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发布时间: 2024-09-16 13:19:56

1. 用英语写班规怎么写五年级下册加翻译

Thoughts and instruments
1 、尊敬师长,团结同学,一切听从老师安排,如违反有关规章应谦虚接受批评,并做出书面检查。
1, respect teachers, unite students, all obey the teacher arrangement, such as violation of the relevant regulations should be modest to accept criticism, and make a written examination.
2 、言谈举止要文明,不骂人、不打架、不给其他同学取绰号。
2, civilized speech and deportment, do not curse, do not fight, do not give others a nickname.
3 、平时佩戴红领巾 , 男同学不穿背心,女同学不戴首饰进教室,不留长发。
3, usually wearing a red scarf, the male students do not wear vests, female students in the classroom do not wear jewelry, not long hair.
4 、放学出校门要排队。
4, school out of the school to line up.
5 、学校里不允许做与学习无关的事情。学生不允许看与学习无关的杂志。
5, the school does not allow to do with the study has nothing to do. Students are not allowed to see a magazine that has nothing to do with learning.
Two, discipline
1 、 自觉遵守课堂纪律,认真听讲,不做小动作,不讲空话。
1, consciously abide by the classroom discipline, listen carefully, don't do things, not empty talk.
2 、 自习课上不做与学习无关的事情,不讲空话,尽量不要在教室中来回走动, 如有损坏公物者 , 应予以赔偿。
2, the self-study class not with independent learning things, do not speak empty words, try not to in the classroom in walking back and forth, such as damage to public property should be compensation.
3 、 课间时间不要在教室里大声喧哗或在教室走廊上相互追逐、推搡。
3, break time not to loud noise in the classroom, in the classroom or chase each other on pushing the corridor.
4 、 放学时间不要在学校里玩(如打球等)应立刻回家。中午时间也不允许。
4, school time not to play in the school (such as playing ball, etc.) should immediately go home. Noon time is not allowed.
三、 出勤
Three, attendance
1 、 早上 7 : 3 0 、中午 2 : 0 0 到校。要求全体同学不迟到、不早退,如有特殊情况要向班主任请假。
1, 7 in the morning, at noon: 30: 00 to 2. Ask all the students do not be late, do not leave early, if there are special circumstances to leave class 3.
2 、 学校里的任何活动(课间操、活动课)要同学及时参加,不迟到、不早退,无故不得缺席。
2, School of any activity (exercise between classes, activity classes) to students to participate in a timely manner, do not be late, do not leave early, no reason to be absent.
四、 卫生
Four, health
1 、 轮到卫生者早上提前十分钟到校,由组长负责,认真打扫卫生。放学后值日同学必须打扫完了经组长同意后离校。
1, turn health morning ten minutes in advance to the school, the team leader is responsible for cleaning, carefully. After school, students must be cleaned up by the leader on ty to leave school.
2 、 劳动课听从劳动委员安排,尽心尽责做好本职工作,责任到人,做的不好的重做,由劳动委员和班长验收。
2, labor class to listen to the arrangements for the work of the committee, conscientious to do their own work, the responsibility to the people, do not do a good job, by the Labor Committee and the monitor acceptance.
3 、 值日生必须保证教室内外一天整洁,由组长负责,如发现地上有废纸应及时捡掉,卫生器具必须保持整齐。
3, the student on ty must ensure the inside and outside the classroom one day clean, by team leader is responsible for, such as the discovery of some waste paper should be timely pick out and sanitary appliances must be kept in order.
五、 学习
Five, learning
1 、 上课积极回答问题、不要打断老师的上课。同学之间应相互帮助,共同进步。
1, active in class to answer questions, do not interrupt the teacher's class. Students should help each other and make progress together.
2 、 作业要及时收交,不准抄袭。由各组长负责,把作业不交的同学的名单及时上报任科老师和班长。
2, the operation should be timely delivery, not copied. Responsible by the group leader, the job does not pay the list of the students in a timely manner to the teacher and the monitor.
3 、 课后要求每一位同学都学会提问,向老师或同学虚心请教。
3, after class, ask every student to learn to ask questions, to ask the teacher or students with an open mind.
Violation of the above regulations by ty stem record in value in Japan, one day end after a statistical, as an important basis for the final evaluation of the moral character of the. Excellent academic performance, rapid progress, care for the class collective and unity of students, the contribution to the class of students should be timely recognition and record in the value of the week, the final also as an important basis for moral evaluation.

2. 如何当好五年级的班主任见英语教师

从早自习开始 一直读熟课本
可以在纸上考 也可以单独口试
其实讲语法知识讲不过来 他们也不一定懂
考试一般都是课本的知识 用语 背下来就OK 而且确实提高学生英语水平 提高语感很重要的

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