and imposed
a rable influence on me. Indeed, friend such as him can be regarded
as asset and property in our life. We have rights to choose our own
friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enough to choose
friends who can bring us “positive energy”.




4. 求一篇我的外国朋友来看我的四级英语作文


5. 介绍好朋友英语作文四级怎么开头啊

Hi!My name is Jenny.I have small eyes but a large nose.My face is round and I wear a piar of glasses.
Maybe you have know that Ilike playing ping-pong.I'm good at Chinese and math,and especially English.
I'm in Class 4,Grade5.I have many friends and do you love to make friends with me?

6. 英语四级作文有考过 向朋友推荐一本书的题目吗

你好,我是同济大学的学生,跟你说一下我对四级考试的一些心得,希望能够给你一些启发。。【最重要的是做题速度】一般情况下,考过四级的人都知道,题目难度不大,关键是时间不怎么充足,所以,越能争取时间取胜的把握就越大,据我的经验,只要能够在考试时间内完成全部试题(当然,胡乱蒙的不算),那么分数应该能450+,考通过很容易。因此,当务之急是要练几套模拟题或者历年真题(建议还是模拟题,一般的模拟题都出得还行,历年真题反正都考过了,肯定押不中,模拟题兴许还可能走好运呢,但是咱要的也不是那个,只是随便说说)。一定要真正掐表计时,发现自己究竟是哪里花费了比较多的时间,然后一方面在考前的复习中注意提高解题速度,另外在考试的时候注意一旦没有时间啦,你做得比较快地先做完。四六级考试的题目是由上海交大命题的,因此,买模拟题建议你买交大出版的模拟题,或者王长喜的也行,星火的也差不多,反正这些题只要你练过了,就能够提高做题速度,就能够做完试题,就能够很容易通过考试。【背单词】没有时间的话背单词建议你不要花太多时间,市面上编了那么多的单词手册。。。事实上只要没有真正运用背过没几天又忘得差不多了,如果你真要背的话,推荐王长喜的词汇串联记忆,把所有的同义词都放在一起,比较好记忆。背诵英语单词,我见过很多人很没有效率地背,wonderful,w- o- n- d- e- r- f- u- l,精彩的,(干嘛要一个字母一个字母读出声来呢,字母是最最没有意义的,还要重复好几遍)。我的意见是,只背两遍,第一遍,看这个单词后面的读音,读出声来,然后看一下单词拼写(按照音节一个一个音节记下来)won- der- ful,然后看一遍词性和中文注释。第二遍,这个时候眼睛要离开书本啦,一定要离开,然后想起来那个读音,读一遍,在心里按照音节拼写出来这个单词。如果记住了,赶快继续下一个单词,如果没记住,再看一眼课本的拼写(记住,只给自己一次补充的机会),最多两三遍就能记住一个单词,我的经验是,一个单元有50个单词的话,要花个15分钟来背单词。另外,要记得复习,关于记忆的问题,复习最重要。可以养成这样一个习惯,比如,我每一周的周六下午都要好好复习一下这一周的英语单词。【背单词不是学英语的最好方法】【背单词也不是过级的最好方法】但是我觉得,没有时间的话背单词建议你不要花太多时间,市面上编了那么多的单词手册。。。事实上只要没有真正运用背过没几天又忘得差不多了,还不如常阅读,如果你真要背的话,推荐王长喜的词汇串联记忆,把所有的同义词都放在一起,比较好记忆。我跟你说说我对学习英语其他的一些想法,希望对你有些启发:英语是我初中至今最有把握的一门课,在高手如林的重点高中,英语卷面成绩第一总能帮我拉一拉总分,所以我们先给你讲讲高中英语的学习吧。只要你真的花时间了,肯定可以较快提高。你如果觉得我的方法靠谱的话,去试试吧。A.阅读:(这个完全可以提高)坚持每天做阅读理解,做上一两个月,每天都做,每天测时,提高速度和正确率。(当你有每天有必修科目时,你必然有成就感。)那么,我想在这个月内提高英语阅读理解的速度,那么我每天晚上(或者每隔一天晚上,双休日休不休息自己看着办,但是一旦规定下来,坚决执行)做两篇阅读理解,以我现在的水平,应该两篇花个12分钟没有问题,那么我晚上就只给自己20分钟(包括对答案的时间),坚持一两个礼拜,也许发现自己的速度已经稳定在10分钟,然后你找下一个目标,12分钟内做三篇,再坚持一两个礼拜,完成这个目标,再坚持一两个礼拜,可能15-18分钟就可以做五篇了。那么这个时候,即便不练了,基本上你也可以保持这个速度了。以上讲的是关于阅读速度的问题,那么现在我们来讲提高准确率,如果英语成绩不是班级里最好的那一群,最好是去买一本阶梯式训练(题目一套一套由易到难)的参考书(或者图书馆借就可以了),先用一个礼拜做初级习题,做完以后好好看答案和解释,觉得基本都懂了,这个层次的习题没问题了,那么可以了,再花两个礼拜做中级试题……训练过程中有时候要对题型进行思考,1.据我的经验,英语阅读的很多题目在原文都可以找到答案,然而为什么经常找不到呢?原因在于很多时候选项中会运用同义词、句型转换、叙述人称变换等手段来伪饰,明白了这一点也许你会比较清楚怎么去找这类问题的答案了。2.像“inference”“indicate”这类的题目经常出现在一篇文章的最后一题,多总结几篇,看看他们的正确选项规律如何。3.有一些文章类型比如新闻报道、表格形式、菜单形式的,或许可以直接看题目,但是要注意边角。(PS:完形填空的训练方法可以参照阅读理解,但是完形填空有所不同的是必定会考一部分关于语法、词性、词语搭配的问题,所以有时候要分析分析不同类型题目的应对策略)B.听力:(这个训练卓有成效)练听力,一个月内,每隔一天听一次,最好是阶梯式训练(题目一套一套由易到难)的那种,先用一个礼拜听初级,听完好好看听力原文,对答案思考,觉得基本上90%到95%都听得懂了,那么可以了,再花两个礼拜听中级试题……这样的训练方法简单而卓有成效,而且你每天都有事干的。(关键问题在于每天安排20分钟就是20分钟,不要超额支付时间成本,不然你其余的安排乱套了)C.语法:(语法和单词没什么关系,不要担心)语法题不太一样,这个就要靠你们一个一个语法点去攻克了,建议买一本语法书,要知识点简明而全面,不要啰啰嗦嗦讲很多例子的,但是练习题要多一些的。(记得高考前我们一律用一本书《英语语法实践指南》(郭凤高主编),那本书的习题高考前一共做了3遍,后面两遍基本上飞快,整本书就花了六七个小时。结果做单选题训练,20道题目往往两分钟就搞定了,很多题目都是重复的。)D.作文(一定要注意考试技巧)作文重在展现你自己显摆英语的水平:1.语法,尽可能不出现语法错误。2.书写,书写尽量工整,这个一方面能够让老师看得舒服,另一方面也表明了你写作的思路流畅。3.从句、长句、优美的句子、高级词汇的灵活运用。我高二的时候买了一本书《王长喜十句作文法》讲的是关于四六级考试的,应用优美的模板来写作的技巧(说实在的这个有点儿投机取巧,但是应对考试绰绰有余)。我分析了一下平时的考卷,发现作文的题材有六七成都和里面所介绍的五种相关,我就把他里面提供的相同题材的几个不同模板做了一下整理,每种题材整理出一个我自认为最完美的模板(模板中不乏显摆自己高超语法技巧的闪光点)然后每一次考试尽量套上一个适合的模板,结果是十有八九我的作文会成为范文之一。 【万金油句子举例】1.___has been brought into focus,and ____ always aroused the greatest concern2.Among the various reasons contributing to this phonomenon, ____ plays an important part.3.There is no complete agreement among people as to ____ .Some people take it for granted that _____________ while others hold the opinion that ___________ .3.【考试技巧】考试过程中如何做检查,比如英语科目:首先发下来先一遍做完,不会做的先留空,但是要做显著标记以免漏答;接下来答完全卷返回来好好思考刚才不会做的那几道题目,补充完整;接着涂卡;接着从头到尾检查一遍自己每道题是否思考对了,“做”对了没有,有错误马上改正过来,相应的答题卡也要更正;接着思考你每道题目是否选了你所要选的题目(这是为了防止有时候考试注意力不集中导致笔误)。那么基本上可以了。(不过,这要取决于你前面的答题速度,答题速度慢了,应对策略就要相应更改,以前我高中的时候英语考试120分钟基本上70分钟就回答完了,养成了这样快速答题的习惯,基本上我四六级考试的时候最后部分都剩了有15-20分钟检查)。4.【四级考试需要注意点儿什么】A.【流程】(我的意思是作文之前的思考和作文之后的看题很重要,要把握机会,一定要争取充足时间)8:50---9:00试音时间。9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷。9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试。9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)。9:40---9:55做快速阅读。9:55---10:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读)。9:55---10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试。10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音。听力结束后完成剩余考项。11:20全部考试结束。 B.【注意事项】1.带齐物品:收音机,备用电池,耳机,2B铅笔,橡皮,黑色签字笔,准考证,身份证(有些学校不要求),学生证。水、面巾纸。 2.提前进场3.考试时注意时间,一般情况下不能通过的人都是做不完试题,要是能做完试题(只要不是胡乱蒙的),一般很容易能通过。C.【分数】1,标准分满分710分=听力248.5+阅读248.5+综合测试106.5+写作106.5。 2,从听力、阅读部分的换算表可以看出,错前两分的时候,标准分扣分严重,1分扣10.5分,错到第3分的时候,标准分扣分有所降低-7分,扣到10分以后,标准分扣分就更低(3分),可见,标准分换算目的是把同学的成绩档次拉开,让特别优秀的同学脱颖而出,要想总分取得630分以上,必须保证很高的正确率,卷面扣的前几分在标准分的权重相当大。这也就解释了为什么考630分以上的同学这么少!据换算,要考630分,阅读和听力部分卷面每部分扣分在3分左右。 3,综合测试的分数权重不大,卷面错1分在标准分中扣的分也相对较少,而且完型填空题量大,得分率不高,在考场上建议大家不要把完型填空耗费掉太多的时间,得不偿失! 4. 当你拿到成绩单,上面写着290,那么你的卷面成绩为0分。如果425+,就算顺利通过啦,如果600+ 算是很优秀啦~ 加油!祝你考级成功。

7. 四级水平英语作文介绍好朋友

I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles.

8. 我的朋友英语作文不少于6句话4年级


9. -一篇关于friendship的英语作文。四级英语水平。字数150-180字。要原创。

What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life.
Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher.
When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.
We admire the great friendship between Marx and Engel, which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communism.
Friendship isn‘t almighty, but no one can live happily without it.

On Friendship
Friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. Human beings are social animals. They do not live in isolation.They need each other both physically and emotionally.
However, some people distort friendship by forming small groups that are harmful to others, or even to the whole community. In university some students from the same city or province form an association to help each other. But such associations often exclude students from other parts of the country, and thus do not promote friendship in a broad sense.
True and lasting friendship is based on a more solid foundarien. Real friends share the same ideals. While marching toward their common objective, they help each other. If one makes a mistake, his friend will not hesitate to point it out for him, because he knows the frank criticism will help him. What we need is this type of genuine friendship.





Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy. It implies(意味着) loyalty(忠诚), cordiality(热诚), sympathy(同情心), affection and readiness(愿意) to help. Real friends are those who can share all our sorrows(伤心事) and double all our joys. No man makes most of his life, either in business or in society, without carefully and conscientiously(凭良心地) striving(奋斗)to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.
True friends cherish(珍爱) the ideals(理想) and feelings with you; they will not desert(荒芜的) you when you are in hot waters; they will not flatter(谄媚) or take advantage of you when you have won victory; and they will advice you sincerely when you are led astray(迷路的).
We should choose those as our friends who have good character, superior(较高的) ability and kindliness(友好) of heart. We’ll treat our friends with courtesy(礼貌), be careful not to interfere(冲突) unreasonably(非理智的) with them, or not ridicule(嘲笑) their proceedings. We should forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible. If we try to do these things, we’ll retain our friends and keep the sacred(神圣的) lamp(灯火) of friendship burning all our life.

During life each of us will meet different people who say that they are our friends, but we will make just a few true friends. What is a friend? Some people say that a friend is one that is close to you, or a good companion to you. In my view, a friend is the one that will stand by you, even through the hardest times. To me friendship is about believing in your friends and helping them no matter what happens.

We all want to have friends. But it is not easy to tell who is a friend and who is not. I believe Wanggang, to be my best friend. We meet in middle school and have stayed together for 7 years. Wanggang and I have gone through many happy and hard times together. Besides, we have shared lots of adventures together, such as traveling to Huangshan and Mount Tai where we experienced so many enjoyable memories.

I suppose Wanggang is my best friend. He is always there for me when I need him. Having a friend is a luckiest thing. A friend is someone who you are not uneasy to cry in front of, who you can be safe to tell the secrets to. Wanggang and I were parted from each other for about half a year while he was away to college and I went back to my hometown to stay with my grandma. Once we met again it was as if we never had set apart.

Good friendships don't come along easily, and we are so thankful to have met each other that we must walk past anything that threatens them and see the better future. No matter what happens, we should always keep our friends in our heart. Don't let them walk away. The relationship we make will keep us going ahead.

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