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发布时间: 2024-09-19 00:08:24

㈠ 我们根据将来期望的职业对大学生活进行规划用英语怎么说

根据 = according to, in accordance with

期望的职业 = expected career
大学生活 = university life, college life, life in college, ...

进行规划 = carry out our plan, execute our plan
We will carry out our plan for life in college according to our career expectations.


㈡ 怎样翻译把“我们应该对自己的大学学习生活有一个好的规划”成英语

we should make a plan for studying and living in university. 希望对你有帮助。

㈢ 如何规划大学生活英语作文

College life planning, familiar with the environment steps 1, adapt to college life. Should pay special attention to is a freshman psychological debugging problem. Psychological quality is the key to success. Many new classmates because of psychological preparation shortage, or high school time psychological problems didn't get timely adjustments, which could not adapt to the new environment, interpersonal ability is poor, excessive inferiority and not enough confidence. How to let everybody adapt yourself to the new environment as soon as possible, out of confusion and confused? We believe that in addition to make sufficient preparation, but also learn outside doubt, self assessment, correct orientation, to develop self-reliance and ability of self-dependence, learn to grasp myself.
2, according to the life of university law determine the short and long term goals, develop a plan of action and content. Big karaokay pays great attention to the university of cognition and future career hypothesis, the sophomore emphatically the basic ability cultivation, junior emphatically career-oriented consideration, senior emphatically employment or one's deceased father grind, etc. Of course learning has been should as the major.
3, according to the plan of action choose ways and approaches. According to their long-term goals because of the person different, but in general to experience four periods: suit period, determining period, sprint period, graation period. A grade to improve interpersonal communication skills, understanding this professional, especially their future thought is engaged in or praice professing career, abbreviation bo instry. Second-year for determination of the period, to improve their basic quality is given priority to, students are encouraged to attend such organization or societies, can start trying part-time, social practice activity, and should consider to be clear about the future study or employment, and whether began to selectively minor other professional knowledge enrichment oneself, abbreviation, general instry. Grade 3 is the sprint phase, near graation, participate in relevant and professional job ring the summer, and classmates cover work experience, learning to write resume, application letter, understanding the collection of business information channel, and actively trying. In the subject you like to select one or several within specific field, and then further study for a year, the abbreviation employment. Fourth grade for the graation period, at this moment, can be first in three previous years to do a summary, as far as possible, in preparation for sufficent cases cast drill. To truly internship, if have direct company and work, then you can go to commend do, If not, you'll find the most relevant companies and work.

㈣ 大学计划英语怎么写


First of all, study is still the most important thing in college. I will choose my interest as my major in college, which would make me work harder on study. I like reading so much that the library may be my favourite place.

Besides, I would study some elective subjects that I am interested in or are useful for my future. Moreover, I would take part in extracurricular activities.

College is a perfect stage to develop practical abilities. There are many associations in college, which help you do something for your interests. Besides, joining the student union is also a good way to develop a student's comprehensive abilities. This is the general plan for my college life and I look forward my college life.








为了使表达更生动,更富表现力,同学们在写作时应尽量避免重复使用同一词语来表示同一意思,尤其是一些老生常谈的词语。如有的同学一看到“喜欢”二字,就会立刻想起like,事实上,英语中表示类似意思的词和短语很多,如love, enjoy, prefer, appreciate, be fond of, care for等。



㈤ 用英语写一个大学生活规划


I'm honored to stand here to share with college life. "Life is likemplings, years of skin, the experience of stuffing. Ups and downs all thetaste, perseverance and confidence is the mpling skin folds, life is bound tobe severely squeezed, is open to boil, bite, if not experienced, hard-loadedmature, there is always revealed the secret of time. "This passage is notmy original cui mented on the life period of Some people say: the first yearin college often do not know they do not know, "the sophomore into thestep," I know they do not know "," do not know know."Junior, senior at the University" know ". University life is alwaysso colorful, but we need to hold and in-depth experience. Some say: that theordinary college students have the same ordinary, rather than ordinaryuniversities have their own brilliant. But you can choose ordinary, can notchoose the mediocre; believe everyone does not want ordinary. So, how to maketheir college life fulfilling meaningful and how to master their own collegelife? I casually talk about some perspective of the indivial.
First, to establish goals and plans, an ancient saying goes, "to keepthe lofty", Mao Zedong said that "always advisable to wait theamount. Target forward direction, nopower at all. Program objectives can be divided into short and long term. Suchas the recent reading many books this month, I want to learn what knowledge,leave what practice report is intended to, and so on. Forward, such as: thefight for graation to get the Self diploma, interpersonal relationshipsshould be much practical ability to achieve what extent. Moreover, the goal isa *** all target to achieve the continuity of the process. Such as a day toremember the five words to the exam can be credited to many. However this need to adhere to and perseverance.
Second,to put far vision refers to the temporary emotions and mood drag areaddicted to big business suess, it must be big pay close attention to minorrelaxation. For example, do not be the satisfaction that es of playingonline games has been addicted to, everyone knows, temporarily to meet thegreater emptiness behind. I believe we have this experience.
Third, establish a sense of the employment crisis, we always blame theirown ability to control, there is no upward mobility power. I do not know who isno sober on their own consciousness? Some people will say: "Love is themotivation to learn," or "the family was poor motivation to learn andso on. In fact, from the direct sense, employment, a sense of crisis is also tobe the driving force of our progress. I often want to own graation, what canyou do? The addition of newspapers and magazines to see the current employmentsituation is extremely severe, so I was very afraid. Some people say thatlooking for work: either the relationship or diploma, or talent (skills). Andwe? Diploma, undergraate only; relationship, I believe the majority ofstudents do not have anything to do with. Therefore, our only way out is tohave talent. This, we must ask ourselves: What have you learned, what you havemastered? The question now is not that we do not know what to learn, but wewant to learn.
Fourth, the bination oftheoretical knowledge and practical ability, the University is to stage anexercise in their own ability. Before the weight of knowledge and lightcapabilities, but the contrary, appropriate decline of influence in society,diploma requirements, so many college students now have ran out to findpart-time. If they are down does not affect the learning of the premise, thatnone, but should be promoted. But they do not, for a serve later the waiter nothesitate to leave absenteei *** , going to night classes nor To me there is such aphenomenon. Now, such a misplaced thought, is working bodies corporate staffhave spare time to "recharge", but have went to the social part-timecollege students in the school, I think this trend of thought should becorrected.
In addition to reading books, newspapers and magazines, the latest socialdynamics, aware of national affairs, and understand the first time currentaffairs news. Yes, this is not only our future to find a job help, but on ourlives.
Finally, send the word: "the road is longand far Come, Wu Jiangfrom tobottom." To give my own, but also to encourage one another!






如果是学校要求写的.去COPY 一个吧. 太多了.
你如果是自己要规划的话.我觉得学习是一个方面. 恋爱一方面. 做点工作一个方面都很重要.如果你不想在大学中沉默和变态话. 对你将来的生活也是很重要的.

5,不应该缺少大学生应有的素质,要习惯一些事情,对任何事情要理智的去看待,切忌无病 *** 的成天喊“堕落与颓废”。不关你的事情,你有他去吧!
9,如果有电脑,不要用它来看碟,玩游戏,聊天;学点平面设计,程式设计,系统操作等实用的东西,那对你以后绝对有用!还有配置不需要P43.0,RAM512 的。有个C1。7,RAM256就够你用了,追求时尚你还没有资格!
10,切记不要参加学生会干部的竞选,他会提早助长你的官僚作风!让你明白,政治----***是个腐朽,黑暗的玩意! [我两任纪检]
14,不要看不起民工,妓 女。我们的祖先连做民工的资本都没有,或者母系氏族时代, *** 是一种潮流!社会在变,我们应该理智的用历史眼光看待问题!他们有自己的苦衷!而错误也不在于他们!是社会!别成天喊著反日,应该多了解自己的历史,一个连自己的历史都不懂的人是没有资格开口闭口反对别人的民族的!话说回来,我们能够做的就是抵制日货,让它失去6-7成的市场!




自学是宽泛的,各种学科、书籍、资源都可以成为你的学习范围,图书馆将会是一个你长时间奋战的地方。为了汲取大量的知识,必须要提高看书效率,学会快速阅读。快速阅读是一种高效的阅读和学习方法,快速阅读不仅体现在阅读速度是上(帮你节约阅读、学习、复习时间),更有利于你抓住文章脉络和重点帮助理解和记忆,活跃思维。快速阅读的具体练习见 《精英特全脑速读记忆软体》。用软体每天坚持练习一个多小时,不影响其他安排,一个月的时间就可以提高阅读速度5、6倍,相应的记忆、理解力,注意力,思维等方面的能力也能得到相应的提高,建议你去练习一下。



It has been o years since I first got to university. Some of my clas *** ates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.
In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent o hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with mon interests.
Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other. Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.
Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one's abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an *** who is preparing to step into the society.
In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful.


你的生活 也就是玩游戏,吃饭,睡觉,找物件,散了在找,找了再散。生活对你是一种痛苦。

海西 大学生活规划


㈥ 英语作文:大学规划 My Plan for University Life

After passing the 2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of. As a boy of 18, I am happy to go to such a famous university, so that I want to make my life colorful and fruitful in university. Here's my plan for university life:
Firstly, I am an alt of 18 years old, so I should learn to be independent, especially in my study. Teachers here will not keep an eye on me as they did in the middle school and parents will not take care of everything as they did in the past. Of course, study is my own business and priority. I will pay most of my attention to it. I think the autonomous learning is the most important for a college student. Besides, I will learn how to think of the questions critically and study my courses creatively.
Secondly, it is also important to set aside some time for relaxation because study shouldn't occupy all of my free time. I will develop my hobbies to enrich my experience and broaden my horizon. At the same time, I will participate in some associations to learn something outside of textbooks and get some understandings about society and the world.
Finally, I will make more friends on campus. It is an effective way to improve my communicative abilities and confidence. How to spend a fruitful and meaningful university life? Friends can help me because we can compete with each other, make progress together.
In short, I am looking forward to my life in university and I am sure it will be happy and fruitful.

㈦ 求一篇规划大学生活的英语文章拜托了各位 谢谢

Mapping Out College Life After you finish cramming for the collegeentrance exams, maybe you feel it`s time to sit back and relax a while. Butwait a moment. Pull yourself together and try making some plans for collegefirst! Freshman year: Take a look at yourself It is the prefect time to do a quickevaluation before you really do anything. So it is better to list your strongand weak points and think of areas you want to work on or improve. Forinstance, you can get a real picture of your leadership, communication, andindependent thinking skills. Set goals that you really want. “They don`thave to be so specific, like entering a certain company, because your ideas maychange over time. Just give yourself some direction,” is the advice of SuHuiying, director of recruitment and resourcing at KPMG China, an accountingfirm. According to Su, one major thing is to formgood habits in your study and in handling things. “It`s important to learn tobe a careful, trustworthy person,” she points out. Also, freshman year is the time to get toknow classmates,professors and advisors. Try to build up and strenghten tieswith them in the beginning. Believe it or not, they can have a big influence onthe future. Finally, join student clubs andorganizations that give you the opportunity to practice teamwork. Findinteresting elective courses. Sophomore year: Consider a minor Always keep your grades up, because theywill be the focus of teachers or employers. Consider adding a minor now. Join extracurricular activities on campusas much as you can, or do some community work. Look for part-time or summerjobs in your field of interst. If you like journalism, it`s the perfect time totry working for a local paper or TV station. More important: try to get a leadershipposition in a college club or organization. English skills have to be formed early. Especiallyif you have plans to go abroad or to continue on to grad school, try takingEnglish tests such as TOEFL, or CET 6, as early as possible. Junior year: Think about specializing Continue to expand your interests, andthink about the true area you want to engage in, in the future. Go on to do aninternship and seek a leadership position in your clubs in your spare time. For job seekers, pay a visit to youruniversity`s career counceling center for advice on your future. It`s not tooearly to make a first draft of a resume. Attend job fairs to get a first feel forthem. Start developing interview skills. Start thinking about an interviewwardrobe. For study abroad, you need to think aboutreferences and recommendation letters. Try to find influential or respectedpeople who will speak highly of you. That early networking pays off now. Also,start working on your applications and required papers. But if you`re going to grad school, it`s theright time to select universities and prepare for tests. Chen Dasheng, a seniorat Sun Yat-sen University, kindly advises students not to delay all the heavyworkload until the last year. “In fact, I wish I`d started preparing a yearago, because there are too many distractions now. And your competitors arealready getting ahead.” Senion year: Polish your resume It`s time to develop a good thesis to wrapup your academic achievements. This matters a great deal. According to Sun Mei, jobseekers need topolish that resume by this time. They need to finalize interview preparations. Thinkof clever response to difficult questions and practice your fluency. Find somegood personal stories or anecdotes to impress the interviewer. List all the companies, even dozens ofthem, that you`d like to work for. Get information from their websites orthrough friends or teachers. Taake part in campus interviews. Fan Qiaoyi, 22, who works for Deloitte, oneof the world`s top four accounting firms, did all of this. “All your hard workand efforts go to just a crucial few minutes,” she says. “You need to outshineeveryone else.” For study abroad, you need to send yourmaterials to the ideal grad school on time, then wait patiently for a response.Even good news may come late. There`s no shortcut to academic oremployment success. Plan diligently for the four years and you`ll be rewarded. Andyou`ll enjoy school. By Sincy

㈧ 怎样规划你的大学生活 英语翻译句子

How do you scheme your college life.

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