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发布时间: 2023-09-09 05:27:59

『壹』 求经济类英文文章(带中文翻译)

FOR much of the past year the fast-growing economies of the emerging world watched the Western financial hurricane from afar. Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world’s financial firms. Commodity exporters were thriving, thanks to high prices for raw materials. China’s economic juggernaut powered on. And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic demand. Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm.
No longer. As foreign capital has fled and confidence evaporated, the emerging world’s stockmarkets have plunged (in some cases losing half their value) and currencies tumbled. The seizure in the credit market caused havoc, as foreign banks abruptly stopped lending and stepped back from even the most basic banking services, including trade credits.
Like their rich-world counterparts, governments are battling to limit the damage (see article). That is easiest for those with large foreign-exchange reserves. Russia is spending $220 billion to shore up its financial services instry. South Korea has guaranteed $100 billion of its banks’ debt. Less well-endowed countries are asking for help. Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6.6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is Ukraine. Close to a dozen countries are talking to the fund about financial help.
Those with long-standing problems are being driven to desperate measures. Argentina is nationalising its private pension funds, seemingly to stave off default (see article). But even stalwarts are looking weaker. Figures released this week showed that China’s growth slowed to 9% in the year to the third quarter-still a rapid pace but a lot slower than the double-digit rates of recent years.
Blowing cold on credit
The various emerging economies are in different states of readiness, but the cumulative impact of all this will be enormous. Most obviously, how these countries fare will determine whether the world economy faces a mild recession or something nastier. Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 months. But their economic fate will also have political consequences.
In many places-eastern Europe is one example (see article)-financial turmoil is hitting weak governments. But even strong regimes could suffer. Some experts think that China needs growth of 7% a year to contain social unrest. More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world economy. Unlike many previous emerging-market crises, today’s mess spread from the rich world, largely thanks to increasingly integrated capital markets. If emerging economies collapse-either into a currency crisis or a sharp recession-there will be yet more questioning of the wisdom of globalised finance.
Fortunately, the picture is not universally dire. All emerging economies will slow. Some will surely face deep recessions. But many are facing the present danger in stronger shape than ever before, armed with large reserves, flexible currencies and strong budgets. Good policy-both at home and in the rich world-can yet avoid a catastrophe.
One reason for hope is that the direct economic fallout from the rich world’s disaster is manageable. Falling demand in America and Europe hurts exports, particularly in Asia and Mexico. Commodity prices have fallen: oil is down nearly 60% from its peak and many crops and metals have done worse. That has a mixed effect. Although it hurts commodity-exporters from Russia to South America, it helps commodity importers in Asia and reces inflation fears everywhere. Countries like Venezuela that have been run badly are vulnerable (see article), but given the scale of the past boom, the commodity bust so far seems unlikely to cause widespread crises.
The more dangerous shock is financial. Wealth is being squeezed as asset prices decline. China’s house prices, for instance, have started falling (see article). This will dampen domestic confidence, even though consumers are much less indebted than they are in the rich world. Elsewhere, the sudden dearth of foreign-bank lending and the flight of hedge funds and other investors from bond markets has slammed the brakes on credit growth. And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower growth.
Again, the impact will differ by country. Thanks to huge current-account surpluses in China and the oil-exporters in the Gulf, emerging economies as a group still send capital to the rich world. But over 80 have deficits of more than 5% of GDP. Most of these are poor countries that live off foreign aid; but some larger ones rely on private capital. For the likes of Turkey and South Africa a sudden slowing in foreign financing would force a dramatic adjustment. A particular worry is eastern Europe, where many countries have double-digit deficits. In addition, even some countries with surpluses, such as Russia, have banks that have grown accustomed to easy foreign lending because of the integration of global finance. The rich world’s bank l-outs may limit the squeeze, but the flow of capital to the emerging world will slow. The Institute of International Finance, a bankers’ group, expects a 30% decline in net flows of private capital from last year.
需要再次重申的是,冲击的表现会因国家的不同而有所区别。多亏中国和海湾产油国经常项目下的巨额顺差,新型经济整体还不断的向发达国家输送资本。但是80 多个国家的财政赤字已经超过GDP的5%,其中的多数是那些依靠国外救助过活得贫困国家;不过也有一些依靠私人资本的大国。对于类似土耳其和南非的国家来说,突然减缓的境外融资迫使其进行大幅调整。东欧的情况特别令人担忧,那里的不少国家赤字水平已经达到了两位数。另外,象俄罗斯这样处于顺差的国家,其银行也逐渐适应了可以轻易从外国取得的贷款,原因自然是全球金融一体化。发达国家的救助计划也许可以限制财富被挤压的水平,但资本流向新兴世界的速度无疑会减慢。国际金融研协会预测私人资本的净流量比去年回减少30%。
A wing and a prayer
This credit crunch will be grim, but most emerging markets can avoid catastrophe. The biggest ones are in relatively good shape. The more vulnerable ones can (and should) be helped.
Among the giants, China is in a league of its own, with a $2 trillion arsenal of reserves, a current-account surplus, little connection to foreign banks and a budget surplus that offers lots of room to boost spending. Since the country’s leaders have made clear that they will do whatever it takes to cushion growth, China’s economy is likely to slow-perhaps to 8%-but not collapse. Although that is not enough to save the world economy, such growth in China would put a floor under commodity prices and help other countries in the emerging world.
The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the storm. India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency exposure. But Brazil’s economy is diversified and both countries have plenty of reserves to smooth the shift to slower growth. With $550 billion of reserves, Russia ought to be able to stop a run on the rouble. In the short-term at least, the most vulnerable countries are all smaller ones.
There will be pain as tighter credit forces adjustments. But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big difference. Several emerging countries have asked America’s Federal Reserve for liquidity support; some hope that China will l them out. A better route is surely the IMF, which has huge expertise and some $250 billion to lend. Sadly, borrowing from the fund carries a stigma. That needs to change. The IMF should develop quicker, more flexible financial instruments and minimise the conditions it attaches to loans. Over the past month deft policymaking saw off calamity in the rich world. Now it is time for something similar in the emerging world.

『贰』 同等学力英语考试写作范文经济生活类



Directions: In this part, you are to written an essay more than 150 words within 30 minutes under the title of the Importance of Confidence. Your essay should be based on the information given in the outline below


1. Importance of confidence

2. Reasons for lack of confidence

3. Necessity to build up confidence


Importance of Confidence

Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. In reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome.

Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons. In the first place, these people don’t have a correct estimate of themselves. Secondly, there is another possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties.

In my opinion, one should build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own ability. We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our ability As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.


Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 30 minutes on developing tourism. Your essay should be based on the OUTLINE below.

1. 目前的状况

2. 发展旅游业的好处

3. 由此而产生的问题


Tourism, a smokeless instry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening –up policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5, 000 years.

Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the first place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of China. Tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain foreign currencies. In the second place, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world. On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and the friendliness and hospitality of our people. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world.

Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the expenses. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicFor a Better Understanding between Parent and Child. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline below:

1. Present situation: lack of communication between parent and child

2. Possible reasons:

1) Different likes and dislikes;2) Misunderstanding;3) Others

3. Suggestions:

1) For parents;2) For children


For a Better Understanding between Parent and Child

Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parent and child. Parents often consider their children’s behaviors “irrational”,while the children are always complaining about their parents’ not understanding them. Consequently, the so-called generation gap comes into being.

In my opinion, there are several reasons responsible for the situation. First, it is most natural for the two generations to have different likes and dislikes since they grow up in different times and environments. Second, their understanding of the world and methods of thinking are also different from each other, which is likely to cause misunderstandings. If both parents and children become more reasonable and tolerant, will there be so many quarrels and conflicts? Last but not least, nowadays, in most cases both parents and children are too busy to have enough time to exchange ideas with each other.

In order to improve their relation, parents and children make joint efforts. Parents should be patient enough so as to listen to their children. The children should respect their parents, whose suggestions, although hard to follow at the beginning, always prove to be beneficial and valuable. Only in this way can parents and children achieve better understanding.


17. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: What Is Success? Your composition must be based on the information given in the outline below.


1. Different opinions on success

2. Ways to achieve success

3. My view on success


What Is Success?

What is success? Different people hold views on this question. Some think that one is successful if he can make a great deal of money. Others argue that success means holding an important government post. Still others believe that whoever has got high academic title is successful. It is clear that there are quite different opinions on success.

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and instry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in one’s work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people.

『叁』 关于地摊经济的英语作文


英文版:Stall economy refers to an economic form formed by setting up stalls to obtain income sources. Stall economy is a marginal economy of the city and has always been a key factor affecting the city appearance and environment.

However, stall economy has its unique advantages and can alleviate the employment pressure to a certain extent under the background of the financial crisis. Stall economy is more popular in foreign countries, but it will not appear on the streets in China.

Only at a specific point in time will the stall economy appear on the streets.



『肆』 求一篇2000字的经济类英文文章及翻译(英文要2000字),谢谢!

Health care
A new prescription for the poor
America is developing a two-tier health system, one for those with private insurance, the other for the less well-off
Oct 8th 2011 | NEW YORK | from the print edition

time for Dancing with the Stars!”, a woman announces enthusiastically.
At this New York health centre, wedged between housing projects to the
east and Chinatown to the west, “dancing with the stars” means dancing
with a physical therapist. An old man stands up with a nurse and begins a
determined samba.

Care Management (CCM), which runs this centre, tries to keep old people
active. To do so, explains Joseph Healy, the chief operating officer,
is in the company’s best interest. The government pays CCM a capped rate
for the care of its members. If someone gets sick, his health costs
rise and the company’s margin shrinks. Mr Healy argues that the system
is the best way to provide good care at a low cost. Increasingly others
seem to agree.

Medicaid, America’s health programme
for the poor, is in the process of being transformed. Over the next
three years, New York will move its entire Medicaid population into
“managed care”, paying companies a set rate to tend to the poor, rather
than paying a fee for each service. New York is not alone. States from
California to Mississippi are expanding managed care. It is the
culmination of a steady shift in the way most poor Americans receive
their health-care treatment.

is America’s single biggest health programme. This year roughly one in
five Americans will be covered by Medicaid for a month or more. It
gobbles more federal and local money than any state programme, other
than ecation. Costs will rise even more when Barack Obama’s
health-care reform expands the programme by easing eligibility rules in
2014. Congress’s “supercommittee” is already considering cuts. However,
there are more immediate pressures behind the present drive for change.


Enrolment in Medicaid jumped ring the
downturn, from 42.7m in December 2007 to 50.3m in June 2010. Mr Obama’s
stimulus bill helped to pay for some of this, but that money has dried
up. Faced with gaping deficits, some desperate governors slashed
payments to hospitals and doctors, or refused to pay for trips to the
dentist or oculist. But much the most important result has been
structural: the expansion of managed care.

have dabbled in managed care for decades. The trend accelerated in the
1990s, with the share of Medicaid patients under this form of care
reaching 72% by 2009. Now, however, there is a strong push for the
remainder. States that did not have managed care, such as Louisiana, are
introcing it. Other states are extending it to people previously
deemed off limits: California and New York, for example, are moving the
elderly and disabled into that system of care. Texas is targeting more
than 400,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in the Rio Grande Valley. Local
politicians had resisted the move, nervous that care might deteriorate.
But the yawning deficit meant that they were overruled.

The result is a country with two distinct tiers
of health care. Most Americans with private insurance are still
horrified by thoughts of health-management organisations and prefer to
pay fees for each medical service. For the poor, managed care is
becoming the norm.

of managed care have high expectations. First, they hope that it will
make costs more predictable. Second, they believe that the change will
improve patients’ health. In managed care, a patient has a network of
doctors and specialists. If the programme works properly, doctors can
monitor all aspects of care, in contrast to the fragmented
fee-for-service system. The contracts that states have with firms can
set standards for quality. Texas, for instance, will cut 5% from a
company’s payment if it does not meet what is required.

The next step is to integrate care for those
eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare, the federal programme for the
old. These “als” account for almost 40% of Medicaid’s costs and just
15% of its population. “If managed care can really deliver better care
than fee-for-service”, says Diane Rowland, chair of the commission that
advises Congress on Medicaid, “this is the population that could prove

But some, such as Norma Vescovo, are
sceptical. As the head of the non-profit Independent Living Centre of
Southern California (ILCSC), Ms Vescovo serves Medicaid patients with
severe health problems. Over the years she has often sued California on
policies that she thinks will hurt her vulnerable clients. On October
3rd her case moved to the Supreme Court.

outcome of Douglas v Independent Living Centre will have profound
implications for the future of Medicaid. Ms Vescovo’s suit concerns cuts
to hospitals and doctors. But the case will also guide the course of
managed care. If ILCSC and its co-plaintiffs win, private groups will
continue to be able to challenge states on policies they think violate
federal Medicaid law. Ms Vescovo, who argues that California’s payment
cuts would eviscerate her clients’ access to services, worries that
under managed care the disabled might not be able to see the specialists
they need.
道格拉斯 v

The question is how to
supervise the experiments with managed care that are being carried out
in various states. To date, Medicaid beneficiaries have been able to
challenge the states in court. However, if the Supreme Court rules
against ILCSC, that avenue will be closed. The Centres for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) technically can intervene if states do not
provide proper access to care. In reality, CMS has few tools to do so.


a big fan of managed care”, says Sara Rosenbaum, a professor at George
Washington University, “but this transformation may happen with almost
no federal oversight.” Medicaid beneficiaries are vulnerable, in worse
health than Americans as a whole. Companies may struggle to cut costs
and provide good care as well. If states do not draft their contracts
properly, or fail to be vigilant in monitoring patients’ health, their
experiment in managed care could be a disaster. On the other hand, if
states are careful they could provide an answer to the question that has
vexed America for years: how to provide good, cheap health care.

『伍』 关于金融的英语文章

Finance and Economics; 财经;
Canada's housing market; 加拿大的住宅市场;
Time for a bigger needle; 该出手时就出手;
The latest attempt to prick a bubble;戳破泡沫的最新举措;
Canada's reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banksgot through the crisis unscathed. According to Moody's, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canadasits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadianpolicymakers are old hands at pulling “macroprudential” levers of the sort now in vogue amongrich-world central banks.
But questions still nag. Some say that Canada's banks are flattered by a huge indemnity offeredby Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC), a public institution that insures mortgages witha loan-to-value ratio of more than 80%. CHMC's book grew to 567 billion Canadian Dollar(557 billion Dollar) in 2011, up from 345 billion Canadian Dollar four years earlier. And Canada'shousing market looks very frothy on some measures: The Economist's analysis of price-to-rentratios suggests that Canadian properties were about 75% above their long-run “fair value” in thefirst quarter of 2012 (see chart). Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are in arrears, such exuberance is a worry. The central bank recently labelled housing as “the most importantdomestic risk to financial stability in Canada”.
但是,仍有问题缠身。部分人士认为,加拿大的银行被加拿大抵押和住房公司(CMHC)提供的巨额补偿金美化了,CMHC是一家为贷款估值比率超过80%的抵押贷款提供保险的公共机构。在2011年,CHMC的抵押贷款额从四年前的3450亿增长到了5670亿加元(合5570亿美元)。并且,从一些指标来看,加拿大的房地产充斥着泡沫:《经济学人》以房价租金比所做的分析显示,在2012年第一季度,加拿大的物业价格高出它们的长期公允价值75%。纵然仅有低于0.5%的CHMC抵押贷款存在拖欠的情况,但这样的繁荣仍让人忧虑。最近,央行也冠以楼市 “危及加拿大金融稳定性的最大国内隐患”。
Repeated efforts by policymakers to take the heat out of housing have not had a noticeableeffect. So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in fouryears. Some of the new measures were cosmetic. Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollarhave been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%. In practice, it is hard to find buyers in this bracket who do not have lots of equity in their homes. But after July 9th mortgages for homes of this value will not be eligible for CMHC coverage.
Other measures have more teeth. The maximum amortisation period for a mortgage will now be25 years, down from 30. That should hurt demand: last year about 40% of new mortgages werefor terms longer than that. Refinancing a home will be allowed only up to 80% of its value, downfrom 85%. Homebuyers will have to demonstrate their housing costs are no more than 39% oftheir gross household income. On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of theSuperintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limitof 65% on borrowing against home equity.
Craig Alexander, the chief economist for TD Financial Group, estimates all this will be theequivalent of about a 1% rise in mortgage rates for most homebuyers. He believes that willproce a slow unwinding of the housing market. If he is right, and Mr Flaherty's variousinterventions avoid the collateral damage that would be caused by an actual interest-rate rise, Canada's admirers will have another thing to swoon over.

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