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发布时间: 2024-09-22 10:26:01

『壹』 用英语翻译学生应该坚持锻炼

用Students should take exercise应该也行!

『贰』 作为一名中学生,每天必须进行适当的锻炼英语

As a student in middle school, I/he/she must properly practice English everyday.

『叁』 大多数学生一周锻炼三四次英语怎么说

most of students exercise 3 or 4 times a week

『肆』 百分之十五的学生每天锻炼.用英语怎么说

Fifteen percent students practice every day.
Fifteen percent students do sports every day.
Fifteen percent students do exercises every day.

『伍』 “学生们应该坚持锻炼”翻译为英语

『陆』 用英语说:每天给学生们多一些时间锻炼

Give the students more time to exercise every day.
锻炼[àn liàn ]
take exercise; have physical training; temper; steel; anneal
exercise; workouts; workout

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