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发布时间: 2020-12-26 18:55:30

① 如何解答新闻报道英语阅读理解题

在这种模式的影响下,教师在进行阅读教学的时候,会重视背景知识对理解的作用。例如先提供相关的背景知识,然后进入对材料的理解。在这个阅读过程中,非视觉信息起着相当重要的作用,这些非视觉信息包括阅读者全部知识的总和。在这个过程中信息自上而下地得到处理。读者不再是被动地从阅读材料中获取信息,而是运用已经具备的背景知识(包括语言知识),根据阅读材料去预(猜)测、创造意义。其解码方式不是直线 的成序列状的,而是读者在阅读过程之前或之中不断形成对意义的期待,然后用这种期待去试读文章。3.互动模式这种模式是以交互补偿论作为基础的。认为经历不同,文化背景不同,知识结构不同,

② 求一篇英文报道或短文

The skies of steel and fields with frost
Are memories of yesterday
And while scarecrow children
With eyes only for tomorrow
Comb the ancient hedgerows
For the harvest of the sun
The spirit of the spring
Like the wind that shakes the barley
Moves the sleeping earth
And with the pilgrim by her side
She murmurs in the trees
And in the ears of all who listen
"Now, time to wake
For winter has gone".

③ 英语新闻报道

上空中英语教室这个网站 自己找找BBC或VOA的 很符合你的提问要求

④ 有什么比较好的可以阅读英语新闻,时事的网站


⑤ 求一篇英文的新闻报道 要最新的

BBC News with John Jason
The Malian army backed by French
forces has repelled an attack by
Islamist militants in the northern
city of Timbuktu. French troops pushed
the militants out of the city
earlier this year, but sporatic
fighting has continued. Tomma Fessy
reports from Bamako.
What happened is that a group
of Jihadists managed to infiltrate the
town over night. A long fire
fight lasted hours overnight between
the Jihad fighters and the Malian
army. It's only when the French
intervenes on the ground and by
the air according to the residents
there that the battle was taken
to an end this afternoon. A
Malian officer I spoke to over
the phone told me that he was
able to confirm that death of
at least 8 Jihad fighters. And he
told me that one Malian soldier
was also killed in the fierce
fighting this afternoon, and four
others wounded.
Nigerian troops say they've
killed 14 suspected members of the
Islamist rebel group Boko Haram in
a raid on a building in the
northern city of Kano. A military
spokesman said a soldier was killed
in the raid and a potential
suicide bomber was arrested. From
Lagos, here's Tomi Oladipo.
Residents in some parts of Kano
said they heard explosions and gunfire
as the soldiers fought Islamist
militants on Sunday morning. A
military spokesman says security forces
found several weapons belonging to the
extremists including a car loaded with
explosives, possibly to be used for
an Easter Sunday attack. There's
been no independent confirmation of
the details of this clash. In
the past major Christian holidays in
northern Nigeria have been blacked by
bomb attacks particularly targeting churches.
Much of the violence across the
region has been blamed on the
radical Boko Haram sect.
Doctors in South Africa reporting
a further improvement in the condition
of the former president Nelson
Mandela. President Jacob Zuma thanked
that thousands of people who prayed
for the former leader at various
Easter church services over the
weekend. From Johannesburg, here's
Peter Biles.
A statement from the South
African presidency said Nelson Mandela
had had a restful day and was
continuing to receive treatment for
his lung infection. The government in
Pretoria says it's satisfied that
he's getting the best possible
medical care to enable his recovery
and comfort. And doctors have reported
a further improvement after four days
in hospital. They've not said
how serious Mr. Mandela's condition
is. But there is obvious concern.
He's 94 years old, and this is
his third stay in hospital since
last December.
A day of national mourning has
been declared on the India Ocean
island of Mauritius after 11 people
died in severe floods. Torrential rain
hit the capital Port Louis on
Saturday night. Water levels have now
receded, but many buildings have been
flooded. Residents expressed anger at
the authorities have not done more
to help them cope. They said
roads were blocked, trees had fallen,
and there's mud everywhere. Others
reported shortages of food, water and
You're listening to the latest
world news from the BBC
The Syrian government has accused
rebels of setting fire to three
oil wells in the east of the
country, causing a loss of nearly
5,000 barrels of oil a day. Syria
state news agency says the wells
were set ablaze following a dispute
between the rebels about how to
divide the oil. The government of
president Assad has lost control of
large parts of eastern Syria where
most of the oil fields
The self-claim president of the
Central African Republic Michel Djotodia
has named his caretaker government.
Rebels and the members of the
former opposition will make up most
of the cabinet. Although, there'll
be one member was linked to the
ousted president Francois Bozize.
Mr.Djotodia will take on the
role of Defense Minister, as well
as being president. The rebels seized
power in a coup last week.
Pope Francis has used his first
Easter Sunday message to call for
peace around the world. In an
address to tens of thousands of
people in St. Peter Square in
Rome, the new pontiff appealed for
a diplomatic solution on the Korean
Peninsula. He also mentioned conflicts
in the Middle East and Africa.
These people in St. Peter Square
gave their reactions to the
Pope's message.
We want to come to be, to
get the blessing from the Pope
and to feel the love and
community here today. That's all
we did. And we are hoping that
this would be a new sign for
world peace.
I listened to the Pope's
reaching. And I attended the service.
I think it reminds me of the
younger generation. I often believe
that there'll be peace. And if
older brought in the same way
we serve in God and treating
the younger generation to give them
peace and love.
An entire troop of performing
fleas has been wiped out by the
freezing temperatures currently gripping
Germany. The director of the flea
circus said he woke and found
all 300 of tiny staffs dead inside
their transport box. The circus has
found 50 new fleas to fulfill an
engagement to open their fair near
BBC News





⑥ 阅读英语新闻有帮助吗


⑦ 我们英语老师让我们阅读报纸或新闻,摘录好的英语句子,谁帮我找找,不必太假那种。好的可以追加50财富

1、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.
2、There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.
那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
3、Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
4、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
5、Stupid is as stupid does.
6、Miracles happen every day.
7、Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.
8、Have you given any thought to your future
9、You just stay away from me please.
10、If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.
11、It made me look like a ck in water.
12、Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.
13、I was messed up for a long time.
14、I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.
15、Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
16、I laugh in the face of danger.
17、I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.
18、When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
19、It's like you are back from the dead.
20、You can't change the past.
21、Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.
22、This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will
23、Why should I believe you Everything you ever told me was a lie.
24、I'll make it up to you, I promise.
25、Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.
土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。
26、I wish I could be more like you.
27、Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.
28、I think it's hard winning a war with words.

⑧ 求一篇英语新闻报道。。。谢谢了。。

Britain Enters Final Day of Campaigning Before Elections
Britain's top party leaders are taking full advantage of their last day of campaigning before Britons go to the polls.

Late Wednesday night, Labor leader Gordon Brown visited steel workers on an overnight shift.

"I don't need to tell you that this election is about the future," said Brown. "It's about the future of our instry, the future of our jobs, the future of our young people."

Mr. Brown is facing a tight election. The Conservative Party, led by David Cameron, has topped the latest opinion polls. And, the Liberal Democrats -- traditionally a marginalized party in what has largely been a two-party system -- are scoring high in opinion polls.

Rodney Barker is a political academic and professor at the London School of Economics.

"The three candidates have been up to making themselves as busy as possible," explained Barker. "David Cameron, the Conservative leader, so visible that he's even worked through the night -- he hasn't slept."

Barker says this last day of campaigning is crucial, because so many Britons still have not made up their mind.

A survey published by the research group ComRes Tuesday said 2.5 million people who say they are certain to vote say they are still undecided who to vote for and more than a third of voters said it was "quite possible" they would change their mind on who to vote for by the time the polls open Thursday morning.

Rodney Barker says it is all up in the air.

"The one thing which one can say about this election -- and we haven't been able to say this for any election within living memory -- is that the only certain thing is that we cannot predict the outcome, even on the day before the poll," added Barker.

The ComRes poll shows the Conservatives winning 37 percent of votes, Labor on 29 percent and the Liberal Democrats on 26 percent.

With the votes split this way, no single party would win a majority of seats in parliament. In that case, the shape of Britain's future government will depend on coalitions.

The balance is likely to be tipped by the Liberal Democrats, but so far their leader, Nick Clegg, has refused to say whether his party would side with the Conservatives or Labor.

Barker says what this means is that it could be weeks before the composition of Britain's future government becomes clear.

"Even when we know the result of the election, we may not know what the result is in terms of government -- who will successfully make a deal with who to make what sort of government," noted Barker.

If no single party is able to win a majority of parliament seats, current Prime Minister Gordon Brown would have the right to stay in office until a new government can be formed.


⑨ 每天阅读一个英文新闻可以提高阅读吗


⑩ 求两篇英语阅读短文,关于时事新闻的

HOUSTON, May 2 (Xinhua) -- The Offshore Techonology Conference, one of the world's largest offshore technology shows, kicked off here Monday.

The five-day event, which attracted an estimated 72,000 victors from all around the world, not only provided a platform for the about 2,400 participating companies from 40 countries to lure visitors with their newest procts and technologies, but also for the them to share insights and discuss issues the instry is facing.

On Monday, a number of companies, including Halliburton and Baker Hughes, received the Spotlight on New Technology Award by the OTC for their new procts and solutions.

Founded in 1969, the annual Offshore Technology Conference is the world's foremost event for the development of offshore resources in the fields of drilling, exploration, proction, and environmental protection. OTC is held annually at Reliant Center in Houston.

TRIPOLI, April 30 (Xinhua) -- Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, youngest son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was killed in NATO's strike against Gaddafi's house, said a spokesman of the Libyan government.

The NATO attack against Gaddafi's house resulted in the deaths of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29, youngest son of Gaddafi, and three of Gaddafi's grandchildren, said Mossa Ibrahim, the government spokesman.

The leader himself and his wife, who were in the house, were in good health, while other people injured in the attack, said the spokesman.

This is a direct operation to assassinate the leader, said the spokesman.

The attacks had no legal or political foundations, he said, saying the strike was a violation of the international law.

Asserting he would not leave, embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi floated on Saturday a proposal for a ceasefire and negotiations in a televised speech.

He said that all parties concerned should follow the truce, and the NATO forces must stop their attacks.

Gaddafi ruled out the possibility that he will quit and leave Libya, which he has been ruling over the past 41 years.

Gaddafi slammed the air raids by NATO, which started to attack his fortified compound in the capital Tripoli.

The world's major powers, the UK, the US and France, started on March 19 to launch strikes from the air and sea against Gaddafi's forces after the UN Security Council passed a resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and authorize "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya.

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