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⑴ 译林版七年级英语知识点总结

无一事不学,无一时不学,无一处不学,成功之路也。学习外语并不难,学习外语就像交朋友一样,朋友是越交越熟的,天天见面,朋友之间就亲密无间了。下面是我给大家整理的一些 七年级英语 的知识点,希望对大家有所帮助。



英语 句子 句首第一个单词首字母大写。



Good morning/afternoon/evening!-Good morning/afternoon/evening!


Good night! 晚安(晚上告别语)

-How are you? 你(身体)好吗?

-(I’m) fine/very well/I’m OK, Thank you./thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?

-(I’m)fine/OK, too. 我也很好。


How +be+家人?

eg.-How is your mother?

-She is fine.


-What’s this/that in English?

-It’s a/an…+单数物品 (不用 this/that 回答,用人称代词 it 回答)

l be动词作谓语动词的特殊疑问句:

-特殊疑问词+be 动词(注意人称单复数)+主语+句子其余部分?

-具体回答(人称代词):主语+be+句子其余部分 名词单数不要忘记 a/an

l Be动词 :

第一人称单数 am 第三人称单数 is

其余人称单复数 are

否定在 be 动词后面加 not,注意缩写 isn’t/aren’t /am 和 not 不缩写

疑问句把 be 动词放到主语前。

l 指示代词:this/ that

this :近指,单数 that :远指,单数 these:近指,复数 those:远指,复数

l 冠词 a/an/the

a和 an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示“一”。

a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;

an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。


a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔 (/p/为辅音音素)

an orange /’ ?rind? / 一个桔子 (/? /为元音音素)

the是定冠词,表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些”, 在元音音素前读/ ei: /,在辅音音素前读/ e ?/。 它可以用在名词前,表示特指说话双方都知道的人或物,或上文提到的人或物。

eg.1) The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的书是我的。(特指)

2) Where is the teacher? 老师在哪? (双方都知道)

3) He has a pen, the pen is black. 他有支钢笔,钢笔是黑色的。(指上文提到的事物) 注意: 可数名词单数前面一定要加限定词(冠词/形容词性物主代词/指示代词等,选其一)



2.Kind of 相当于副词,修饰形容词或副词,意为“稍微,有点”,与a little/ bit 相近

A kind of 意为“一种”,some kinds of 意为“几种”,all kinds of 意为“各种各样的”。这里的kind 是“种,类,属”的意思。

3.Why not =Why don’t you+V原 你为什么不…?

4.walk on one’s legs/ hands

on 意为“用…方式行走”

5.all day =the whole day整天

6.来自be/ come from

where do they come from?

=where are they from?

7.more than=over超过 less than 少于

8.once twice three times

9.be in great danger

10.one of… …之一 +名词复数

11.get lost

12.with/ without 有/ 没有 介词

13.a symbol of

14.由…制造 be made of能看出原材料

be made from 看不出原材料

be made in+地点 表产地

15.cut down 砍到


初中 一年级英语 上册知识点 总结


Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How are you? I’m fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks.

What’s this in English? It’s a map. It’s V.

Spell it please. K-E-Y.

What color is it/the key? It’s blue. The key is yellow.

Hello, Frank. Hello/Hi, Eric.

Unit 1 My name is Gina.


What’s your name? My name is Jenny. /I’m Jenny. /Jenny.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.

What’s his name? His name is Jenny. Jenny.

What’s her name? Her name is Linda.. Linda.

What’s your first name? My first name is Jack. Jack.

What’s your last/family name?

My last/family name is Green. It’s Green.

What’s your/his/her phone number?

My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567. /It’s 281-9176.

译林版七年级英语知识点总结相关 文章 :

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⑵ 七年级英语考试知识点总结

对于英语,我们需要把陌生的单词片语和句型语法不断的熟悉和熟练。因此,重复重复再重复,熟练熟练再熟练,是学会英语的不二法门。下面是我给大家整理的一些 七年级英语 的知识点,希望对大家有所帮助。








1)一般情况直接在词尾加“-s ”,如:cake-cakes, bag-bags, day-days, face-faces, orange-oranges等;

2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,要在词尾加“-es ”,如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes等;

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加“-es ”,如:baby-babies, country-countries, family-families等;

4)部分以f (e)结尾的词,变f (e)为“ves ”,如:knife-knives, half-halves等;

5)以o结尾的词,加“-s ”或“-es ”,如:zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes等。记忆口诀:除了“英雄”hero外,凡是能吃的,加“-es ”,不能吃的加“-s ”。


◆ 短语 归纳

1. get to school 到达学校

2. take the subway 乘地铁

3. ride a bike 骑自行车

4. how far 多远

5. from home to school 从家到学校

6. every day 每天

7. take the bus 乘公共汽车

8. by bike 骑自行车

9. bus stop 公共汽车站

10. think of 认为

11. between … and … 在…和…之间

12.one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩

13. play with … 和…玩

14. come true 实现

15. have to 不得不


1. take… to …= go to … by… 乘…去…

2. How do / does (sb)get to …?…是怎样到…的?

3. How far is it from … to …?从…到…有多远?

4. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

5. How long does it take to do sth.? …花费多长时间?

6. It is + adj. + to do sth. 做某事是….

7. Thanks for + n. / Ving 感谢你(做)某事。


1. How do you get to school? I ride my bike.

2. How far is it from your home to school?

3. How long does it take you to get to school?

4. For many students, it is easy to get to school.

5. There is a very big river between their school and the village.

初一英语上册语法重点 总结




一)在后面加s。如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas

二)x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes, faxes

三)1)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es 如:baby-babies, family-families, ty-ties, comedy-comedies, documentary-documentaries, story-stories

2)以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways

四)以o结尾加s(外来词)。如:radios, photos, 但如是辅音加o的加es:如: tomatoes西红柿, potatoes马铃薯

五)以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加es(s)。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves

六)单复数相同(不变的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese

七)一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people,pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes, socks

八)单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同学, family家,家庭成员

九)合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals; 但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers

十)有的单复数意思不同。如:fish鱼 fishes鱼的种类, paper纸 papers报纸,卷子,论文, work工作 works作品,工厂, glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜, orange桔子水 oranges橙子, light光线 lights灯, people人 peoples民族, time时间 times时代, 次数, chicken 鸡肉 chickens 小鸡

十一) 单个字母的复数可以有两种形式直接加s或’s。如:Is (I’s), Ks (K’s)。但如是缩略词则只加s。如:IDs, VCDs, SARs

十二) 特殊形式的有:child-children, man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice, policeman-policemen, Englishman-Englishmen

七年级英语考试知识点总结相关 文章 :

★ 2020七年级英语知识点总结

★ 七年级英语必备知识点总结

★ 七年级英语上册各单元知识点汇总

★ 初一英语知识点总结

★ 七年级英语知识点归纳总结

★ 最全七年级英语语法知识点汇总

★ 七年级英语语法知识点整理

★ 初一英语必考知识要点归纳

★ 初一英语必备知识点大总结

★ 人教版七年级上册英语复习归纳笔记

⑶ 初一英语必考知识要点归纳



一、助动词(do, does )的用法


1、当 句子 为肯定句时不涉及使用助动词,只涉及“主谓一致”原则。

eg : I like English a lot.

Michael likes Chinese food very much.


eg : Kangkang likes math.----Kangkang doesn't like math.

They like sports.------They don't like sports.


eg : Michael likes Chinese Food.----Does Michael like Chinese food?

Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.

Jane and Helen like music.----Do Jand and Helen like music? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.




eg :I like the baby very much. 我非常喜欢这个小孩。

2、后接动名词(v. -ing),表示“喜欢做某事”,着重于习惯、 爱好 。

eg :Tom likes playing football. 汤姆喜欢踢 足球 。

3、后接动词不定式(to do ),表示“偶尔地喜欢做某事”,着重于某次具体的行为。

eg :I like reading, but I like to watch TV this evening. 我喜欢读书,但我今晚想看电视。


1) 问候语 :

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.

How are you?---Just OK, thank you. How are you?---Not bad, thanks.

Hi! Hello! How do you do?


Nice/ Glad to meet/ see you.(meet用于初次见面,see用于熟人间)

Nice to meet/ see you, too.

Goodbye. Byebye. Bye. See you (later/ tomorrow/ next time)! So long! Good night!

3)介绍人或者物的句型:This is...

4)Excuse me.与I'm sorry.的区别:

Excuse me.是要引起对方的注意,而I'm sorry.则是向对方道歉。

5)词组be from = come from

6)当问句中问到this/ that时,回答要用it;问到these/ those时,要用they来回答。 例如: What's this in English?----It's an eraser.

What are those?----They are books.

7)对Thanks.的回答:That's OK./ You're welcome./ My pleasur.

8)look the same = have the same looks

give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.

be like = look like

in the tree/ on the tree (树上结的、长出来的用on,否则用in)

in red(穿着红色的衣服)





help sb. with sth.(帮助某人做/补习......)

want to do sth.(想要做某事)

would like to do sth.

not...at all(一点都不);Not at all.(没关系/别介意)

like...a lot = like...very much



I have some money.

I don't have any money.

Do you have any money?

3)have a seat = take a seat(请随便坐)



Don't go there!


What does sb. do? What is sb.?

What's sb.'s job?


work是未必有报酬的“工作”,例如homework, housework;而job则一定是有报酬的“工作”。


on the desk/ wall/ farm/ playground

8)in hospital(住院);in the hospital(在医院里)

look after(照料/照顾/照看)

help oneself(请自便/随便吃)

相关 文章 :

1. 初一英语知识点总结

2. 初一英语期末必考12个语法知识点

3. 初一英语语法知识必考的12个语法点

4. 初一英语全册语法知识点汇总

5. 七年级英语语法知识点整理

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