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发布时间: 2023-09-07 20:04:48

1. 高中生如何提升英语阅读能力





















2. 如何制定英语阅读计划

学习英语最常遇到的问题,便是词汇不足。词汇不足的人在英文听、说、读、写各方面的能力都会受 到严重限制。所以词汇量的多少在英语学习中占有重要地位。

一般认为背单词是件既吃力,又往往成效不彰的苦差事。实际上,若能采用适当的方法,是可以缩短 扩大词汇量所需的时间,并且提高记忆单词的质量的。下面将介绍五种单词记忆法。

将比较生疏,不常用的单词放入一定的语言环境——句子中,结合句意来记忆单词。遇到此单词时, 若词义忘记,则可通过回忆所在句子的意思来记忆单词。例如:
n. ①倾斜;坡度;斜度
There is always a certain slope in a ship‘s deck.
We climbed the steep slope of the hill.
The railroad slopes up slightsly at this point.

adj. ①批评(性)的,吹毛求疵的
I don‘t like people who are too critical about everything.
His condition is reported as being very critical.

通过此法来掌握词汇,既有助于记住单词本身的拼写、拼读,又可同时熟悉词的词义、词性、用法和 搭配,比孤立地背记单词效果要好。

将同类词汇收集在一起,同时背记。注意,同类词汇与同义词不同:同义词是指意思相同,而同类词 是指基本属性相同、具体意义的层次,级别或范围不同的一类词汇。

如headmaster和principal是同义词,都表示,“中小学校长”;president和chancellor是同义词,都 表示大专院校“校长”。这两组词是同类词汇,都表示“校长”,但具体级别不同,所以两组词不是同义 词。

再如bachelor(学士)、master(硕士),doctor (博士)三个词都表示学位授予的情况,“但具体级别不同,所以这三个词也是一组同类词汇。


把同义词或形似词放在一起,加以区别、说明来掌握单词的方法。记忆的过程是一组组,一对对单词 同时记忆。这种记忆方法可以记住单词拼写的同时,还掌握了词与词的区别和各自特殊的用法,于是将平时极易混淆的单词清楚地区别开。例如:
但confess,含有“坦白”,“忏悔”,的意思, 而admit却无此意。admit除含有“承认”之意外, 还含有“允许,接纳”的意思。

acquire、inquire、require是三个形似词,拼写很相似,但意思却完全不同:acquire(取得,获得)。 inquire(打听,查询)、require(需要,要求,命令)。


water(N)水--water(v) 浇水


pea(豌豆)+nuts(坚果)-- peanut(花生)


利用根义代替记忆多义,可以解决“没有生词”却老读不懂的问题。比如要问immediate(ly)是否已 记住,回答当然是肯定的。那么就请看下面三个 “没有生词”的片段:
a) The woman immediately behind the car.
b) She is my immediate neighbour.
c) the immediate cause

中间没有间隔(地) ---代记---

3. 英语阅读能力的培养计划








1. 导读 ( Preparation for reading )


例如在读题为American English一文时,可以利用收音机或录音机,有选择地转录BBC和VOA的英语节目,听原汁原味的美国英语和英国英语。听完之后判断并注意英美英语在发音、拼写和用词上的差异。然后把这些差异一一列出来进行比较。


美国:gas, baggage, mail, movie,

英国:petrol, luggage, post, film,


美国:check, jail, color, favor, center,

英国:cheque, gaol, colour, favour, centre,


美国:again [ 'gein], clerk [klз:k], dance [d?ns]

英国:again [ 'gen], clerk [kla:k], dance [da:ns]

2.掠读 ( Skimming )




(1) 抓住段落特点


(2) 抓主题句


3.检索读 ( Scanning )









While early settlers had killed bison for food, now the killing became more widespread.

widespread是一个合成词。把它分开成为wide, spread就可知其意。


Now they could ride horse, it became easier to hunt the bison, a type of cattle which used to exist in huge number on the plains of America.

当不理解这个词时, 可根据后面的解释来理解这是 a type of cattle.


Thus one simple fact, a change in the number of bison, had an effect on the whole wildlife chain of the plaons.

通过分析句子成分可知,a change…bison是fact的同位语。主语是fact,谓语是had an effect on …根据上文所述可理解此句。

5.细读 ( Close reading )




[原创]A thank-you letter

Hi, Valerie,

How are you? have you got the approval for your new EP(Employment Pass).

If yes, congratulations!

I wanted to email to GP first, but temporally can't

find his address. It doesn't mean I don't want to write

to you, just feel like GP is more closer to me that


GP told me that because of me you don't want to

talk to Kent either. I was very appreciateful, cause

I took this as my true friend's action! However, Rex

didn't do as you did at all!

I didn't talk to you much when we were in the same

company, though you just sat behind me. Last time I

thought even talk too much with another girl is

considered a great offence to my "wife". I was stuck

too deep to stay awake of this mass. Thank you and GP

so much for having given me great support when I

needed it badly.

I miss GP and you, really. Just hope one day we can

meet together and drink together. I am sure I won't

have a boss like GP again, not to mention a colleague

like you and Vincent. You guys left me the sweetest

memories in Singapore. How am I going to thank


Please tell GP that I have mailed to you and let me know

his address as well. I want to email to him too. I'm

now at home being taken well care of by my parents.

They are about to buy me a car so that I can travel to

some other provinces in China. Ok, my daddy is back,

got to take lunch with him. See you.

All the bests to you and GP


[原创]About the F word

When I first started to learn English in middle school, I didn't know there is F word in vocabulary. Until many years later, browsing through a book about American Slang in the college library, I spotted the F word in an expression about cursing. I looked it up in my dictionary, but found nothing. Back then, we didn’t have computers or Internet, which gives you access to any sort of information in the blink of an eye, nor did we have DVD or VCD. The only chance we could watch American movie was that ring some weekday evening the American teachers played some movies brought from US on a VCR. The TV in our classroom was very small, and the sound was poor. And the room was always packed and had an awful smell of body odor, stale air, and lots of noises.

Honestly, I could understand disturbingly little of the movie, which had no subtitle and couldn’t be played back. All we studied was some stupid textbooks titled advanced English with passages written probably decades or even centuries ago by some famous writers or philosophers whatsoever.

Many years passed, we have more options of English learning, and my knowledge increases. I found that the f word is so widely used in English that no one could say his or her English is really good without solid knowledge of it.

To many beginners, teachers told them that the f word is a bad and crude word they should never learn or use. But I think this is terribly wrong. The f word, though often used as a verbal insult to other people as in “f you”, it is also frequently used to indicate anger, resentment, affection, or even care. Some good examples could be easily caught in the many popular American movies. “Where the f are you talking about?” “Where the f have you been” The speaker may be simply emphasizing an emotion of surprise, shock, or concern. The most interesting word incorporating the f word is “abso-f ing-lutely” in one episode of the TV show “Sex and the City”. If we don’t know how to use the f word, it is really hard to express a degree of certainty higher than the word “absolute”.

My point is that as language learners we should always keep in mind that sometimes what you see is not what you get. To learn a language better, it requires us so much more than hard work and practice. We need to expose ourselves to a more authentic language environment even it is very difficult for people like us living and working in China. The earlier we expose ourselves to cross-cultural problems, the more obstacles we come across in learning English, the deeper we would understand the language. So challenge yourself and you would become tougher and smarter.



又一年的BEC考试又要开始了.很多人急着复习备考了.平心而论,她在对测试非英语为母语的考生运用英语作为工具进行商务活动能力的方面还是比较有说服力和权威性的,所以对于将来有志进入(或已经进入)外企进行国际贸易的人员来说,这项考试还是值得一试的.特别是BEC HIGHER, 她对英语综合能力的评估力度相对更大一些.


[原创]Government Officers

I had no idea what the government officers were like before I joined my bureau. I, however, had no positive impressions on them, because of some officers I approached when I was a salesman.

Of course, I usually contacted those who were in charge of purchasing. Those officers were/maybe still are proud, demanding and powerful. Some of them hinted me for returns and some just asked directly. I invited them for dinner sometimes, and they ordered the most expensive dishes. Some even asked for more services after dinner. Not until all the so-called services were done, did they want to release some useful information to us or sign the purchasing orders. That’s why I used to look down upon them. They were nothing but a big pile of shit to me.

And now I’m working as a government officer too, not only because I am tired of being a salesman, but I want a stable and reliable job. I don’t think this position will be my final career destination, though! It’s been three months since I joined in the bureau. I’m impressed by the government officers in my bureau, because they are far away from what I thought before. Some of them are really good and responsible people!

Our bureau is a bit different from the others, because we are in charge of all the trades and investments in the city. Local companies have to apply for invitation letters if they want their foreign customers, colleagues, friends, relatives or whoever to come to Shenyang to live or work. And we’re in charge of all the foreign companies in the city. Though we have great power in hand, we use it to get more legal foreign investments and for anything which could be helpful for employment opportunities.

Some small problems still occurred to me after I became a member of the officers. I had no such experience on dealing with them before. For example: A section director asked me to translate a long essay for him. I said yes, but my boss was not happy because he said the director had no right to ask his man to do anything without his permission. I understood, cause he is my boss. I shall not take orders from other people, though their ranks are much higher than mine! So my boss asked me to leave his translation alone and let him to explain to the director. In fact, he forgot to do it, and I was there waiting for the consequence. It came to me pretty soon. The director told the president of my bureau that my English was poor. And don’t forget I just impressed the boss in a negative way. I smiled when I heard this, bitterly. “So what?” I asked myself. It’s no big deal. Danny’s English level has been proved by many foreigners, not only from English-speaking countries. I have, at least, great confidence on my English skills.

This incident made me more mature. Working for the Chinese government is not easy. As long as you’re sophisticated enough, you will definitely stand a batter chance to be promoted. You have to be bad, mean and whatever suitable for the job. I’m outta here, sooner or later. Like my brother told me before: if you work for the government, you’re gonna die soon.

Now I understand what he meant. Oops, being a government officer is not easy; being a good and innocent one is nearly impossible. So are you ready to be a government officer?

[原创]how to "use" english!!!

some people just dont know why after 10 years of learning they

still cant speak like a 10 year old native speaker. the only

reason or difference is that while you are "learning" english,

a native kid is "using" english.

a book just wont get you anywhere, but without a good book,

you cant go far either. so here is my idea, use the language

first, read when there is something you dont understand, but

before you go through this reading process, do ask a native

for help first.

i spent 3 years on this and it definitely worked. i hope

newbies could do like i did, but one thing for sure, you will

never be as good at this as you wanna be, and this feeling will

either get you motivated or bored, if you can manage well, you

will see the big picture.

here is a website where you can meet a lot of native people,

www.facethejury.com , there is a forum which can be accessed

for free if you register, you can chat with native people on

that forum in real time, its much better than having a teacher

right? well, at least i think so.

you know, i avoid the chance to talk with non native speakers,

because i might learn from them, and they might become some

kind of habbit to me, which tells you not to use english with

your own kind, cause if you do it will not do you any good.

mistakes can happen, but make sure they dont come out all the

time, cause if they do your brain will register them and it

will be hard for you to correct later on.

dont you ever think going abroad to learn english is much better

than doing it in your own country and dont forget who you are, because if you forget who you really are, no one else would

remember that for you, and if you think going abroad can learn

the real thing, to some point you are right, but for most of

you, its a big mistake, who told you native speakers can accept

you as their friend when you still need to learn english? if

you cant talk fluently with them they will get bored.

dont argue, if a native spearker says "hey whats up", you just

need to accept the fact that they dont use "hello how are you",

just register that piece in your mind and use it the next time

you see someone you know, "habbitize" yourself. "ima tell you

like dis," grammar rules dont work very well in real conversations

if you see what i mean.

"is" and "are", you dont know how to use them? maybe a native

speaker doesnt know that either but they do know how to use

them in a "right" kind of way. "who you think you is?" does

this one sound right to you? cause it does sound right for a

native. whatever a native says, its right, if you follow,

you will become more like them.

alright, im sick of this long ass sh*t, enough for you to

get my point...(or maybe i need to write more?)


4. 考研英语初期阅读练习规划指导


1. 精读阅读材料,利用语境方式,盘活孤立单词,加强语法练习。在这一过程中,做题不是目的,对错不在意,而是过这种方式,加深对于单词,常考用法的掌握,练习自己解析长难句的能力。单词重点在于掌握常考单词和常考短语用法。句子的掌握重点在于解析出句子的主干结构。

2. 佛系看待阅读准确率,重点在于了解题型特征和命题点位置。在考研的初期。这时候,精读文章的同时,也可以尝试做一下后面的阅读考研试题,但是不在乎答对多少。十几年过去了,考试命题方向已经相应发生了变化,我们要辩证看待题目。

3. 每天了解时政热闻,积累相关表达。除了要了解常考单词和句法外,利用每天一点时间来了解一下英美国家的时事热闻,保持题材的新鲜感和对于时政的敏感度,避免出现热门话题单词不会,耽误理解的事情出现。


5. 英语阅读周计划的介绍


6. 课外阅读计划英语词组

1.a fraction of一部分
2.a matter of concern 焦点

3.a series of一系列, 一连串
4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃

5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃

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