① 涓婅剧殑鑻辫鏄浠涔堬紵
1銆take a class 鍜 have a class 閮芥寚涓婅撅紝鍦ㄤ娇鐢ㄦ椂have a class鏄鏈甯歌佺殑涔犳儻琛ㄨ揪锛屽叾瀹炵敤take涔熸槸鍙浠ョ殑銆備絾鏄閫氬父 have a lesson 涓嶈兘璇存垚 take a lesson銆
2銆have a class鏇村惧悜浜庤〃杈句笂鈥滀竴鑺傗濊撅紝姣斿傛垜浠婂ぉ涓婂崍鍙闇瑕佷笂涓鑺傝俱倀ake a class鍒欐洿鍊惧悜浜庤〃杈句笂鈥滀竴闂ㄢ濊撅紝姣斿傛垜杩欎釜瀛︽湡瑕佷笂涓闂ㄥ井绉鍒嗚俱
have class 瀛︽牎寮璇
after class鍦ㄨ惧悗
in class鍦ㄤ笂璇句腑
have a class / have classes 渚ч噸浜庤剧▼鍦ㄨ繘琛屼腑
take a class / take classes 渚ч噸浜庡︾敓鍚璇
attend class 渚ч噸浜庡湪鐜板満涓婅
go to class 渚ч噸浜庡幓鏁欏ゅ惉璁
give a class / lessons 涓撴寚鑰佸笀鍦ㄥ︽牎閲岃茶
② 英语老师在给我们上课,用英文怎么说
直译:The English teacher is teaching us。
We are having English class。
③ 老师正在讲课用英语怎么说
老师正在讲课用英语是The teacher is lecturing
④ 李老师正在教我们英语怎么说
Miss Li is teaching us. 是用一般现在进行时,保证对
⑤ "我要去上课了”(去给学生上课)用英文说怎么才地道(注意是老师给学生上课)
I have to go to give a class.
I have to give a class.好像也对。
上课 [简明汉英专词典属]
attend class
give a class
go to class
⑥ 老师和学生们正在上课,用两种英语表达
Teachers are giving lessons and the students are taking them.
Teachers and the students are in class
⑦ 老师正在上课 用英语怎么说
老师正在上课 用英语
The teacher is having/in class.
⑧ 老师正在为他们上课用英语怎么说
The teacher is having classes for them now