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发布时间: 2023-09-09 04:45:54

A. 英语四级考试的快速阅读是什么。


快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完成一篇1100字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题是判断正误(包括NG),后3个是填空题填根据阅读的理解,填三到四个单词(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。 快速阅读的文章一般分为小标题+题目和无小标题+题目两种类型


B. 四六级快速阅读技巧




一般情况下,快速阅读的题目顺序与原文的行文顺序是保持一致的,也就是说,下一道题的出处一般位于前一道题出处后面。即使是存在反常情况的07年6月四级考试中(第6题的出处在原文最后一段,第10题的出处在原文第一段),其总体的试题顺序仍然是与文章的行文顺序一致的。把握题目顺序与行文顺序 一致的基本规律,将节省我们的寻读时间。


解题技巧1: 数字和年代在文章中通常以阿拉伯叔祖的形式出现,在周围都是英文字母的背景中就显得比较突出。因此,如果考题中含有数字,往往可以用来快速定位题目的出处。

解题技巧2: 数字和年代在文章中通常以阿拉伯数字的形式出现,但题干中可能对数字的形式有一定改动,如在数字的精确性和模糊性上变化。这时需要主义从逻辑关系上正确理解数字之间的包含与被包含关系。









(1)表示因果关系的词或词组:because,reason,e to,since,so that,therefore等

(2)表示目的关系的词或词组:in order to,so as to,by等


(4)表示对比关系的词或词组:contrary to,unlike,like等




分解对应四分法(快速阅读的解题核心):快速将问题分解成4个部分(主A 谓B宾C+其他D),与原文进行对比。






















C. 大学英语四级快速阅读得高分有哪四步










a.因果关系:as a result ,therefore,hence,consequently,because, for, e to, hence, consequently等等。

b.并列、递进关系:and, or, then,in addition,besides,in other words,moreover等等

c.转折关系:however,but, yet, in fact等等






a. 看信息与原文相符还是相反

b. 是否将原文信息中对甲的描述附加在乙上

c. 是否将原文中尚未确定的信息当作客观表述

d. 是否改变原文的条件、范围、频率等

判断Not Given的标准列举如下:

a. 是否自行添加了信息

b. 是否把原文中的特例当作了普遍理论

c. 是否把原文中本不相关的事物进行比较

d. 题目中涉及的范围是否小于原文涉及的范围

e. 是否把原文中某人的愿望、观点等作为客观事实




D. CET4快速阅读技巧


E. 急求英语四级快速阅读详解〔2010 6月

Part II Reading Comprehension (15 minutes)

(Skimming and Scanning)
Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

How Do You See Diversity?

As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company. During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the indivial otherwise.

He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice.

“It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding. He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting (避开)your eyes.

“I was just thrown off by the lack of eye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I miss out, but will not miss that opportunity again.”

Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our understanding of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions.

Hire Advantage

At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult, employers who can eliminate invalid biases (偏见) from the process have a distinct advantage. My company, Mindsets LLC, helps organizations and indivials see their own blind spots. A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make.

“During my Mindsets coaching session, I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce. I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets. The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company. When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to stay in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession.”

Blinded by Gender

Dale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops on supervising a diverse workforce. “Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias,” he recalls. “I learned I had not been looking at a person as a whole person, and being open to differences.” In this case, the blindness was not about culture but rather gender.

“I had a management position open in my department; and the two finalists were a man and a woman. Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel. My reasoning would have been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in the position, I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her children and not travel.” Dale’s assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits an organization’s ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce.

“I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation, I needed to present the full range of ties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allow them to make an informed decision.” Dale credits the workshop, “because it helped me make decisions based on fairness.”

Year of the Know-It-All

Doug is another supervisor who attended one of my workshops. He recalls a major lesson learned from his own employee.

“One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year. In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong, as the first of January and just passed. When I advised him of this, I gave him a long talking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates.

“He patiently waited, then when I was done, he said he would like Chinese New Year off, not the Western New Year. He explained politely that in his culture the New Year did not begin January first, and that Chinese New Year, which is tied to the lunar cycle, is one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar. Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuming he had his dates mixed up. But I learned a great deal about assumptions, and that the timing of holidays varies considerably from culture to culture.

“Attending the diversity workshop helped me realize how much I could learn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with my employees, rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all,” Doug admits. “The biggest thing I took away from the workshop is learning how to be more ‘inclusive’ to differences.”

A Better Bottom Line

An open mind about diversity not only improves organizations internally, it is profitable as well. These comments from a customer service representative show how an inclusive attitude can improve sales. “Most of my customers speak English as a second language. One of the best things my company has done is to contract with a language service that offers translations over the phone. It wasn’t until my boss received Mindsets’ training that she was able to understand how important inclusiveness was to customer service. As a result, our customer base has increased.”

Once we start to see people as indivials, and discard the stereotypes, we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone. Diversity is about coming together and taking advantage of our differences and similarities. It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as indivials and reinforce our shared humanity.

When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our past, from the media, peers, family, friends, est., we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed (有缺陷的) or contrary to our fundamental values. We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.


1. What bothered Tiffany ring an interview with her candidate?

A) He just wouldn’t look her in the eye.
B) He was slow in answering her questions.
C) His resume didn’t provide the necessary information.
D) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant.

2. Tiffany’s misjudgment about the candidate stemmed from _________?

A) racial stereotypes
B) invalid personal bias
C) cultural ignorance
D) emphasis on physical appearance

3. What is becoming essential in the course of economic globalization according to the author?

A) Hiring qualified technical and management personnel.
B) Increasing understanding of people of other cultures.
C) Constantly updating knowledge and equipment.
D) Expanding domestic and international markets.

4. What kind of organization is Mindsets LLC?

A) A real estate agency.
B) A personnel training company.
C) A cultural exchange organization.
D) A hi-tech company.

5. After one of the workshops, account executive Dale realized that _________?

A) he had hired the wrong person
B) he could have done more for his company
C) he had not managed his workforce well
D) he must get rid of his gender bias

6. What did Dale think of Mindsets LLC’s workshop?

A) It was well-intentioned but poorly concted.
B) It tapped into the executives’ full potential.
C) It helped him make fair decisions.
D) It met participants’ diverse needs.

7. How did Doug, a supervisor, respond to a Chinese-American employee’s request for leave?

A) He told him to get the dates right.
B) He demanded an explanation.
C) He flatly turned it down.
D) He readily approved it.

8. Doug felt ________ when he realized that his assumption was wrong.

9. After attending Mindsets’ workshops, the participants came to know the importance of _______ to their business.

10. When we view people as indivials and get rid of stereotypes, we can achieve diversity and benefit from the _______ between us.

F. 在英语四级中,怎么做那个快速阅读,就是要选对应段落的那道题

3. 注意标点符号的使用
4. 注意逻辑关系的运用
(1) 因果关系:as a result, therefore, hence, consequently, because, for, e to, hence, 等等。
(2) 并列、递进关系:and, or, then, what’s more, in addition, besides, in other words, moreover等等。
(3) 转折关系:however, nevertheless, while, whereas, but, yet, in fact等等。
5. 特殊信息点在快速阅读中的运用

G. 怎样做英语四级快速阅读感觉时间很紧张~~

第一步:浏览Skim ( 0。5分钟 – 2分钟 ) 1.分析大标题(Brainstorm the Title)(5 – 10秒)目的:调动脑细胞,主动预测文章内容。 官方样题Landfills 的分析思路:land + fill = 土地填埋,加了s, 可能指多处填埋场地。在不认识这个单词的情况下(汉译:垃圾填筑地),能想到这一层就算漂亮。 2006 年12月真题Six Secrets of High-Energy People的分析思路:secrets:多数人不知道,一定新颖有趣;high-energy people 只能是指精力充沛的人,不可能是X战警。文章要告诉我们,那些人为什么精力充沛,希望我们学习他们的秘诀。 2006年6月真题Highways的分析思路:为什么要修建公路?怎么修建?公路有哪些功能?存在哪些问题?一般说明文的写作结构都是如此:计划 – 成形 – 功能 – 问题。例如:联合国的起因 – 联合国的成立 – 联合国的运作 – 联合国的问题。 2.分析小标题 (Tidy the Subtitles)(20 – 25秒) 目的:了解文章内容,把握总体结构。 官方样题: Sub 1:How Much Trash Is Generated? 一看该段字数少,忽视 Sub 2:How Is Trash Disposed of? 关键字:处理 Sub 3:What Is a Landfill? 引进主题,字数增加,进入重点。推理:landfill 肯定是上面提到的一种垃圾处理方法 Sub 4:Proposing the Landfill Landfill由新信息变成已知信息。关键字:Proposing 计划、建议 Sub 5:Building the Landfill 关键字:Building 修建 注意:前一段讲计划,这一段讲修建,联系紧密,可以合并 Sub 6:What happens to Trash in a Landfill? 关键字:What happens; 字数少,忽视 Sub 7:How Is a Landfill Operated? 关键字:Operated 如何运作。字数最多,包含的答案点也最多。重点段。 然后,总结文章结构,帮助答题时定位:第两段引起话题,中间三段讲建造,最后两段讲*作。提醒:整理小标题的时候不要阅读文章。在个别情况下,文章没有小标题(如2006年6月),这时须按下列顺序浏览全文:第一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句 ------ 以下每一段的第一句 ------ 最后一段的第一句和最后一句。这种方法,意味着已经开始阅读,所以花的时间要长一些,但应该控制在两分钟之内。 警告:不要一上来就看后面的问题,对文章没有了解,后面的问题会让你摸不着头脑,增加挫折感。

H. 英语四级的快速阅读要怎么做















Preview the material you're going to read. Look at main headings, chapter divisions, and other relevant material--to develop clues about the structure of the work.


Adjust your reading speed as you read the material. Slow down when you need to be sure that you comprehend a section of material. Speed up if you are already familiar with (or don't need to know) other sections.


Another way to improve your reading speed is to focus on the key words in the sentences. A significant amount of reading time is wasted on conjunctions, prepositions, or articles (i.e. a, an, the, but, and, or, nor, but, etc.).

3、提高阅读速度的另一个方法是,注意句子中的关键词。我们在连词、介词和冠词上浪费了太多时间,如:a, an, the, but, and, or, nor, but等。

Readers can dramatically improve their reading speeds by taking in several words in the line of text at one time (instead of sounding out each word, or focusing on each letter of the word. Computer programs like Speed Reader or Rapid Reader are designed to help readers improve reading speeds with flashing letters and words. You may also want to learn more about other techniques.


Use a pacer like a pen or your finger--as a focal point to draw your eye across the line or down the page. A pacer can help you increase your speed and rece re-reading. A pacer can also help you to keep track of what you are reading.


Determine a reading schele that works for you. You may find that you can't concentrate on the material for more than an hour (or a half hour). Also select a time of the day when you are alert and ready to read. 6、安排一个适合自己的阅读计划表。可能你会发现自己无法专心阅读超过一小时(甚至半小时),这时你就需要一个计划。同时,还要注意挑选一天中思维清晰且适于阅读是时候来读。

Talk about what you've read. Some readers find that by talking about their reading with friends or fellow students, they are able to effectively synthesize the material.


Practice. Practice. Practice. The best way to improve your reading speed is to practice reading. Try out some of these techniques, and then perfect the strategies that work best for you.


Find a reading spot, where interruptions or distractions will not disturb your reading.


I. 四级快速阅读的方法和技巧



大学英语四级考试(College English Test Band 4,缩写:CET-4)是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试,由全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会(1993年前名为“大学英语四、六级标准化考试设计组”)负责设计、组织、管理与实施。


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