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发布时间: 2023-09-06 16:39:46

A. 六年级上册英语快乐阅读第二单元第一个故事主要讲的什

第一个Let's talk
Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here?
Yes,There is.
Where is the cinema,please?
It’专s next to the hospital.
Is it far from here?
No,It’ not far.
Thank you.
You are welcome.

Excuse me.Where is the post office?
It’s east of the cinema.
And then?
Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.It’s on the left.
Thank you!

B. 六年级上册快乐英语阅读 翻译

Happy English for six grade


C. 翻译快乐阅读"do,you,eat,healtily"这一篇作文六年级上册英语

I try to keep a healthy diet.
First I drink at least 6 glasses of water every day to detox properly.
2nd mix varieties of vegetables and fruits in my meals.
(like broccli, bokchoy, onions, carrots, celery, cabbage, napa and season fruits etc.)
3rd stay away from fried chickens, fast food, french fries, soda
4th stay away from junk food like potato chips, peanuts, etc.
(the 4th one is hard for me to keep up with because I was used to
popping chips / nuts into my mouth when I work.)
That's when I picked up the habit of drinking water, which helped somewhat in diverting my attention from junk food.
Junk Food
Nowadays many students like eating junk food.On the way home or to school,they usually buy some junk food in the shops,eating and walking.But junk food isn't nutritious,it's harmful to their health.People who often eat junk food can get ill more easily.For our health,we should not eat junk food.We should eat more healthy food ,such as vegetables,fruit and meat.

D. 快乐英语六年级上册单词表,开头是clean mop sweep的哪个

一月January 二月February 三月March
四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December
2、星期 week
星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursd 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期天Sunday
3、太阳sun 地球earth 月亮moon 星星star 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 风wind 雨rain 云cloud 雪snow 冰ice 多云的cloudy 晴朗的sunny 天空sky 小山hill 田野field 小河river 大海sea 木头wood 森林forest 石头stone 火fire 花朵flower 草地grass 树tree 树叶leaf
大象elephant 狮子lion 老虎tiger 熊bear 狼wolf 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 鹿deer 熊猫panda 猴子monkey 马horse 奶牛cow 驴donkey 绵羊 sheep 猪pig 狗dog 猫cat 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 公鸡cock 母鸡hen 小鸡chick 鸡(鸡肉)chicken 鸭ck 蝙蝠bat 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜗牛snail 蜻蜓dragonfly 蝴蝶butterfly 蜜蜂bee 苍蝇fly 蛇snake 青蛙frog 蟹crab 金鱼goldfish
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(2)
头发hair 耳朵ear 鼻子nose 眼睛eye 嘴巴mouth 头head 脸face 脖子neck 肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手hand 手指finger 腿leg 膝盖knee 脚foot / feet 脚趾toe
2、爸爸father 妈妈mother 爷爷外公grandfather 奶奶外婆grandmother 叔叔伯父uncle 阿姨姑姑 aunt 哥哥弟弟brother 姐姐妹妹sister 婴儿baby 女儿 daughter 儿子son 男孩boy 女孩girl 男人man 女人woman
3、工人worker 农民farmer 教师teacher 学生student 小学生pupil 医生doctor 护士nurse 警察policeman 驾驶员(司机)driver 厨师cook 国王king 王后queen
4、快乐的happy 伤心的sad 生气angry 哭cry 微笑smile 喊shout 走路walk 跑run 坐sit 站stand 跳jump 躺lie 睡sleep 读read 写write 听listen 唱sing 跳舞dance
米饭rice 面包bread 汉堡包hamburger 火腿ham 热狗hot dog 蛋糕cake 奶酪cheese 巧克力chocolate 比萨饼pizza 三明治sandwich 薯条chips 面条noodle 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 牛奶milk 雪碧sprite 可口可乐Coca Cola 冰激淋ice cream 茶tea 水water 蛋egg 月饼 moon cake
苹果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear 桔子orange 西红柿tomato 桃子peach 菠萝pineapple 葡萄grapes 芒果mango 柠檬lemon 西瓜watermelon 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 胡萝卜carrot
11、衣物clothing 上衣(短大衣)coat 大衣 overcoat 毛线衣sweater 裤子trousers 短裤shorts 夹克jacket 衬衫shirt 连衣裙dress 短裙skirt T-恤T-shirt 背心vest 帽子hat 领带tie 围巾scarf 手套gloves 鞋 shoe 袜子 sock 泳衣swimsuit 手表watch
12、刀knife 叉fork 筷子chopsticks 电子游戏computer game 宠物pet

E. 开心学英语六年级上册课文及翻译

1 (我写了很长的信,你有一些信封吗,gogo? ) I wrote a long letter .do you have an envelope ,GOgo?(对不起,汤尼。我没有信封也没有邮票。) sorry Tony.Idon't have any envelopes and Idon't have any stamps .(你打算寄给谁?) Who are you going to send it to ?(我打算寄给我的朋友,他住在对面的岛上。) I'm goingto send it to my friend.He lives on that island.(你打算干什么?) What are you going to do ?(我有一个好主意。) I have a good idea.(看,我能用瓶子把它寄出去!) Look,I can send it in a bottle !( 哇!好主意!) Wow! Geat idea!(哦不。它回来了。) Oh no.It came back.(来吧,我们一起去买一些信封和邮票。) Come on ,Tony.Let'buy some enevlopes and some stamps.2 (我们到了。让我们一起寻找一些昆虫)。 Here we are .Let'look for some insects.(我从没寻找过昆虫!) II never look for insects!(我通常找曲奇饼!) I usually look for cookies! (曲奇饼!你通常找到他们吗?)Cookies!Do you usually find them?(当然!我总是找到他们!) Of cuurse!I always find them! (我们在哪,gogo?) Uh, where are we,Gogo?(我想我们迷路了。但我找到了一些曲奇饼) I think we're lost.But I found some cookies!(哦,gogo。) Oh,Gogo.(先写那么多,明天继续。)哪三课? 3 (你正在读什么)What are you reading? (我正在读远足的书)I'm reading about hiking. (你喜欢远足吗?)Do you like hiking?(是的,我喜欢远足) Yes,I love hiking.(你多久远足一次) How ofte do you go hiking? (我一个月远足两次)I go hiking twice a month (我喜欢滑冰。我经常滑冰)I like ice-skating.I often go ice—skating.(你多久滑一次冰?)How often do you go ice-skating? (我一个月滑三次冰)I go ice-skating about three time a month. (哇!那你一定很擅长滑冰!)Wow!You must be good at ice-skating!(不是的。我一个月去看两次医生。)Not really,I go to see the doctor about twice a month.(Y(^o^)Y,写完了,还有其他的吗?前面的是翻译,后面的是翻译的句子。)

F. 小学生六年级英语快乐阅读的内容简介


G. ,快乐英语阅读小学六年级第1卷unit1英译中文

我发现@有道翻译官 的翻译挺准,原文:My READING
One day a judge was working in his room. A neighbour ran into his house, and said, "if one man's cow kills another's, should the owner of the first cow be responsible?"
"It depends," answered the judge.
"Well," said the man, "your cow killed mine."
"Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, a cow is not responsible, and it means that its owner is responsible either,' answered the judge.
"l am sorry, Judge," said the man. "I made a mistake meant that my cow killed yours."
The judge thought for a few seconds and said, think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy at first." Then he turned to his clerk and said, me that big black book from the shelf behind you."


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