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发布时间: 2023-09-05 10:36:50

❶ 求一篇150字左右关于中国大型跨国公司的英语作文,如华为、老干妈之类的。(介绍其领域状况及成功原因

The Huawei Ideos is an Android OS 2.2 (Froyo)-powered mobile phone with a 2.8-inch TFT touch screen display,a 3.15 megapixel camera and 4GB of memory included.The elegantly-styled unit comes with three extra back covers in different colors.The Huawei IDEOS is ideal for heavy users of multimedia,social networking sites,instant messaging and email who want a reasonably-priced phone.
The higher-end Huwai X5 runs on Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) with 3D user interface capability.It has a 3.8-inch HD LCD capacitive touch screen,a 5 megapixel camera with LED flash,and expandable memory up to 32GB.It can deliver data transfer speeds of up to 14.4 Mbps using High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) technology to provide seamless connection,information and entertainment geared especially for the tastes of professionals and tech enthusiasts.Both models are WiFi-enabled and can record video.

❷ 初三英语阅读理解

通读全文,我们可以看出,31题的答案在第四段,他写华为需要有一个要权衡,那就是它的价格,即这句:There's a lot to weigh up here,especially that price €2299。从这句可以看出31处选B,especially是尤其是的意思,尤其是它的价格,我们可以看出作者是认为它是有点贵的。
题外话:你现在才初中,好好学习英语,遇到不会的单词,可以做完之后查询一下,现在网络这么发达,好好利用网络学习, 不要尽想着别人给你答案,要自己学会做。

❸ 华为英语面试常见问题及答案



Q: Please say something except your self-introction.

A: You mean about my self-introction?

(I think he has some Arabian Accent. Is he from Arabian countries?

No, I am pretty sure he is definitely a Chinese, one of my people.)

Q: No, anything except your self-introction.

A: Oh, sorry. Can I speak something about my job criteria?

Q: Criteria? What is criteria? What does that mean?

A: It means the standards or expectations when I'm looking for a job.

Q: Ok. Say something about that.

A: All right. First, I wanna know what I could learn from the job. That


(He was communicating with other staff of Huawei about something, I

thought he might be busying in something so I stopped and waited for

him to finish.)

Q: Please go on. I'm listening.

A: OK, that means what my future would be if I took the job...

(He's still talking to other in Chinese, so I stopped again.)

Q: Please go on.

A: OK. The second is that I wanna know if it is something that I really

want, that means ... that means if I could totally devote myself in

the job... , the third is ... if I am qualified for the job...

(I stopped several times because he talked to two other guys and answered

a phonecall to his cell ring the conversation.)

Q: I've noticed on your resume that you worked in ###(a company's name) for

only 4 months, why did you quit?

A: Well, I must say...(I was interrupted because he's talking to another guy

again.) I must say that I was too young and not so mutural at that time.

I think I was not well prepared to begin my professional career in my

heart...(He answered another phonecall)

Q: How old were you at that time?

A: 22.

Q: You're 22, and you said you're not matural?

A: I think sometimes maturaty is not related only to the age...

(He answered his cell again, but this time he stepped forward to the window.

The call lasted about 5 minutes. I was still waiting, and then he came back.)

A: ...(I was about to continue but I was interrupted again.)

Q: Mr. Zhang, you must know Huawei is a international company, and it's procts

are sold in international, it's international. (I think 'Huawei is an

internationalized company' would be good alternative to the three sentences

he just said.)So the English is very important to our employees, but your

english does not reach to our requirements. So, I think you're not appropriate

for our company.

A: OK. So can I take my resume back? (Well, now I must admit that I'm still not

matural enough.)

Q: OK.

A: Thank you.



英语电话面试或者一面的第一个英文问题很有可能是“introce yourself”或者“give a brief introction of the work you are doing/you did" , 所以在参加面试之前不妨写一下怎么介绍自己,怎么介绍自己简历上写过的项目等,然后可以反复阅读然后自己说给自己听来做下事前准备。


听不懂不是什么大问题,不懂装懂才是问题。当听不懂面试官说什么的时候可以大胆的说“sorry, I didn't follow you, can you please repeat it”,这个不会降低面试官对你的印象,因为面试的一个很重要的部分是考察你的交流能力。而听不懂礼貌的让人重复也是个不错的交流能力。而且现实工作中由于要和不同英语口音的人交流,听不懂是很正常的,这个时候不能卡壳,不能面面相觑,不能不懂装懂,而是立刻礼貌的要求别人重复。这里强调的一点是一般工作中我们让人重复不太会总是说pardon,这个词比较急促,听起来不是特别礼貌。

尽量把每一句说的流利,但是句子和句子之间可以加停顿。比如用语气词uh,或者and, well等来表示你在斟酌怎么表达你要说的内容。比如“This part of improvement, uh... ..., I was one of the main contributors. And.... ... I've been driving it even further afterwards "。 这种停顿不但不会影响别人对你的英文的观感,反而会让人觉得你稳重。


❹ 华为广告词英语翻译

在如今这个信息时代, 广告 已深入到社会生活的各个方面,手机行业更是充满了创意的广告词,比如华为手机的创意广告,你知道华为的英语翻译广告有哪些吗?下面是我带来的关于华为英语广告词的内容,欢迎阅读!



我说 是吗?


在这条叫做可能的路上 在心里



把难关当作前进的动力 Obstacles can be the impetus

把逆境化作开山劈道的勇气 Difficulties can inspire courage 一步一步 不惧不退


--Make it possible


Impulsive can be passionate.

Reckless can be creative

Playful can be interesting

Naïve can be brave.

Trouble marker can be inspirational.

Dreamer can be dream maker

We are youth power

--Make it possible



Dajiang convergence, Pentium into the sea, surging power, endless

Huawei 3com, adhering to the concept of focusing on customer needs, the integration of both the advantages of resources and technology, rooted in the Chinese fertile soil, look at the vast world; continue to high standards and high demands to provide users with comprehensive and innovative procts to efficient and rapid response capability To provide professional services support, to create a higher network users value.

Huawei 3com, always trustworthy friends, with you toward a broader network of ocean.
1 华为,不仅仅是世界500强!

2 您手中的世界500强

3 如果你喜欢简单。我的细节会让你感动!

4 青春是一种刺,有尖锐才锋芒,刺穿一切虚伪、打破所有陈规,保持不妥协的姿态,用棱角改变世界的圆滑

Huawei mobile advertising

1 Huawei, not just the world's top 500!

2 you in the hands of the world's top 500

3 If you like simplicity. My details will make you move!

4 youth is a thorn, there is a sharp edge, piercing all hypocrisy, to break all stereotypes, to maintain uncompromising attitude, with edges and corners to change the world's sleek

❺ 英语长篇文章阅读带翻译




“We’ve had enough of these boys messing about.” This is what Anna Soubry, UK’s former business minister, said earlier last month, offering her backing of Theresa May in the running to bee the UK’s next prime minister.


Soubry was indicating that it was time for women to step up to “clear up the mess created by the men”.


Women are starting to take power in more and more important positions in recent years.


According to a new list piled by Agence France Presse AFP, the world’s 10 most powerful women who made their way above the “glass ceiling”–the invisible barrier that keeps women from rising beyond a certain level in hierarchy


includes the US’ first female presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, head of the US Federal Reserve Janet Yellen, and Director-General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan.


There is something interesting with the AFP list though: A majority of the 10 women are over 60, the rough age when some women bee grandmothers.


In fact, this might be the best proof of how aging–a factor that has always been considered as a disadvantage, especially for women–has begun to turn into an edge, for women.


According to The Atlantic, the reasons behind the phenomenon may include that today’s older women are better ecated and experienced than any generations before.


It is also because of society’s changing perceptions about what women can achieve–after being held back in their middle age years raising kids and running domestic lives, older women are now more likely to start again instead of retiring into a peaceful life of cooking and gardening.


Also, according to the UK’s Conservative peer, Baroness Jenkin of Kennington, people are growing to be more trusting toward female leaders pared to their male counterparts, especially ring periods of instability.


“They feel that at a time of turmoil, a woman will be more practical and a bit less testosterone in their approach.


More collaborative, more willing to listen to voices around the table, less likely to have an instantly aggressive approach to things,” she told The Guardian.


In fact, this changing atmosphere in gender equality is spreading all over the world and across women of all ages.


In the just-ended Rio Olympics, for example, among the 121 medals under the belt of the US team, 55 were won by men while 61 were captured by women. The rest five were in mixed events.


When US gymnast Simone Biles sealed four golds and a bronze, she said, “I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles.”




Until recently, Apple research and development centres never fell far from the tree. The group still does no significant research and development outside the US. Its head office in Cupertino keeps a strong hold on the core design of its procts.


Last week, though, chief executive Tim Cook said Apple planned to open a research centre in China, where its procts are made, rather than researched or developed. He has strong mercial reasons to plant more Apple flags.

然而,苹果执行长蒂姆•库克Tim Cook上周表示,苹果计划在中国设立一个研究中心。苹果的产品在中国制造,但却不是在中国研究或者开发出来的。从商业角度而言,库克有充分理由在更多地方插上苹果的旗帜。

Apple sales in China have been dented by local rivals such as Huawei. Mr Cook’s announcement came while he met vice premier Zhang Gaoli — a reminder that R&D centres punch above their weight politically.

苹果在华销售遭到华为Huawei等中国本土竞争对手的蚕食。库克是在和中国副 *** 会面时宣布此事的——这提醒人们,从政治角度而言,研发中心具有超乎其本身的重要性。

Foreign investors do not have to mit much money or employ many scientists to build an R&D hub, but the suggestion that they detect some magical innovation-fertiliser in the local water is like catnip to politicians.


In return for handing over the keys to land, granting planning permission and even ladling on subsidies, the mayor or minister briefly gets to look as clever as the people the new R&D hub will hire.


The question in Apple’s case is what took it so long?


Multinationals’ habit of setting up research centres abroad is more than 50 years old, and international panies’ interest in setting down research roots in developing countries dates at least to the early 2000s.


When IBM wanted to establish a non-US R&D centre in the 1950s, it sent an engineer called Arthur Samuel to scout sites in Europe.

上世纪50年代,IBM想要在美国以外建立一个研发中心,于是派出一个名叫阿瑟•塞缪尔Arthur Samuel的工程师在欧洲寻觅合适的地点。

Samuel described the London suburbs he visited as “the most di *** al places that I have ever seen”. He was drawn instead to Zurich by its “proximity to talent”.


This remains among the most popular reasons for panies’ choice of foreign R&D locations, according to fDi Markets, the Financial Times’ cross-border investment research service.

英国《金融时报》旗下跨境投资研究服务机构fDi Markets的研究表明,这一点依然是企业将某个地点选为海外研发中心地址的原因中最普遍的一个。

IBM’s Swiss facility fostered four Nobel laureates but R&D strategy has since evolved to put fast-growing markets and customers closer to the centre.


Jaideep Prabhu of Cambridge’s Judge Business School says Apple might have held back from China so far because of worries about intellectual property leaking into a market notorious for knock-offs of its flagship procts.

英国剑桥大学Cambridge嘉治商学院Judge Business School的贾伊迪普•普拉布Jaideep Prabhu表示,苹果一直到现在才决定在中国设立研发中心的原因,可能是苹果担忧其智慧财产权会泄露——中国是一个因为“山寨”苹果旗舰产品而声名狼藉的市场。

But when he studied the research centre phenomenon in the mid-2000s, he found many large panies were already challenging the idea that R&D was “too important to be offshored”.


The quality of skilled local researchers was the main attraction of Bangalore or Shanghai. The fact they could be hired for much less than in New York or Silicon Valley added to the allure.

当地高水平的熟练研?a href='' target='_blank'>咳嗽笔前嗉勇薅?蛘呱虾5闹饕???ΑT僬撸?笠的芄灰员仍谂υ蓟蛘吖韫鹊偷枚嗟某杀竟陀墩庑┤嗽币苍銮苛苏庑┑胤降奈??Α?/p>



WhatsApp is changing its privacy policy to allow businesses to message its billion-plus users, opening up a potential revenue stream for the Facebook-owned app.


The policy shake-up — the first since it was acquired by Facebook in early 2014 — will allow panies to send messages that many people now receive by SMS.


WhatsApp plans to test these new services, such as fraud alerts from banks and updates from airlines on delayed flights, in the next few months.


But the pany said it would not put so-called banner adverts in messages.


It reiterated that its end-to-end encryption meant it did not have access to the content of messages nor did it regularly store metadata on who contacts whom.


“We want to explore ways for you to municate with businesses that matter to you, while still giving you an experience without third-party banner ads and spam,” it said in a blog post.


The new privacy policy will allow Facebook’s main app to use the phone number a user provides to WhatsApp to allow marketers to target advertisements.


The number used by WhatsApp will bee part of an existing database that can be anonymously matched with panies’ own customer lists to create an audience to show a particular marketing message.


Facebook will also be able to use the number to suggest friends to add and to track whether a user has both WhatsApp and the Facebook app on their phone.


This is the first time that WhatsApp has shared any user data with its parent.


When Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $22bn, some feared that the social network would change the privacy policy, mine its data or start showing adverts to users in their messaging stream.


“Your encrypted messages stay private and no one else can read them. Not WhatsApp, not Facebook, nor anyone else,” the WhatsApp blog post said.

WhatsApp在部落格中表示:“您的资讯仍会被加密并保持私密,没有人包括 WhatsApp、Facebook或其他人可以读取内容。

“We won’t post or share your WhatsApp number with others, including on Facebook, and we still won’t sell, share, or give your phone number to advertisers.”


❻ 华为平板好用的英文文献阅读工具,支持PDF的,有推荐吗

wps、eXPert PDF Reader等软件都很不错。

eXPert PDF Reader是一个完全免费的PDF阅读器,可用于PDF文件的阅读和打印。功能上支持对文档的编辑修改,如插入水印、添加各种注解批示等。

eXPert总体比较简单,软件的启动速度相当快捷,并且整体界面简单,浏览文档的操作也比较适合用户上手,比较适合只有简单阅读需求的用户使用。此外,eXPert PDF Reader也是当前一款支持换肤的阅读器。


Adobe公司设计PDF文件格式的目的,是跨平台支持多媒体集成信息的出版和发布,尤其是提供对网络信息发布的支持。为了达到此目的, PDF具有许多其他电子文档格式无法相比的优点。


❼ 华为面试英文自我介绍



good morning !

it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i hope i can make a good performance today. i'm confident that i can succeed.

now i will introce myself briefly.i am 26 years old,born in shandong province . (general introction)

i was graated from qing university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graation in the year of 2003. ring university, i spent most of my time on study so that i have passed cet4/6 . and acquired basic knowledge of my major.(ecation background)

in july 2015, i began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in qing.because i'm capable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job. and in august 2004,i left qing to beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer.because i want to change my working environment, i'd like to find a job which is more challenging. moreover motorola is a global company, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. that is the reason why i come here to compete for this position. (research experience and academic activity)

i think i'm a good team player and i'm a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure.

that’s all. thank you for giving me the chance.


good afternoon,honorable judges. i am glade to be here for this interview. first let me introce myself to you. my name is **, 23. i come from zhengzhou, the capital of henan province. i will graate from the central south university in july this year.

after four years’ extensive training in science and engineering with a focus on microbiology and biotechnology in the last one and a half years, i am fully absorbed in biology and their various novel applications. driven by my interest and capacity in these areas, i would expect myself to be a senior professional in 10-15 years time, working as either a faculty member in a university or a researcher in some institute. having realized that such a goal would require much more knowledge than what i have acquired, i am determined to pursue graate study in a best university.

the origination of my interest dates back to my senior high school year when i attended an intensive but interesting course given by the biological teacher on general biology. my interest was reinforced when i had the opportunity to participate in some research projects in the central south university. in may, XX, i began working with prof.zhou to do research on microbial treatment processes for the nitrogen removal in wastewater. i participated in the separation method of nitrifier and denitrifier (chemolithoautotrophic bacteria, very small colony, grows slow, have the same color with the culture medium) and do some research on their physiology characteristics. i have been consciously strengthening my research ability by teaching myself advanced knowledge including microbial physiology, microbial statistics. through these projects, i have not only learned many practical techniques but also acquired a solid theoretical background and a broad scope in scientific research in my fields of interest.

despite the intensive curriculum, i have always kept an eye on a broader world outside. as a member of the csu-students union, i’ve improved my communication and cooperation skills through some meaningful activities.

it has become clear to me that a good academic environment can play a very important role in my pursuit of excellence. i believe pursuing a master’s degree at csu, would be a most reasonable extension of my academic pursuit and a major step forward toward my career goal


Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.

now i will introce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging instry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging instry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.

❽ 华为英文是什么














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