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发布时间: 2020-12-26 22:52:31

① 谁可以帮我找一下八年级上英语的短文填空,阅读理解,和完形填空

完形填空Dear Jane,It’s Tuesday, November11. I’m really busy! At 8:00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult, __1__ interesting. Next, _2__10:00, I have history. It’s boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I __3___ music. Music is___4____. I like my music teacher, Mr Cooper. He’s fun . My last class is at 2:00. __5____ class I have volleyball for two ___6____. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tired after class. Then I have ___7___ history club. It’s really interesting! Love, Lin Mei( ) 1. A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 2. A. at B. for C. on D. in( ) 3. A. see B. have C. listen D. like( ) 4. A. scary B. boring C. sad D. relaxing( ) 5. A. After B. Before C. under D. near( ) 6. A. days B. subjects C. hours D. clocks( ) 7. A. Canada B. Japan C. France D. Chinese Keys: C A B D A C D 请先阅读文章,然后根据文章内容作下面的完型填空。 It’s September 1st. Miss White is talking to her class. ‘Hello, children! Nice to see you again. Today is the first day of this term. Now I’m going to tell you our class timetable. We have school from Monday to Friday. We have a Chinese lesson every day. And we have a math every day, too. We have four English lessons every week, the first on Monday, the second on Wednesday. And the other two are both on Friday. You’ll learn art and music. Every week you’ll have two art lessons and two music lessons. Now I’ll tell you the sports time. You’ll have a P. E. class every day. And Friday afternoon will be your sports time. Boys, don’t you like it? And you will begin to learn computer. Wish you’ll enjoy your school life.’Miss White is a 1 . The students 2 on Saturday and Sunday. The students have 3 Chinese lessons a week. There are four 4 lessons every week. The students have two English lessons on 5 . On 6 , there are no English lessons. The students learn 7 . There are two art lessons 8 . 9 is the new subject for the students. The students will 10 on Friday afternoon. How interesting their school life is! The students will enjoy their school life very much.1. A. students B. teacher C. doctor2. A. go to school B. don’t go to school C. can’t stay at home3. A. 5 B. 4 C. 34. A. art B. P. E. C. English5. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday6. A. Tuesday and Wednesday B. Tuesday and Thursday C. Friday7. A. art only B. music only C. both art and music8. A. every week B. every month C. every day9. A. Science B. P. E. C. computer 10.A. play computer games B. have sports C. have a class meetingKeys: BBACC BCACB

② 八年级上册快捷英语阅读理解与完形填空周周练答案,求啊!


③ 求初二上册英语完形填空和阅读理解练习题。

初中生一定要做的英语题 大夏英语(这本我推荐,确实有点难度,但不超前,讲解很仔细也很简练,也有链接中考的知识点)

There was once a farmer who lived near a ____road.A.quiet B.goodC.out of the way D.busy

It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm.

Near the farm gate, there ___ a large hole in the road. a.was b.had.c.were.d.is

This hole was always___a.fool b. pull c.full d.empty of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how ____a.high b.tallc.wide.d.deep the hole was. They thought it was probably shallow.

Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep.

The farmer did not _____a. cost.b. spent.c.spend.d. take much time working on his farm. He spent most of it ____a.watch b.seeing c.watching d.look the hole.

When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this.

One day, the driver of a car said to him, "You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day."

"Oh, no," the farmer said. "I don't pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole _____a.with b. from.c.in d.for water.'

④ 八年级上册英语,完形填空和阅读理解一些知识都不知道,如何做好


⑤ 急需初二上人教版英语完形填空和阅读理解各10篇

Yesterday evening, when I went to town 45 my mother, we met a strange old man.
It was raining 46 and we had no umbrella. We were trying to 47 a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give 48 for only a pound. He had forgotten his wallet, he said he needed taxi to go back home. My mother didn't believe what he had said at first, and 49 him a lot of questions. But she finally believed the man and gave him the pound. She was happy to 50 a good umbrella for so little. But the old man didn't get into a taxi. We walked 51 him and found he went into a pub and bought himself a glass of 52 with the pound. After he drank it, he 53 his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one.
Soon after that, he 54 it again.
45. A. in B. near C. with D. by( )
46. A. hard B. big C. heavy D. small( )
47. A. get out of B. get into C. get up D. get off( )
48. A. it us B. it to us C. us it D. us to it( )
49. A. showed B. asked C. lent D. borrowed( )
50. A. have B. buy C. see D. make( )
51. A. with B. for C. before D. after ( )
52. A. orange B. tea C. coffee D. whiskey( )
53. A. put on B. took off C. put up D. put down( )
54. A. lost B. dropped C. sold D. wore( )
Thousands of years ago. There was a very clever king with the name of Soloman. There are many stories about him. Here is one of them which shows how clever he was. Once there were two women. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. One night, one of the babies died, and its mother took the other woman's child, and put it in her own bed instead. The next morning they had a quarrel. "No, this is my child, the dead one is yours, " said the other. Each one wanted the living baby, but no one could tell whom it belonged to. So they went to see King Solomon. When King Solomon heard their story, he said, "Bring me a knife, cut the child in two, and give each woman one half. " "That's very fair, oh, bright King!" said the dead baby's mother. "Give her my child, let it be hers, but don't kill the child. Oh, King!" cried the other woman in tears. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, "Give the child to her, for she is its mother. "
根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)(10分)
55. The two women in the same house each had a child. ( )
56. One night the two babies died. ( )
57. The two women quarrelled because Solomon killed their babies. ( )
58. Solomon came to see the mothers after their babies died. ( )
59. King Solomon cut the living child in two and gave each woman one half. ( )
A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.
At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?"
"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "
"Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?"
"No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.
根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(10分)
60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( )
A. that he was going to visit her
B. when his train would leave
C. when his train would arrive
D. that he was now at the railway station
61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )
A. didn't have coins for the phone call
B. had no money to make the phone call
C. didn't have the local money
D. wanted to change money
62. The old soldier _________. ( )
A. was glad to help him
B. didn't know if he had coins
C. didn't want to help him
D. was angry
63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )
A. didn't know how to speak to him
B. didn't want to help him
C. didn't answer him correctly
D. was not friendly to him
64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )
A. clever B. stupid
C. polite D. friendly

⑥ 求八年级英语完形填空及阅读各30篇(附答案)


⑦ 悬赏!!谁有2017年全品优等生完形填空加阅读理解八年级英语上册人教版的答案

我这有,答案我都给你整理好回了:答 https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=

⑧ 金典100八年级上英语阅读理解与完形填空100篇大突破的翻译

Test4:完形填空 CDCBD ABBCA 阅读理解 DCBAD ACAAC CDDA The soldiers continued on their way. War-torn/Terrible/A terrible place/A place with broken buildings and things of that kind.
Rude and hungry/Rude. Friendly/Understanding/Helpful/Kind. Different but amazing/Different. Exactly the same/Same. Test5:完形填空 ABCDC ABCDD 阅读理解:CABDA DDCDD CDABA CACBD Test6:完形填空 AACDB ADCBC 阅读理解 CCADB BCCAD BBCDD distinct hot,long, cool,short warm,short,delightful,comfortable,colorful wonderful,peaceful Test7:完形填空 ABCCD ACCBA 阅读理解 DACBA CDB They should be very supportive of their children in a sensible way. Unrealistic parental expectations. Because his parents set a too high standard for him. ABDCC BCDAC Test8 阅读理解:ABACA ABCDC DDCBC DAAAD Test9:完形填空 CBBBB ABCDB 阅读理解 CCBBD BADBC CABDC ACACD Test10:完形填空 BCCBB CAC 阅读理解 CCCDB BACDA CAAD 牛奶业在未来一定也很重要。

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