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发布时间: 2024-06-28 14:41:21

『壹』 王老师善于与学生相处.用英语怎么说x

Mr.Wang gets along well with stutents.
或者 Mr.Wang is good at getting along with students.

『贰』 善于与某人相处的英语

善于与某人相处的英语是be good with。


Helpsblearn how togetonwellwithothers,whichisgoodfortheirfuturework. 有助于某人学会和别人友好相处,这对他们的将来有好处。Helpsblearn how . 有助于某人学会和别人友好相处,这对他们的将来有好处。

『叁』 (我善于和孩子们相处)用英语怎么说

I'm good with children.

『肆』 善于与人相处英文怎么写

Be good at getting along with others

『伍』 英语翻译格林夫人善于和孩子交往

Mrs Green is good at getting along with children
be good at 善于做某事
get along with 与.....相处
望采纳 谢谢

『陆』 她非常善于跟学生们打交道的英文。she. is. very..............

翻译:She is very good at making contact with her students。

『柒』 善于与人相处的英文怎么说

get along well with people

『捌』 善于与孩子们相处 用英语怎么说

最简单的说法是 be good with children/kids

『玖』 这句话用英语怎么翻译“同时,我也善于与人相处,乐于助人,我也很喜欢交朋友”

At the same time, I'm also easygoing to get along with people and willing to help others. I love making friends with them.

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