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1. 《一本》英语阅读理解与完形填空七年 级150篇第七版答案(全册)


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3. 考研英语阅读理解翻译历年真题

“I've never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It's a stupid endeavor.” That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps not for another five years. It seems the reproctive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.

Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has proced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you're dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.

Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy's mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He's plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missy?s fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”

The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin's work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when we?re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?” [397 words]

6. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because_____ .

[A] animals are tortured to death in the experiments

[B]the public has expressed strong disapproval

[C] too many lives are wasted for laboratory use

[D] cloning becomes a quest only for profit

7. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?

[A] The client holds a suspicious view toward it.

[B] There is a lack of funds to support the research.

[C] The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.

[D] Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.

8. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?

[A]Few private cloning companies could afford it

[B]Few people have realized its significance.

[C] An exact of a cat or bull can be made.

[D] It is becoming a prosperous instry.

9. From the passage we can infer that _____.

[A] Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon

[B] scientists are pessimistic about human cloning

[C] human reproctive system has not been understood

[D] rich people are only interested in cloning animals

10. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning______.

[A] is stupid and should be abandoned [B] has been close to success

[C] should be taken cautiously [D] is now in a dilemma



confines n. limits or borders范围,界限;边界 例:the confines of human knowledge 人类的知识范围 / the confines of family life 家庭生活的范围


aborted a. *① 流产的 ② 出问题的,出故障的

canine a. 犬的,犬科的

cramped a. 狭窄的,拥挤的 例:working in cramped conditions 在拥挤的环境里工作

embryo n. 胚胎

fetus n. 胎,胎儿

Missyplicity n.这是个临时造的词,是三个部分的合成:Missy指文中提到的那条狗密斯,


plop vi.&vt.(使)扑通一声落下 例:Can you plop some ice in my drink? 能在我的饮料中放点冰块吗? 文中是比喻用法,指“投入资金”

surrogate n.代理, 代理人,代用品 vt.使代理, 使代替;*surrogate mother 代理母体

veterinary a.兽医的 例:veterinary medicine/science兽医学

vexed a.*① 气恼的,烦恼的 例:the vexed parents of an unruly teenager因孩子难管教而气恼的父母 ②(问题等)争论不休的,难于解决的 例:vexed question/issue棘手的问题

viably ad. ① 可实施地,切实可行地 *② 能存活地,能生长发育地


1. That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.

该句主干是That's an interesting choice of adjective。现在分词短语coming from... 做后置定语,修饰前面的名词choice,相当于一个定语从句(which is)coming from... ;在分词短语中,定语从句who... 也做后置定语,修饰先行词a man。

2. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems.

该句主干是He knows that... 。that引导的宾语从句是一个主从复合句,且从句位于主句之前,主句是the offspring will face the problems... ;从句是让步状语从句:even if he gets a dog viably pregnant;should they survive是个省略了if的条件状语从句,为插入语,修饰主句。另外,主句的宾语the problems后接有过去分词短语shown... 做后置定语,相当于一个定义从句(that)are shown... ;冒号后的名词短语做the problems的同位语。




引用专家Mark Westhusin和一位试图克隆其爱犬的富人的话(never met a human worth cloning,a stupid endeavor)表达作者的观点。接着介绍Mark Westhusin所进行的克隆动物的实验(two calves,a cat and a dog),并特别指出对狗的克隆最具难度(one of the mysteries of modern science)。


第二段:指出Mark Westhusin克隆动物的经验使他极力反对克隆人(vexed by talking of human cloning)。首句是段落主题句。段中详细介绍了一个克隆狗的项目(the Missyplicity project)中出现的状况:①从成百上千的卵中只获得一打左右基因匹配的胚胎;②转移到母体时没有一个胚胎存活下来。从这些细节中可以推出,克隆是低效而且危险的。这在末句“Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous”得到了证实。该段最后还给出了Mark Westhusin的观点:动物实验中的浪费现象在人的研究中不能被接受。因此,该段将Mark Westhusin反对克隆人的态度表露无疑。

4. 求96年-14年考研英语一真题及解析电子版

qqF老师来的PT其实就是考点归源纳,一定要熟悉(可以拍下来反复看),这样考前复习只要过一遍PT就基本可以回忆起讲课内容。我整理了相关资料,希望能帮到你 ,
你需要的,我刚好有,还是今年最新的,需要的话可关注、gong众浩:易思课考研 东西很全的 。


5. 08年考研英语阅读理解第三篇翻译

在20世纪60年代早期,Wilt Chamberlain是美国国家篮球协会中仅有的身高超过7英尺的三个人之一。可是如果他参加了上个赛季的话,他就变成了42分之一了。这些年来在较大的职业体育运动中的运动员的身体状况发生了很大的改变,而他们的经理人也更愿意调整队员的运动服来适应队员们更大,更高的身材。
虽然体育界的这种趋势可能蒙蔽了一个没有被承认的现实:美国人基本上停止生长了。虽然现在人们比140年前高了2英寸,特别是那些出生在已移民美国很多代的那些人,但是明显的,在二十世纪60年代早期,已经到达了他们的身高的极限。他们已经不可能再长得更高了。“在这个基因和环境的条件下,现在整体的人们已经长到我们能够达到的范围了,”Wright州大学的人类学家William Cameron Chumlea说道。拿NBA球员来说,他们身高的增加主要由于从世界各地招募到了球员。
总的说来,避免太高的身高是有很多优点的。在生产时,较大的婴儿通过产道是有更多的问题的。而且,就算人类已经直立行走已经几百万年了,我们的脚和背部继续对抗着巨大的压力,这些压力来源于双足直立的姿势和巨大的肢体。“有一些限制是个体器官的基因结构导致的。”西北大学的人类学家William Leonard说道。
基因的最大化可以改变,但是不要期待它会马上就能发生。Mass州的Natick的军队研究中心的高级人类学家Claire C. Gordon确信百分之九十的入伍新兵不需要更换新的制服和工作站。她说,不像那些篮球制服,军队的制服长度很长时间都没有改变了。如果你需要在不远的将来预测人类的身高而去设计一款新的设备,Gordon说基本上,“你都能够使用现在的数据并且觉得非常地自信。”
Text 3
In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.
The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people – especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations – apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. And they aren’t likely to get any taller. “In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we’ve pretty much gone as far as we can go,” says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.
Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients – notably, protein – to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height – 5′9″ for men, 5′4″ for women – hasn’t really changed since 1960.
Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. “There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the indivial organism,” says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.
Genetic maximums can change, but don’t expect this to happen soon. Claire C. Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass., ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, “you could use today’s data and feel fairly confident.”

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