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发布时间: 2023-09-07 11:22:23

A. 高中英语作文介绍湖北景点

The Wudang Mountains (武当山), also known as Wu Tang Shan or simply Wudang, are a *** all mountain range in the northwestern part of Hubei Province of China, just to the south of the manufacturing city of Shiyan.East Lake (东湖) is a large lake within the city limits of Wuhan, China, and the largest urban lake in China. Wuhan's East Lake covers an area of 33 square kilometers and it is six times larger than Wuhan's West Lake. It was designated as one of the 4A tourist zones of China in 2000. East Lake has a bird sanctuary, botanical garden, museums, boat rides, fishing, cycling, a public aquarium, and other activities for locals and tourists alike.Guiyuan Temple (归元寺) is a Buddhist temple located on Cuiwei Rd., Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. This part of Wuhan is the former Hanyang city.It was built in Shun 15th year(1658), Qing Dynasty. It has a land area of 4.67 acres. The New Pavilion built in 1922 is the treasury of the temple.Shennongjia Forestry District (神农架林区) is a county-level administrative unit (a "forestry district") in Hubei province, directly subordinated to the provincial government. It occupies 3,253 square kilometers in western Hubei, and, as of 2007 had the resident population estimated at 74,000 (with the registered population of 79,976).The population is predominantly (95%) Han Chinese, the remaining 5% being mostly Tujia.希望帮到你啦~ 无锡之旅 素有“太湖明珠”美誉的无锡是一座具有三千年历史的江南名城。这个寒假,爸爸妈妈在浙仑海外旅行社报了名,带着我去领略领略这江南的秀丽风光。 这回的导游和我们所要游览的地区有关。他姓“吴”,就叫“吴锡”。我们跟着小吴哥哥开始了二日游。 无锡是全国有影视城最多的一个城市,既然到了无锡,又为何不去看看呢?无锡的景点第一站就是“三国水浒城”。 三国水浒景区坐落在葱茏苍翠的军嶂山麓、风景绮丽的太湖之滨。景区里的建筑大多都具有浓郁的汉代风格,如“吴王宫”、“甘露寺”、“曹营水旱寨“、”吴营“、”跑马场“、”点将台“等几十处大型景点。三国城门高大、威猛,旌旗随风飘展,配以广场上天禄和辟邪两尊神兽,更显得门楼的庄严与肃穆。水浒城共分为两个区域,一个是平民区,另一个是景城区。可惜来得不是好时候,就没能细细游览。 由于早上起雾,封了三个多小时的道,直到午后才真正开始“游”。等把整个水浒景区走完时,天已经慢慢暗了下来,只得开始晚餐。 晚饭过后,我们又来到著名的锡惠公园游玩。锡惠公园是集清幽的山林秀色众多的文物古迹和舒适的休闲游乐于一体的综合体大型园林。优美的园区内峰峦叠翠,景色斐然,堪称无锡的“天然博物馆”。 锡惠公园里的主要风景就是“天下第二泉”和“寄畅园”。明代的寄畅园已有百年历史,取园主寄情山水,豁达畅快之意而得名“寄畅”。园内借助天然景致而略加修饰,而整合出人文与自然浑然天成的园林精品。园内景致多样,假山秀石、石栏雕、小径通幽、参天老树结合得天衣无缝,编织出了一幅“锦江漪塔影摇曵“的清秀风光。出了寄畅园,顺着用石头铺成的路一直往前走又能见到更美的景色。整个锡惠公园在夜晚又显优美风彩。 第二天一早,我们又去太湖鼋头渚风景区去游赏。太湖是国内的第三大淡水湖。鼋头渚为太湖西北岸无锡境内的一个半岛,因有巨大的石头突入湖中,像鼋正翘首而得名。我们坐着船,一阵阵的风佛面而来。向远处望去,几座小山在云雾中若隐若现;向下面看去,几阵水波在不停地轮番交替。这时,从旁边飞驰而过一艘快艇,一下子在快艇行过的水面上又泛起几朵雪白的水花。 过了一会儿,船靠岸了,我们陆续下了船,继续欣赏两边的绮丽美景。走上风雨桥,抬头一看,每一个横槛上都画着祥云和神兽等等向右边望去,有一个老渔夫正在钓鱼的石塑,这也说明了当时渔文化的昌盛、发达。过了一个多钟头,我们又汇聚在一起,乘船回去 接着,我们又去了灵山景区。灵山景区位于无锡马山的太湖之滨,临太湖,倚灵山,挽得青龙山,牵取白虎峰,地灵形胜,为难得的佛国保地。 灵山景区最著名的景点莫过于灵山大佛。佛像立于小灵山上,建造时投资超亿元,用铜700吨,比耸立于纽约的自由女神铜像――被誉为“全世界独一无二的巨神像”还高42米,用铜量是自由女神的三倍;比矗立在四川乐山的大佛――“世界第一大佛”还高17米。 灵山景区还有修筑着有名的动态雕塑“九龙灌浴”。下午2午,随着专门为之创作的《佛之诞》音乐响起,四大金刚托起的巨大莲花徐徐绽开,通体鎏金的佛祖小时佛塑像立于莲花之中。同时27只凤凰口中吐出圣水,九条大龙喷出水柱直冲佛像,使佛像愈发沌静、神圣,场面甚为绚丽壮观,这时水柱也向周边洒去很多,有不少人被淋了落汤鸡。 灵山大佛已是这回旅游的最后一个景点了,我们的旅程也将结束,坐着汽车返回宁波。 几缕金色的夕阳穿过一座又一座的小山,照到一片又一片的平原,最后停在了汽车的玻璃上。晚霞把一切都带进了红的世界。它把天边的云朵染成红色的;把房子的屋顶涂上红色的;把人们的脸颊洒成红色的。随着车轮滚滚地开在公路上,我们的旅途就将结束。再见了,美丽的无锡!

B. 介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译


The Lao Mount is one of the birth places of Taoism. Since the Spring and Autumn period, many wizards whowere engaged in preserving good health have gathered there. And it has become the nationally-renowned Immortal Mountain at the East Sea. After the founding of New China, the Qing municipal government funded it to repair and maintain temples in the mountain, and therefore the Taoism has been well preserved. Since the openingof the 3rd session of the 11th NPPCC, the city government began to graally restore some temples, to implement the policies of religion, to call back Taoists, to rebuild the sculptures and to return the properties as planned.


老挝山是道教的出生的地方之一。自春秋时期,许多巫师在业余从事保护身体健康都聚集在那里。它已成为全国知名的山在东海。新中国成立后,青岛市政府资助的修理和维护寺庙在山上,因此道教一直保存完好。NPPCC openingof以来第三次会议11日,市政府开始逐渐恢复一些寺庙,实现政策的宗教,道教打来,重建雕塑和按计划返回的属性。

C. 介绍旅游景点英语作文 关于介绍旅游景点英语作文

1、作文:It was sunny and warm today. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day.


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