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发布时间: 2023-09-04 13:46:48

⑴ 求问大侠一道考研英语阅读

回答2:你把until now放到句末,那么这就是not until 搭配,直到...才....那么这句话的意思是Nancy Dubler 说这个原则会保护那些直到现在才坚持认为如果药可以加速死亡,他们就可以给病人足够大的剂量来减轻病痛.(以前不敢,但是现在敢了)
回答3: that后面接了个从句啊, 应该是引导同位语从句,具体的说明extent 的程度

⑵ 2012年考研英语一真题阅读理解Text 1

Come on -Everybody’s doing it. That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help indivials improve their lives and possibly the word.

Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.

The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.” Dare to be different, please don’t smoke!” pleads one billboard campaign aimed at recing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.

But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it doesn’t work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program proces lasting changes is limited and mixed.

There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.

Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions. It’s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that’s the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.

21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as

[A] a supplement to the social cure

[B] a stimulus to group dynamics

[C] an obstacle to school progress

[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors

22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

23. In the author’s view, Rosenberg’s book fails to

[A] adequately probe social and biological factors

[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure

[C] illustrate the functions of state funding

[D]proce a long-lasting social effect

24. Paragraph 5shows that our imitation of behaviors

[A] is harmful to our networks of friends

[B] will mislead behavioral studies

[C] occurs without our realizing it

[D] can proce negative health habits

25. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is

[A] harmful

[B] desirable

[C] profound

[D] questionable

⑶ 考研英语阅读理解汉语翻译



The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbours, cannot be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet. Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.

Twenty years from now you will be able to listen to a friend on Mars, but the words you hear will have left his mouth at least three minutes earlier, and your reply will take a corresponding time to reach him. In such circumstances, an exchange of verbal messages is possible—but not a conversation.

To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact. It will be a perpetual reminder of universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail. For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal—still less any material object—can ever travel faster than light.

The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit, being part of the very structure of space and time. Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely. At the worst, these will amount to twenty hours—the time it takes a radio signal to span the orbit of Pluto, the outer-most planet.

It is when we move out beyond the confines of the solar system that we come face to face with an altogether new order of cosmic reality. Even today, many otherwise ecated men—like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four—cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space. The first is the space enclosing our neighbouring worlds, the planets; the second is that which embraces those distant suns, the stars, and it is literally millions of times greater. There is no such abrupt change of scale in the terrestrial affairs.

Many conservative scientists, appalled by these cosmic gulfs, have denied that they can ever be crossed. Some people never learn; those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach. And again they are wrong, for they have failed to grasp the great lesson of our age—that if something is possible in theory, and no fundamental scientific laws oppose its realization, then sooner or later it will be achieved.

One day we shall discover a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles. Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light. They will never reach that goal, but they will get very near it. And then the nearest star will be less than five years voyaging from the earth.[514 words]

11.For light to travel across the solar system, it will take_______.

[A] a year [B] nearly a day [C] two months [D] thirty minutes

12.The fact that it will never be possible to converse with someone on another planet shows that________

[A] radio messages do not travel fast enough

[B] no object can ever travel faster than light

[C] western culture has a special idea of communication

[D] certain universal laws cannot be prevailed against

13.Confronted with the new order of cosmic reality, many ecated men________.

[A] become ignorant savage again [B] find the “time barrier” unbearable

[C] will not combine solar and stellar space[D] cannot adapt to the abrupt change of scale

14.Conservative scientists who deny that cosmic gulfs can ever be crossed will________

[A] laugh at the very idea of flight [B] learn a lesson as they did ten years ago

[C] find space travel beyond their reach[D] oppose the fundamental scientific laws

15.The author of the passage intends to show__________.

[A] the limitations of our technology [B] the vastness of the cosmic reality

[C] the prospect of planetary travel [D] the psychological impact of time and space



enclose vt. *① [常用被动态] to surround sth., especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate(尤指用篱笆或围墙)围起来 例:A high wall enclosed the courtyard. 一堵高墙把院子围了起来。 ② 随信附上,随信装入 例:Please enclose a check with your order. 请您随定单附上支票。

en-?是构成动词的前缀,表示 ① “使处于某种状态,使有某种特征,使成为……”例:danger使陷入危险中,危害,危及,enlarge使变大,扩大,enslave使成为奴隶,奴役 ②“把……包住;包涵”例:encircle围绕,环绕,包围,encase把……放入箱(盒、袋等)内

lump n. ① a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape(不定形的)块例:There were lumps in the sauce. 酱汁中有块状的东西。②方糖 例:One lump or two? 要一块还是两块方糖?vt. to accept a situation or decision you do not like because you cannot change it 无奈地接受 例: I?m going to that party! Like it or lump it! 我打算去参加那个聚会!不管喜欢还是不喜欢!

[短语搭配] *lump sth. together 把……合在一起考虑;算在一起 例:Pacifists, atheists and journalists were all lumped together as “troublemakers”. 和平主义者、无神论者和记者都被归为“捣乱分子”。


enmesh vt. *① 用网捕捉,使陷入网中;文中指“以电话和电视网络将整个世界联系起来” ② 使陷入,使卷入 例:be enmeshed in difficulties陷入困难中

stellar a.*① 恒星的,与星有关的 ② 极好的 例:the company?s stellar growth公司的良好发展

terrestrial a. ① 陆地的 *② 地球上的


1. The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, makingall men neighbors, cannot be extended into space.

该句主干是一个被动句The marvelous telephone and television network... cannot be extended into space。其中that引导的定语从句做后置定语修饰network;分词短语making all men neighbors当结果状语,修饰整个定语从句。

2. To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact.

该句主干是This “time barriers” may have a profound psychological impact。介词短语to a culture which... 充当状语成分,修饰句子主干,其中which引导的定语从句修饰a culture;介词短语as... 与前面的动词take构成“动词+复合宾语”的结构take sth. as sth.(把……看作……)。

3. Those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach.

该句主干是Those... are now quite sure that... 。who引导的定语从句修饰主语those;连词and 连接的两个动词短语scoffed...和laughed... 是并列关系,一起充当定语从句的谓语。that引导的从句充当表语。




第一段:开篇指出,地球上的通信系统无法延伸到太空中,因此人类无法实现星际之间的对话。接着分析原因:无线电波和光波传播速度的限制(the same limited speed)使信息需要花很长时间才能到达(the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey)。

第二段:以火星为例,具体说明星际之间无法实现通常意义上的“对话”(a conversation is impossible)。由此可以推知,未来星际之间的交流将采用延时通信(communication delay)的方式。


第三段:指出“时间障碍”对人们造成的心理影响(a profound psychological impact),即人们意识到技术不能战胜宇宙的普遍规律和限制(universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail)。

第四段:指出速度限制在狭小的太阳系内(the narrow confines of the solar system)不会给人们带来不便(will not handicap us too severely),并且以冥王星为例说明速度的限制在太阳系内最多造成20个小时的延迟。


第五段:提出观点一,即,人们应该认识到太阳系之外的宇宙更浩瀚,天体规模的变化更突然(greater, abrupt change of scale)。该段批评了一些人对宇宙的无知(like savages,cannot grasp the profound distinction),并且对太阳系和恒星系两个概念给予了界定。

第六段:批评那些否认跨越宇宙鸿沟的可能性(appalled by these cosmic gulfs, denied that they can ever be crossed)的保守的科学家。从理论上进行论证:人类的发展证明,只要是理论上证明可能的事情,人类迟早能够实现(If something is possible in theory, then sooner or later it will be achieved)。

第七段:提出观点二,即,技术的发展将使跨越宇宙鸿沟变为可能。该段指出未来的航天器驱动方式(a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles)将会接近速度的极限。全文最后以展望星际旅行的前景结束。




1. 事实细节题

(1) 文中出现多处数字,包括:无线电波或者光波的传播速度都是每秒186, 000英里;无线电信号达到冥王星的时间是20小时;未来乘坐航天器达到最近的恒星需要大约5年的时间。针对这些细节可以命制数字细节题,参见试题11。

(2) 第一段含有两个层次的因果关系:人类无法实现星际之间的对话是因为信号传送时间长;信号传送时间长是因为无线电波或者光波传播速度的限制。这里可以命制因果细节题,参见试题12。

(3) 结合第三段和第四段考查“速度限制或时间障碍”造成的影响。如:[A] 人类不再盲目崇拜技术;[B] 给人类生活带来诸多不便;[C] 星际之间无法进行交流;[D] 诱发人类一些心理疾病。(答案:[A])

2. 推理引申题

(1) 针对第二段关于与火星上的人交流的描述考查未来星际之间的交流方式。

(2) 针对第四段末句考查太阳系内通信延迟的时间最长可以达多久。

3. 人物观点、态度题

第五段和第六段提到了两类保守的人,根据文中的描述,可以命制人物观点题,参见试题13和14。也可以考查他们看待时间障碍问题的态度,如:[A] 肯定的;[B] 否定的;[C] 中立的;[D] 含糊不清的.。(答案:[A])

4. 作者观点、态度题

(1) 考查作者对文中提到的两类人的态度,如:[A] 褒扬;[B] 批判;[C] 同情;[D] 厌恶。(答案:[B])

(2) 根据第五段至第七段,考查作者观点,如:[A] 人类在浩瀚的宇宙中十分渺小;[B] 人们应该了解太阳系之外的宇宙;[C] 技术的力量是无穷无尽的;[D] 宇宙速度的限制迟早会被突破。(答案:[B])

5. 词义句意题

(1) 考查第五段lump together的含义。

(2) 根据上文推测第六段末句If something is possible in theory... then sooner or later it will be achieved的含义,如:[A] 未来的人类终将跨越宇宙鸿沟;[B] 任何设想都不要违背自然规律;[C] 保守的人永远不能正确预见未来;[D] 理论与实际的距离只是时间问题。(答案:[A])



[A] 一年。 [B] 将近一天。 [C] 两个月。 [D] 30分钟。

[精解] 答案B本题考查考生的数字推理能力。原文中没有直接的回答,但是第一段末句指出:“无线电和光的传播速度相同。”第四段最后一句又指出,无线电传到太阳系中最远的冥王星,要20小时。所以[B]项正确。


[A] 无线电的传播速度不够快 [B] 没有物体能比光的速度快

[C] 西方文化有特别的交流观念[D] 某些普遍规律不能被战胜

[精解] 答案A本题考查事实细节。第一段后两句指出,“永远不可能和另一个星球人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以有限速度传播。”第二段中举了一个和火星人交流的例子,得出的结论是:“交换语言信息是可能的,但是不可能对话。”[A]项指的是传播速度的限制,为正确项。[B]是第三段末句的改写,是事实,但它与无法实现星际对话没有必然的联系。[C]项在第三段提到,但“认为即刻交流是理所当然的文化”是人思维局限的表现,而“人无法和另外一个星球的人进行对话”是自然规律事实,后者不能表明前者。该段也提到,“时间的局限性”(即无法和外星人进行对话)提醒我们不是所有的技术都能战胜普遍规律和限制,因此这里说明的是“技术的局限性”,而不是[D]项中的“规律的不可战胜性”。


[A] 又变成无知的野人 [B] 发现“时间局限性”不可容忍

[C] 将不会把太阳系和恒星系结合起来[D] 不能适应这种突然的大规模的变化

[精解] 答案D本题考查事实细节。文章第五段第二句提到,“许多在别的方面受过教育的人,像只能数到三的野人,无法明白太阳系和恒星系的巨大不同。……(后者比前者)确实大几百万倍,地球上的事物在规模上没有这样巨大的变化。”可见,他们无法适应如此巨大的规模变化,选择[D]。[A]项拘泥于字面含义,没有理解文中举出“野人”只是为了说明那些受过教育的人在变化面前的无知,而不是真的变成了野人。[B]项文中未提,[C]项中“结合”应换成“区分”,才符合文意。


[A] 嘲笑飞行的想法 [B] 像10年前一样吸取教训

[C] 发现太空旅行非他们所能及[D] 反对基本的科学规律

[精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。倒数第二段谈到这些保守科学家时,作者指出:“一些人从来不吸取教训;他们60年前怀疑飞行的可能性,10年前耻笑飞往其他行星的想法,现在又满有把握地说恒星是我们永远不能及的。”据此,最为相近的答案应该是[C]。


[A] 我们技术的局限性 [B] 宇宙现实的广阔性

[C] 星际旅行的前景 [D] 时间和空间对心理上的影响

[精解] 答案C本题考查写作目的。综观全文,作者从无线电和光速谈起,批评了很多持保守态度的人,进而论证人类终将跨越宇宙鸿沟。文章最后描述未来星际旅行标志了人类跨越宇宙鸿沟的实现。可见,[C]是作者要说明的问题。


神奇的电话和电视网络将整个世界连结在一起,使所有的人都成了邻居,但是却不能延伸到宇宙中。你永远不可能和另一个星球上的人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,有时候甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以每秒186, 000英里的有限速度传播。








⑷ 考研英语总共几篇阅读啊



考研英语一试题分三部分,共52题,包括英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作。 第一部分 英语知识运用


在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。考生在答题卡1上作答。 第二部分 阅读理解


A节(20小题):主要考查考生理解主旨要义、具体信息、概念性含义,进行有关的判断、推理和引申,根据上下文推测生词的词义等能力。要求考生根据所提供的4篇(总长度约为1 600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案。考生在答题卡1上作答。

B节(5小题):主要考查考生对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征以及文章结构的理解。本部分有3种备选题型。每次考试从这3种备选题型中选择一种进行考查。考生在答题卡1上作答。 备选题型有:




C节(5小题)*:主要考查考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个画线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。 第三部分 写作

该部分由A、B两节组成,主要考查考生的书面表达能力。共30分。 A节:



B节:考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。考生在答题卡2上作答。共20分。 *硕士研究生入学考试将英译汉试题作为阅读理解的一部分,其目的是测试考生根据上下文准确理解概念或复杂结构并用汉语正确予以表达的能力。

⑸ 考研英语阅读理解和翻译



The world is goingthrough the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. Theprocess sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emergingcountries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at thisprocess and worrying: “Won't the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollableanti-competitive force?"

There's no question that the big are getting bigger and morepowerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% ofinternational trade in 1982. Today the figure is more than 25% and growingrapidly. International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment ofproction in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. InArgentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s, multinationalswent from 43% to almost 70% of the instrial proction of the 200 largestfirms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smallereconomic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of theworld economy。

I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&Awave are the same that underlie the globalization process: fallingtransportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers andenlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers'demands. All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to consumers. Asproctivity grows, the world's wealth increases。

Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave arescanty. Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms todaycould re-create the same threats to competition that were feared nearly acentury ago in the U.S., when the Standard Oil trust was broken up. The mergersof telecom companies, such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices forconsumers or a rection in the pace of technical progress. On the contrary,the price of communications is coming down fast. In cars, too, concentration isincreasing—witness Daimler and Chrysler, Renault and Nissan—but it doesnot appear that consumers are being hurt。

Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched. Afew weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamergers in the bankinginstry. Who is going to supervise, regulate and operate as lender of lastresort with the gigantic banks that are being created? Won't multinationalsshift proction from one place to another when a nation gets too strict aboutinfringements to fair competition? And should one country take upon itself therole of“defending competition" on issues that affect many othernations, as in the U.S. vs. Microsoft case?

33. What is the typical trend of businesses today?

[A]To take in more foreign funds

[B]To invest more abroad

[C]To combine and become bigger

[D]To trade with more countries

34. According to the author, one of the driving forces behindM&A wave is _________。

[A]the greater customer demands

[B]a surplus supply for the market

[C]a growing proctivity

[D]the increase of the world's wealth

35. From paragraph 4 we can infer that _________。

[A]the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers

[B]WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs

[C]the costs of the globalization process are enormous

[D]the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition

36. Toward the new business wave, the writer's attitude can be saidto be _________。






33. What is the typical trend of businesses today? 今天的商业典型的发展趋势是什么?

[A]To take in more foreign funds 吸收更多外资

[B]To invest more abroad 进行更多对外投资

[C]To combine and become bigger 合并做强

[D]To trade with more countries 与更多国家贸易

【答案】 C

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 文章第一段中说“世界正在经历一场前所未有的最大的的并购浪潮。这个浪潮从异常活跃的美国开始,横扫欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响到正在崛起的国家”,因此可以判断正确答案是[C]。

34. According to the author, one of the driving forces behindM&A wave is _______。


[A]the greater customer demands 更大的消费需求

[B]a surplus supply for the market 对市场的剩余供给

[C]a growing proctivity 日益增长的生产率

[D]the increase of the world’s wealth 世界财富的增长

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 根据“合并浪潮的推动力”可以定位到第三段。在作者看来,“日趋下降的运输与通讯费用,较低的贸易与投资壁垒,以及市场的扩大和为满足市场需求而进行的扩大生产,是推动这股巨大的并购浪潮的最主要的力量,也是推动全球化进程的力量”。将四个选项对比这三个因素,只有[A]包括了根据顾客的需要扩大市场这个因素。

35. From paragraph 4 we can infer that _____。


[A] the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers


[B] WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs


[C] the costs of the globalization process are enormous


[D] the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition


【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 [A]“日益增长的集中肯定会损害消费者的利益”与原文第四段第一句不符合,因为作者说“这股合并浪潮是带来益处还是弊端的实例还很少”,因此很难说肯定会带来损害。[B]提到“世通”,说是一个带来利益和降低成本的好例子。这句说是“价格没有随着合并而提高”,并没有提到价格降低问题,因此,合并虽然没有伤害消费者,也没有给他们带来利益。[C]本段没有涉及。[D]可以从文中“很难想像当今的几个石油公司的合并能够再次造成像100年前美国标准石油托拉斯对竞争形成的威胁”,这说明当年这个石油公司肯定曾经对竞争造成巨大威胁。

36. Toward the new business wave, the writer’s attitudecan be said to be _____。


[A]optimistic 乐观的

[B]objective 客观的

[C]pessimistic 悲观的

[D]biased 歧视的

【答案】 B

【考点】 作者态度题。

【分析】 本题考查考生是否了解作者的态度。文中作者提到了“合并”的益处,但是同时也在第四段中提到“我们必须警惕这样的合并浪潮”。作者是从两个方面来谈论这个问题的,因此我们可以判断作者的态度应该是客观的。


1. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role ofsmaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stabilityof the world economy。

【结构分析】本题的主干是“This phenomenon has created serious concerns”,两个“over”引导介宾短语,是并列的成分,做“concern”的定语。而“of smaller economic firms”与“of nationalbusinessmen”都是第一个“role”的定语。

2. I believe that the most important forces behind the massiveM&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: fallingtransportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers andenlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers’ demands。

【结构分析】本句主句是“I believe ”,“that”引导一个宾语从句,在这个宾语从句中,后面的“that”前面省略了“forces”,这个“that”引导一个定语从句,修饰这个省略的“forces”。冒号后面的部分是“the most important forces”的同位语,其中“markets”后面的“that”引导定语从句修饰“markets”,“capable ofmeeting customers' demands”是“operations”的定语。








⑹ 求推荐考研英语一阅读理解专项训练的资料,谢谢!


⑺ 英语一阅读高频考点及解题技巧












look upon…as


think of…as…


2011 Q22 细节题---猜词 unpretentious-modest

2011 Q39 细节推理题---猜词 unrealistic-misleading

2012 Q26 词义题 reneging on-dishonoring

2012 Q40 态度题 but, bad-disapproval

2013 Q23词义题 indictment-accusation

2014 Q24 细节推理 hurting, terrifying, embarrassing, hard to get-uneasy

2015 Q27 态度题 discard-disapproval


2013 Q34 细节题 冒号

2012 Q24 细节推理题 冒号

2012Q 29 细节题 冒号

2011 Q36 观点题 冒号

2007 Q31 细节题 冒号

2012 Q36 推理题 分号

2013 Q25 主旨题 分号

2014 Q38 细节题 分号






1. 找题干关键词,精确定位到文章(题干的关键词一般会定位到文章的某句或者相连的两句中)

2. 将所选答案精确定位到文章


22. Rosenberg holds that public-health advocates should _________.

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers' experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many public-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology. "Dare to be different, please don't smoke!" pleads one billboard campaign aimed at recing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.


1 题干定位:段落的最后一句

Rosenberg--- Rosenberg



public-health advocates--- public-health advocates

should---ought to

因此,答案定位在take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.

2 选项定位

答案[B] learn from advertisers' experience

learn from---take a page from 表"学习"。

experience---skilled 表示"有经验的,很娴熟的"。




第一、逻辑上出现转承关系的句子(转折、因果、递进,即有therefore, thus, but, however, in short, all in all 等提示词的句子);

第二、有明确表示观点的路标指引词(think, believe, deny, acknowledge, insist, according to, claim…)

第三、含有情态动词的句子(should, must…)





1. 根据题干,寻找该段落中心句,

2. 正确答案即段落中心句的同义改写


37. It is suggested in paragraph 2 that New Englanders________.

[A] experienced a comparatively peaceful early history

[B] brought with them the culture of the Old World

[C] paid little attention to southern intellectual life

[D] were obsessed with religious innovations

To take this approach to the New Englanders normally means to start with the Puritans' theological innovations and their distinctive ideas about the church-important subjects that we may not neglect. But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture, adjusting to New World circumstances. The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.


1. 寻找段落中心句(转折处)

But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture, adjusting to New World circumstances.

2. 正确答案即段落中心句的同义改写

答案[B] brought with them the culture of the Old World

New Englanders--- the original Puritans

brought with ---carriers

them---the original puritans

the culture---culture

old world---European



1. 在判断感情色彩时,应结合以下两点。

1)作者态度可以分为三大类:a. 正向态度:支持,乐观,赞同; b. 客观、中立、公正;c. 负向态度:反对、批评、怀疑


2. 匹配选项。匹配选项时应该注意:



3. 态度题的新趋势:


2)选项可能不在是态度明确的肯定或者否定的词,而是改为带有程度限制的词语,带有如下词语的选项往往是正确的:guarded慎重的,qualified有条件的,tempered缓和的,因为带有保留态度的观点比较客观,一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的语气的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly completely entirely




【例题】2015年Text 2

They should start by discarding California's lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone - a vast storehouse of digital information - is similar to, say, rifling through a suspect's purse. The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment when they sift through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant.

27. The author's attitude toward California's argument is one of

[A] disapproval.

[B] indifference.

[C] tolerance.

[D] cautiousness.


1 判断选项态度的正负向

[A] disapproval反对的(负)

[B] indifference漠不关心的(中立)

[C] tolerance包容(正)

[D] cautiousness谨慎的(正)

2 回文判断态度

They should start by discarding California's lame argument



【解题方法】1串线法 2主题词复现法 3框架法


1. 找出段落中心句或者主题词

2. 串联各段段落中心句,合并同类项,即可得出全文主旨

【例题】2008年Text 1

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

[B] Responses to Stress: Gender Difference

[C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say?

[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

While still catching up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. "Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men," according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York's Veteran's Administration Hospital.

Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to proce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproctive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.

Adding to a woman's increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased "opportunities" for stress. "It's not necessarily that women don't cope as well. It's just that they have so much more to cope with," says Dr. Yehuda. "Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men's," she observes, "it's just that they're dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner."

Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. "I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating."

Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. "I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead and do better." Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. "It's the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck."

Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez's experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.


1. 总结每段中心

Para1 女性比男性压力大

Para2 从生物角度而言,女性比男性压力大

Para3 现实中,女性比男性压力大

Para4 女性和男性面对的压力的不同特点

Para5 举例论证女性压力的特点

Para6 女性压力的现状及应对建议


Para1 women men stress

Para2 women men stress

Para3 women men stress

Para4 women men stress

Para5 women stress

Para6 women stress

Para1-Para4 women men stress(两性压力不平等)

Para5-Para6 women stress(压力下的女性)

正确答案[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress






Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly. Summer homes, European travel, BMWs — the locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago. What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.”

69. Some people do not openly admit they have ambition because ________.

[A] they think of it as immoral

[B] their pursuits are not fame or wealth

[C] ambition is not closely related to material benefits

[D] they do not want to appear greedy and contemptible



① It never rains but it pours. ② Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them – especially in America – the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity. ③ Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich instries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.

36. The statement “It never rains but it pours” is used to introce

[A] the fierce business competition.

[B] the feeble boss-board relations.

[C] the threat from news reports.

[D] the severity of data leakage.



① Anyway, the townsfolk can't understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. (②The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row.③ Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 percent occupied all year long and this year they'll do better.)④ The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.

29. According to the townsfolk, the RSC deserves no subsidy because ________.

[A] ticket prices can be raised to cover the spending

[B] the company is financially ill-managed

[C] the behavior of the actors is not socially acceptable

⑻ 考研英语阅读理解翻译历年真题

“I've never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It's a stupid endeavor.” That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps not for another five years. It seems the reproctive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.

Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has proced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you're dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.

Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy's mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He's plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missy?s fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”

The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin's work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when we?re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?” [397 words]

6. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because_____ .

[A] animals are tortured to death in the experiments

[B]the public has expressed strong disapproval

[C] too many lives are wasted for laboratory use

[D] cloning becomes a quest only for profit

7. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?

[A] The client holds a suspicious view toward it.

[B] There is a lack of funds to support the research.

[C] The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.

[D] Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.

8. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?

[A]Few private cloning companies could afford it

[B]Few people have realized its significance.

[C] An exact of a cat or bull can be made.

[D] It is becoming a prosperous instry.

9. From the passage we can infer that _____.

[A] Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon

[B] scientists are pessimistic about human cloning

[C] human reproctive system has not been understood

[D] rich people are only interested in cloning animals

10. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning______.

[A] is stupid and should be abandoned [B] has been close to success

[C] should be taken cautiously [D] is now in a dilemma



confines n. limits or borders范围,界限;边界 例:the confines of human knowledge 人类的知识范围 / the confines of family life 家庭生活的范围


aborted a. *① 流产的 ② 出问题的,出故障的

canine a. 犬的,犬科的

cramped a. 狭窄的,拥挤的 例:working in cramped conditions 在拥挤的环境里工作

embryo n. 胚胎

fetus n. 胎,胎儿

Missyplicity n.这是个临时造的词,是三个部分的合成:Missy指文中提到的那条狗密斯,


plop vi.&vt.(使)扑通一声落下 例:Can you plop some ice in my drink? 能在我的饮料中放点冰块吗? 文中是比喻用法,指“投入资金”

surrogate n.代理, 代理人,代用品 vt.使代理, 使代替;*surrogate mother 代理母体

veterinary a.兽医的 例:veterinary medicine/science兽医学

vexed a.*① 气恼的,烦恼的 例:the vexed parents of an unruly teenager因孩子难管教而气恼的父母 ②(问题等)争论不休的,难于解决的 例:vexed question/issue棘手的问题

viably ad. ① 可实施地,切实可行地 *② 能存活地,能生长发育地


1. That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.

该句主干是That's an interesting choice of adjective。现在分词短语coming from... 做后置定语,修饰前面的名词choice,相当于一个定语从句(which is)coming from... ;在分词短语中,定语从句who... 也做后置定语,修饰先行词a man。

2. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems.

该句主干是He knows that... 。that引导的宾语从句是一个主从复合句,且从句位于主句之前,主句是the offspring will face the problems... ;从句是让步状语从句:even if he gets a dog viably pregnant;should they survive是个省略了if的条件状语从句,为插入语,修饰主句。另外,主句的宾语the problems后接有过去分词短语shown... 做后置定语,相当于一个定义从句(that)are shown... ;冒号后的名词短语做the problems的同位语。




引用专家Mark Westhusin和一位试图克隆其爱犬的富人的话(never met a human worth cloning,a stupid endeavor)表达作者的观点。接着介绍Mark Westhusin所进行的克隆动物的实验(two calves,a cat and a dog),并特别指出对狗的克隆最具难度(one of the mysteries of modern science)。


第二段:指出Mark Westhusin克隆动物的经验使他极力反对克隆人(vexed by talking of human cloning)。首句是段落主题句。段中详细介绍了一个克隆狗的项目(the Missyplicity project)中出现的状况:①从成百上千的卵中只获得一打左右基因匹配的胚胎;②转移到母体时没有一个胚胎存活下来。从这些细节中可以推出,克隆是低效而且危险的。这在末句“Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous”得到了证实。该段最后还给出了Mark Westhusin的观点:动物实验中的浪费现象在人的研究中不能被接受。因此,该段将Mark Westhusin反对克隆人的态度表露无疑。

⑼ 2021考研英语阅读细节题实例及考试技巧



Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and
nutrients- notably, protein- to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th
century, under -nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. At the start
of 20 th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. But
as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average ,
increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known
as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, average height-5’9’’ for men, 5’4’’ for women-hasn’t really
changed since 1960.

32. Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the

A. Genetic modification

B. Natural environment

C. Living standards

D. Daily exercise


role和growth,回读文章,发现有growth的原词复现,而且growth所在句中有demand要求正好同义替换文章中的play a key

2、分析定位句:定位句是个长难句,看到长难句同学们要先划分主干,重点分析主干部分,Growth demands calories and
nutrients to feed expanding tissues.核心词是calories and

3、对应选项。我们上一步分析了定位句的核心词是calories and nutrients,那我们分析四个选项那个可以概括这两个东西。A项,Genetic



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夏天做什么作文英语怎么说 发布:2025-03-02 02:06:21 浏览:912