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发布时间: 2023-09-10 00:12:08

① 如何缓解抑郁症英语作文


In recent years,more and more people have suffered from depression.With the increasingly fierce competition,more and more people are bearing great pressure from study,work and life.Under great pressure, many people begin to become sad,hopeless and finally suffer from depression.

Depression has brought great bad influence on one'study, work and life.In fact,depression affects not only one's mind but also his body. Those with severe depression even unable to continue their work or carry out normal activities of depression. The symptoms mainly include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, not wanting food and trouble sleeping.Besides, depression is linked to many other diseases, like heart disease, What's worse, deprssion is one of the main courses of people's suicide.

Considering the bad effects of depression, it must be taken more seriously. For those patients with depression, first of all ,it is important to accept treatment timely instead of covering or ignoring the disease. Besides,people shuold learn to release pressure and keep a pleasant mood. Actually,the best treatment is a combination of medication and psychological help.Only in this way can people rece the chance of suffering from depression.




② 抑郁症的英文单词含义及其症状与治疗



抑郁症(重性抑郁障碍)的症状表现其实可以用一个英文单词来概括,即 Depression,其中各个字母代表的含义分别为:

D depression mood 抑郁心境;

E energy decreased 疲乏或精力不足;

P psychomotor changes 精神运动性改变;

R reced concentration in decision-making 做决定时注意力下降;

E esteem decreased, excessive guilt 自尊心下降和过度自责;

S sleep changes 睡眠情况改变;

S suicidal ideation / behavior 自杀意念/行为;

I interest decreased 兴趣减低;


N nutritional and weight change 食欲和体重改变。




Depression mood.


因一些患者存在述情障碍(alexthymia,a = 不能,lex = 使用词汇,thymia = 心境),在正确描述自己的情绪状态上有明显困难,所以需要医生多次重复询问:悲伤,低落,郁闷,忧愁,沮丧,兴趣下降。多换用这些词汇,可以使患者的阳性诊断增加三倍。



Energy decreased.


1. 过去 2 个月以来,你觉得身体比以前或平时,更加疲劳或精力不足吗?

2.(如果问题 1 是否定)即使运动量很小,比如逛街,你的身体也比想象中更加疲劳?



Psychomotor changes.

精神运动性改变即精神运动性激越和迟滞,包括 4 组症状,抑郁症患者的 4 组症状可能以任何组合形式出现。





由于这 4 组症状通常是混合存在的,所以不要去寻找单纯的精神性改变或运动性改变。应先逐个询问 4 组症状中的每一个症状,然后再判断患者是精神性的还是运动性的,是激越还是迟滞。



Reced concentration in decision-making.

下面的 3 个问题,可以评估患者的注意力:

1. 你能坐着看完一场电影吗?能记住故事的主要情节吗?

2. 你阅读报纸的时候,能从文字的开头读到结尾吗?能理解文字的意思吗?

3. 休息片刻之后,你能继续原来的话题吗?还是忘掉了刚才的交谈?




Esteem decreased, excessive guilt.

除了自杀观念,自责和自罪感是抑郁症患者最不愉快和讨厌的症状,85% 的患者都可能存在。即使没有处于抑郁发作期,患者依然可以存在持续性的自罪感;当抑郁发作时,这些感受可能会更加强烈。

评估自责自罪的 3 个问题:

1. 在过去 5 周内,与以往相比,你更加沮丧或自罪吗?

2. 在过去 5 周内,你感觉自己很沮丧吗?

3. 在过去 5 周内,你有没有对自己失去信心?





Sleep changes.








Suicidal ideation / behavior.

若确定患者存在自杀观念或行为,应询问以下 4 个问题:

1. 你想要结束自己的生命有多长时间了?你是每天都在想自杀吗,还是每周想几次?——评估患者是否经常考虑自杀问题。

2. 你有做过自杀计划吗?若没有自杀成功,还有其他自杀计划吗?——询问自杀计划的细节、和自杀的替代计划。

3. 你自杀的计划实施得怎么样了?——评估进程。

4. 当自杀的意愿越来越强的时候,抵制这些想法有难度吗?——询问患者如何发现这种想法以及患者的行动意图。



Interest decreased.




Nutritional and weight change.


需要特别一提的是,根据 DSM-5 的诊断标准,抑郁症(重性抑郁障碍)的诊断必须满足上述 9 项中的 5 项,且 D(抑郁心境)和 I(兴趣减少或快感缺乏)这两项中必须具备一项;症状持续的时间必须要达到 2 周以上;并且需要排除其他原因所致的精神障碍。
































③ 英语阅读部分翻译!急急急!!!

划线的部分意思就是 导致了抑郁症更加严重。

最近LAURA JEAN BIERUT博士和她的同时在华盛顿大学的研究发现了男人和女人在形成抑郁症的时候,是大不相同的。


④ 谁帮我看篇英语阅读。求大意!前两段看不清可跳过。


高中英语阅读理解 53题这里的C怎么翻译


⑥ 英语阅读之抑郁症



How Is Biology Related to Depression?

生理和抑郁症 - 患者大脑的不同

Researchers have noted differences in the brains of people who are depressed as compared to people who are not. For instance, the hippocampus, a small part of the brain that is vital to the storage of memories, appears to be smaller in some people with a history of depression than in those who've never been depressed. A smaller hippocampus has fewer serotonin receptors. Serotonin is one of many brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters that allow communication across circuits that connect different brain regions.

Scientists do not know why the hippocampus may be smaller in some people with depression. Some researchers have found that the stress hormone cortisol is proced in excess in depressed people. These investigators believe that cortisol has a toxic or "shrinking" effect on the development of hippocampus. Some experts theorize that depressed people are simply born with a smaller hippocampus and are therefore inclined to suffer from depression. There are many other brain regions, and pathways between specific regions, thought to be involved with depression, and likely, no single brain structure or pathway fully accounts for clinical depression.

One thing is certain -- depression is a complex illness with many contributing factors. The latest scans and studies of brain chemistry suggest that antidepressants can help sustain nerve cells and allow them to form stronger connections that withstand biological stresses (called "neurotrophic effects"). As scientists gain a better understanding of the causes of depression, health professionals will be able to make better "tailored" diagnoses and, in turn, prescribe more effective treatment plans.

How Is Genetics Linked to the Risk of Depression?

遗传和抑郁症 - 家族抑郁症

We know that depression can sometimes run in families. This suggests that there's at least a partial genetic link to depression. Children, siblings, and parents of people with severe depression are somewhat more likely to suffer from depression than are members of the general population. Multiple genes interacting with one another in special ways probably contribute to the various types of depression that run in families. Yet despite the evidence of a family link to depression, it is unlikely that there is a single "depression" gene, but rather many genes that each contribute small effects toward depression when they interact with the environment.

Can Certain Drugs Cause Depression

药物和抑郁症 - 某些药物可能导致抑郁症

In certain people, drugs may lead to depression. For example, medications such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and the acne drug Accutane have sometimes been associated with depression, especially in older people. Likewise, medications such as corticosteroids, opioids (codeine, morphine), and anticholinergics taken to relieve stomach cramping can sometimes cause mania, which is a highly elated and energized state that can also be associated with bipolar disorder.

For in depth information, see WebMD's Medicines That Cause Depression.

What’s the Link Between Depression and Chronic Illness?

疾病和抑郁症 - 有些疾病可能引发抑郁症

In some people, a chronic illness causes depression. A chronic illness is an illness that lasts for a very long time and usually cannot be cured completely. However, chronic illnesses can often be controlled through diet, exercise, lifestyle habits, and certain medications. Some examples of chronic illnesses that may cause depression are diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, lupus, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Hypothyroidism may also lead to depressed feelings.

Researchers believe that treating the depression may sometimes also help the co-existing illness improve.

Is Depression Linked to Chronic Pain?

生理疼痛和抑郁症 - 暂时的疼痛一般不会导致抑郁症

When pain lingers for weeks to months, it's referred to as being "chronic." Not only does chronic pain hurt, it also disturbs your sleep, your ability to exercise and be active, your relationships, and your proctivity at work. Can you see how chronic pain may also leave you feeling sad, isolated, and depressed?

There is help for chronic pain and depression. A multifaceted program of medicine, psychotherapy, support groups, and more can help you manage your pain, ease your depression, and get your life back on track.

For in depth information, see Depression and Chronic Pain.

Does Depression Often Occur With Grief?

悲痛和抑郁症 - 一时的悲伤不是抑郁症

Grief is a common response to loss. Losses that may lead to grief include the death or separation of a loved one, loss of a job, death or loss of a beloved pet, or any number of other changes in life, such as divorce, becoming an "empty nester," or retirement.

Anyone can experience grief and loss, but not everyone will experience depression, which differs from grief in that depression involves feelings of low self-worth and suicide, while grief involves feelings of loss and longing for a loved one. Each person is unique in how he or she copes with these feelings.

For in depth information, see Grief and Depression.


⑦ 了解抑郁症Depression关注身边的抑郁症患者「英语阅读」



What is depression? 什么毕饥茄是抑郁症?

手察Feeling sad, or what we may call "depressed", happens to all of us. The sensation usually passes after a while. However, people with a depressive disorder - clinical depression - find that their state interferes with daily life.

任何人都会有感觉不快、郁闷或者悲伤的经历,但是这些感受都是暂时的。然而,有depressive disorder - clinical depression -抑郁症的.人,却终身受到抑郁的折磨。

For people with clinical depression, their normal functioning is undermined to such an extent that both they and those who care about them are affected by it.

Melancholia - clinical depression is a fairly modern term. Hippocrates, known as the father of Western medicine, described a syndrome of "melancholia". He said melancholia was a distinct disease with specific physical and mental symptoms. Hippocrates characterized it as "(all) fears and despondencies, if they last a long time" as being symptomatic of the illness.


Depression is an extremely complex disease. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression ring a serious medical illness. Others may have depression with life changes such as a move or the death of a loved one. Still others have a family history of depression. Those who do may experience depression and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loneliness for no known reason.

What Are the Main Causes of Depression?


There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following:

Abuse. 虐待 Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.

Certain medications. 某些药物 Some drugs, such as Accutane (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase your risk of depression.

Conflict. 争吵(人际关系困扰) Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to develop depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends.

Death or a loss.丧亲 Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may increase the risk of depression.

Genetics.遗传 A family history of depression may increase the risk. It's thought that depression is a complex trait that may be inherited across generations, although the genetics of psychiatric disorders are not as simple or straightforward as in purely genetic diseases such as Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis.

Major events.重大事件 Even good events such as starting a new job, graating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring.

Other personal problems.其他个人困扰 Problems such as social isolation e to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can lead to depression.

Serious illnesses.严重疾病 Sometimes depression co-exists with a major illness or is a reaction to the illness.

Substance abuse.滥用药物等 Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.

What causes depression?

Nobody is sure what causes depression. Experts say depression is caused by a combination of factors, such as the person's genes, their biochemical environment, personal experience and psychological factors.


A study published in Archives of Psychiatry found that MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans showed patients with clinical depression had less brain volume in several regions, including the frontal lobe, basal ganglia and hippocampus. They also found that after treatment the hippocampus returned to normal size.

The Stanford School of Medicine says that genes do play a role in causing depression. By studying cases of major depression among identical twins (whose genes are 100% identical) and non-identical twins (whose genes are 50% identical) they found that heritability is a major contributory factor in the risk of developing depression.


An article in Harvard Health Publicaitons explains that depression is not caused simply by the level of one chemical being too low and another too high. Rather, several different chemicals are involved, working both within and outside nerve cells. There are "Millions, even billions, of chemical reactions that make up the dynamic system that is responsible for your mood, perceptions, and how you experience life."

An awful experience can trigger a depressive illness. For example, the loss of a family member, a difficult relationship, physical sexual abuse.



According to the National Institutes of Health, a significant percentage of people with depressive illness never seek medical help. This is unfortunate, because the vast majority, even those with very severe symptoms, can improve with treatment.

How common is clinical depression? - Nobody is sure exactly how many people are affected by depression. Health authorities from country to country and even within the same nation publish different figures:

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 6.7% of American alts have had depressive illness ring the last 12 months, and 30.4% of these cases (2% of the whole alt population) have severe symptoms.

While the National Institute of Mental Health says women are 70% more likely to develop depressive symptoms ring their lifetime, an article published in JAMA Psychiatry (August 2013 issue) showed thatdepression affects 30.6% of men and 33.3% of women, not a statistically significant difference.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) estimates that in the United Kingdom 21 in every 1,000 16-to-65 year olds live with major depression (17/1000 males and 25/1000 females). If "mixed depression and anxiety", a less specific and broader category is included, the prevalence rises to 98 per 1,000.

In Australia only 1 in every five people with clinical depression is accurately diagnosed, according to theState Government of Victoria, "because depression can mask itself as a physical illness like chronic pain, sleeplessness or fatigue."

抑郁症的种类Types of depression

There are several forms of depression (depressive disorders). Major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder are the most common.

Major depressive disorder (major depression)

Major depressive disorder is also known as major depression. The patients suffer from a combination of symptoms that undermine their ability to sleep, study, work, eat, and enjoy activities they used to find pleasurable.

Experts say that major depressive disorder can be very disabling, preventing the patient from functioning normally. Some people experience only one episode, while others have recurrences.

Dysthymic disorder (dysthymia)

Dysthymic disorder is also known as dysthymia, or mild chronic depression. The patient will suffer symptoms for a long time, perhaps as long as a couple of years, and often longer. The symptoms are not as severe as in major depression - they do not disable the patient. However, people affected with dysthymic disorder may find it hard to function normally and feel well.

Some people experience only one episode ring their lifetime, while others may have recurrences.

A person with dysthymia might also experience major depression, once, twice, or more often ring their lifetime. Dysthymia can sometimes come with other symptoms. When they do, it is possible that other forms of depression are diagnosed.

For a patient to be diagnosed with dysthymia he or she must have experienced a combination of depressive symptoms for at least two years.

Psychotic depression

When severe depressive illness includes hallucinations, delusions, and/or withdrawing from reality, the patient may be diagnosed with psychotic depression. Psychotic depression is also referred to as delusional depression.

Postpartum depression (postnatal depression)

Postpartum depression is also known as postnatal depression or PND. This is not to be confused with 'baby blues' which a mother may feel for a very short period after giving birth.

If a mother develops a major depressive episode within a few weeks of giving birth it is most likely she has developed postpartum depression. Experts believe that about 10% to 15% of all women experience this type of depression after giving birth. Sadly, many of them go undiagnosed and suffer for long periods without treatment and support.

Postpartum depression can start any time within a year of giving birth, according to the National Library of Medicine.

SAD (seasonal affective disorder)

SAD is much more common the further from the equator you go, where the end of summer means the beginning of less sunlight and more dark hours. A person who develops a depressive illness ring the winter months might have SAD.

SAD symptoms go away ring spring and/or summer. In Scandinavia, where winter can be very dark for many months, patients commonly undergo light therapy - they sit in front of a special light. Light therapy works for about half of all SAD patients. In addition to light therapy, some people may needantidepressants, psychotherapy, or both. Light therapy is becoming more popular in other northern countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom.

The National Health Service9, UK, suggest that sunlight may stimulate the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that controls sleep, appetite and mood.

Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness. It used to be known as manic depression. It is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. A patient with bipolar disorder experiences moments of extreme highs and extreme lows. These extremes are known as manias.


Signs and symptoms

epression is not uniform. Signs and symptoms may be experienced by some sufferers and not by others. How severe the symptoms are, and how long they last depends on the indivial person and his illness. Below is a list of the most common symptoms:

A constant feeling of sadness, anxiety, and emptiness

A general feeling of pessimism sets in (the glass is always half empty)

The person feels hopeless

Indivials can feel restless

The sufferer may experience irritability

Patients may lose interest in activities or hobbies they once enjoyed

He/she may lose interest in sex

Levels of energy feel lower, fatigue sets in

Many people with a depressive illness find it hard to concentrate, remember details, and make decisions

Sleep patterns are disturbed - the person may sleep too little or too much

Eating habits may change - he/she may either eat too much or have no appetite

Suicidal thoughts may occur - some may act on those thoughts

The sufferer may complain more of aches and pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems. These problems do not get better with treatment.


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