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发布时间: 2024-08-13 16:52:24

❶ 英语作文:给英国笔友DAVID写信,介绍上个月一次经历。接待美国某高中学生访问团来你校开展交流活动。要求

Dear David,
How about you? I'm so glad to tell you sth about my experience. The exchange activity is about the visitors who comes from American senior high school to launch activity with us. It's an amazing chance for me to practice my oral English and know more about their daily life. And I want to listen some advices about my study English from you.



❷ 英语作文。内容:由八名美国学生组成的访问团来你校进行了为期五天的文化交流活动,

Fellow American students,
As time goes by,you have to go back to America.But we are attracted by your creations and humors.During the five days,we have improved our spoken English a lot.By communicating with you,we have learnt more knowledges about the American customs.In a word,you make a deep impression on our students.And we hope that we can get together once again!
With best wishes.

❸ 英语作文:假如有一个澳大利亚中学生访问团下周到你校访问三天。学校将进行接待人员选拔,所有参加者……

Good afternoon everyboby.【大家下午好】。
My name is Li Hua, 【我的名字是李华,】 I am sixteen years old this year.【我今年十六岁】 Well, 【嗯】 I think I am a outgoing warm-hearted boy.【我认为我是一个外向热心的男孩】 So I tried to helpmore students, 【所以我想尽自己的努力帮助更多的同学,】provide convenience for students.【 为同学们提供方便。】 Of course,【当然】 my English is good, 【我的英语是非常的帮的】so I can help more Australianstudents in language,【这使我可以在语言方面帮助更多的澳大利亚同学,】 and I used to travel to Australia to study local customs and habits and so on of knowledge.【并且我曾经去澳大利亚旅游的时候学习了当地人的风俗习惯和饮食习惯等等方面的知识。】 I also want to become good friends with them,【我也想和他们成为好朋友】 so I think, 【所以我认为】 I can as reception work of Australian students.【我可以担任接待澳大利亚同学的工作。】 Thank you very much for listening to my speech.【非常感谢大家听我的演讲】


❹ HELP!英语作文

这是一类似的 你把里面的内容改成 文章的要求就好了。
Dear sir,

I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from XIanghua High School. According to the agreement, we plan to send 30 students and teachers to have a study tour in London this summer. Now I’d like to tell you something about our group and something we’d like you to arrange for us.

Our group consists of two women teachers and 28 students, of whom 18 are boy students. It’s better for us to live in host families so that we can have opportunities to practise our oral English. As for the activities, it is suggested we have English class in the morning, and do some sightseeing or take part in some sports in the afternoon. In the evening we want to be free. On Sundays and Saturdays we’d like to visit some scenic spots within the country.

I wonder if you can send us your formal invitation as soon as possible so that we can go through all the proceres

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

❺ 假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据 写作要点 和

One possible version:
Dear American Guest,
On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week Activities.
As scheled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story telling and so on. The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.
I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.

❻ 英语书面表达假定你是一名学生会干部,负责一个美国友好访问团的活动安排。拟一份英语通知

Tomorrow( Feb. 6th) , an American tourist party will visit The Confucius Home and xxx University , where they'll have a colluium with some English majors and teachers. We should gather at the gate and we'll return at 6:30pm.People who are willing to should sign your name in The English teachers' Office at 8:00 tonight. Remember put on more clothes for the cold weather.
Feb.5th xxx of Student union

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