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发布时间: 2023-09-05 08:04:48

『壹』 txt英文文本:床头灯.II.鲁宾逊漂流记.Robinson.Crusoe

After reading "Robinson Crusoe" This wonderful novel, a tall image emerge from time to time at my eyes, he is brave explorer, navigator Robinson. With his indomitable perseverance, never give up the spirit of its own achieve the dream of sailing.
I seem to see the ships standing on the deck of such a person: he gave up a wealthy and comfortable life, offensive庸庸碌碌that life in order to start a el with bleach to survive challenge. Unfortunately, with all sorts of difficult and Robinson did not overwhelm, but to make him stronger. God grant Robinson's difficult, more challenging for him also!
Storm tsunami, all vessels in addition to Robinson spared, the real challenge for survival has only just begun!
Living on an island, for him to find suitable shelter, ran on shore the whole day, in a rock to find a shelter. Robinson at the foot of the mountain up a small tent, and as much more, which again on a few wooden blocks to hang a hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes, as well as wood, make wooden raft material, a temporary fence堆成for fortifications. But only after ten days, a sudden landslide happened. Robinson not only put the loose soil transported Down to go out, but also installed the ceiling, with the following columns to avoid the recurrence of landslide disasters. Never give up, Robinson laid the foundation of life.
Once, Robinson inadvertently dropped at the corner of the hull, even grow green stems, and soon, grow up a few dozen Sui head, this is the grace of God. Since then, Robinson one half to the rainy season on sow seeds to test, in order to get more food. Worst first test, barley and rice harvests have only just half a bucket. However, after the trial, so that Robinson has become a master farmer. Know when to seed, and now he knew that the two planting seasons, harvest twice. Never give up, Robinson Living With rations.
Shipbuilding home, Robinson also spent a few years, numerous efforts. Light is the felling of several months. However, because of the prior does not take well, the ship away from the coast too far away, how he can not allow boats into the water. This next few years of effort wasted, and all hopes are dashed. Until the emergence of Friday, the hope rises again welled up!
Robinson is a great person, the determination of people, alone in the uninhabited island for 27 years on life. He dared to play against an adverse environment for the struggle, hard work, put a small island in an orderly operation. Him in the face of adversity temper their success a lot of unusual cause. This book is the Church in order to win our only insist that only hard work to get us out of difficulties, work is more important than beliefs ... ...
My life will be with this book and set sail, sailing in life, the brave move, never give up!


『贰』 床头灯英语读物系列图书 共有多少本

一共53本 分为4套


本套读物由美国作家执笔,以3300个最常用的单词写成,语言现代,地道 ,标准。原汁原味,而且通俗易懂。你躺在床上不用翻字典就可以津津有味地学英语。小说里有人,有人的吃喝拉撒睡,有人的七情六欲,有人与人之间复杂的关系,以及人与自然,与社会的冲突和调和

『叁』 在线跪求:床头灯英语学习读本 3000词 与5000词 难易程度 适用于什么级别的人来阅读

我看过 我买的基督山伯爵 还是可以的 后面是有单词表的 我建议你买5000词的专 先看前面英文原版属的 遇到困难再看后面的词汇表 另外 看完一两本 你会感觉阅读速度和理解能力有很大的提升的 不要担心 这是因为你学新概念是很慢的分析 主要学语法什么的 你真正阅读起来 很有趣 投入进去之后 阅读很有感觉 也很快的

『肆』 求《床头灯》英语读物系列的txt版电子书下载

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『伍』 床头灯英语学习读本是原著吗

不是。是改编版的。例如:简·爱(英)夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)原著 5000词床头灯英语学习读本:简·爱(纯英文版)》是英国文学史中一部不朽的杰作。作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charoette Bronte)于一八一六年出生在英国北部荒原山村一个牧师家庭,自幼与兄妹五人过着清苦生活,不想日后这个家庭竟培养出震惊英国文坛的三位女作家.而夏洛蒂是三姐妹中最负盛誉的一位。她一生著有四部长篇小说及不少诗作;《简·爱》于一八四七年出版后,立即在伦敦引起巨大反响。书中主人公简·爱是个自幼父母双亡的孤女,婴儿时期由舅父母收养。不久舅父逝世,舅母及其子女对她百般欺凌虐待,她年幼瘦弱又孤立无援,但她不甘屈辱奋力与之抗争。十岁时,她被送到一处名为慈善学校实为孤儿院的地方,在那里度过八年凄苦艰难的岁月;她勇敢面对孤独、饥饿、疾病和繁重的体力劳动,而与此同时,她刻苦认真学习知识,坚持不懈地提高自己在品德方面的素质和修养。在完成六年的学习课程后,终于成长为一名合格的教师十八岁时她登报求职,离开该校到一座花园府邸给一个八岁女孩当家庭教师。在当时当地的所谓上流社会中,她只是一名不受重视的平凡受雇者,但她工作认真、待人真诚、行事稳重,不久就深得府邸女管家及庄园男主人的信任和尊重。而她在逐步理解男主人性格中正直善良的一面时,不自禁地对之产生了同情及爱意 以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助! 杭州图书馆

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