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发布时间: 2024-04-11 00:48:23

⑴ 处理”老师与学生”关系,英语

manage the relationship between “teachers and students”

⑵ 英语四级真题作文范文:如何妥善处理师生关系

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⑶ 如何对待师生关系的英语作文带翻译

The Teacher-Student Relationship
A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.
To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teacher's behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict. Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them. Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard. On the other hand, being too strict may frighten the students. So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students. And teachers should encourage the students to think
independently and learn to study by themselves.
As for the students, they must always respect their teachers. Students should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It's important to listen with attention in class and it's more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.
In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.

⑷ 假如你是老师,你怎么和你的学生相处英语作文

How do you get on with your classmates? I think it's easy to answer that question.

If you meet up with your friends, you can say, "Hello!" Your friends must be happy, they will think that you are a polite girl or a boy!

If your friends have some questions, you should help them. They'll thank you for your help.

My classmates are very helpful and polite. If one of my classmates has some problems, my classmates will help them solve it. So they are excited.

We help each other and take care of each other.

I hope you can be a polite and helpful child, and I hope you can get on well with all of your classmates.

⑸ 浅谈在英语教学中老师和学生之间的关系

教育不能没有爱,没有爱就没有教育。我们必须首先热爱自己的工作和事业,才能在工作上有所突破,也才能热爱我们的学生。人们把教师比作是蜡烛、园丁,是人类灵魂的工程师,所以教师也应该像蜡烛一样给学生付出自己的一切,像园丁一样精心栽培心爱的花木,对学生要亲切关怀,耐心帮助,平等相待,做学生的知心朋友,倾注全部的爱。这种爱是对学生严格要求和尊重信任的统一,是对学生未来的深切关注。这种爱应该是经常性的、是公平的,不能只给学习好的同学,而对后进生冷若冰霜。因为教师的歧视和偏心会打击他们的学习积极性、挫伤自奠心,从而导致他们拒绝教师的一切要求,产生逆反心理,自暴自弃,觉得前途渺茫,最终就会弃学。对所有学生,我们在上课的时候都要给他们机会。对成绩不理想的学生,我们的目标是激发他们的兴趣,成绩能有所提高。所以我们在上课的时候,提一些简单而有趣的问题,让他们爱上英语课。对成绩好一些的同学,可以提一些难的问题,让他们知道自己还有很多可以学的知识。并常对所有的学生说Well done或 Good job,以给他们信心和鼓励,只有这样才能建立良好的师生关系。

⑹ 如何把握好学生和老师之间的关系英语作文


  1. 父母规矩太多、过于强调学习成绩、不理解自己等问题;
    2. 对这些问题的看法;
    3. 与父母保待良好关系的做法。


How to keep good relationship with parents
In my opinion, I have two many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at nights. They don't allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents don't quite understand me.
However, I try my best to understand them. Although they don't allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.
In order to keep good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.

⑺ 有关解决处理老师同学关系的英语作文100词左右

你好: 很乐意帮助你!

1、As a teacher,he/she wants to teachwell;As a student,he/she wants to learn well,so the teacher needs to know andstudy the most efficient teaching style which will be accepted by the studentshappily and makes them like to study;The student at the same time need tounderstand the teachers effort trying to teach them well with full heart,and dothe best to keep study well;--老师要用好的教学方式,同时学生要体会老师的苦心;
2. There maybe commnucation gap between theteacher and the student, the problems happening among the students,but they areso shy to tell their teacher,so the teacher should ask them with love andsmile,to let them relax and let them know all the problems or difficulties theymet in the study,and they solve together;this will make them more and moreclose;--学生可能因为害羞,不好意思告诉老师自己的问题,所以老师要带着微笑和爱去问学生,他们究竟都有哪些问题,并一同解决;
The love between the students and theteachers can make the study well,I believe,and no matter how many yearslater,they will remember each other for ever because they spent the happiesttime together;
the time is the ralationship tie ofthem,colorful and shining for ever!


⑻ 英语作文如何在老师与学生建立好的关系

For our lifetime best time for a high school life. We are working tirelessly to learn. Although very hard but we are not left to regret graation. In our study, while of course not forget the teachers. Their selfless dedication. and students with a certainly a long time there had been some misunderstanding and friction. more and there is no misunderstanding friends to talk about the heart. lenient treatment of this misunderstanding. high school friendship can be said to be the most pure life, the most beautiful friendship. During this time the established friendship, that people can never forget. In our time of graation for our class to do something meaningful. We can do for classes in the last cleaning. 对于我们一生中最美好的时间就上一高中生活.我们不知疲倦的学习.虽然很辛苦但我们是为了在毕业不留下遗憾.在我们学习的同时当然不要忘了老师.他们的无私奉献.和同学在一起的时间长了必定有了一些误解和摩擦.多和有误解的朋友谈谈心.此宽容的对待误解.高中时期的友谊可以说是人生中最纯洁,最美好的友谊。在这段时间内建立起来的友谊可以让人终生难忘。在我们毕业的时候为我们的班级做一些有意义的事 .我们可以为班级最后一次打扫卫生.

⑼ 英语作文 如何处理师生关系



The Teacher-Student Relationship

A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.

To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teacher's behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict. Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them. Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard. On the other hand, being too strict may frighten the students. So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students. And teachers should encourage the students to think

independently and learn to study by themselves.

As for the students, they must always respect their teachers. Students should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It's important to listen with attention in class and it's more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.

In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.








⑽ 12月英语四级真题作文范文:如何妥善处理师生关系




The Teacher-Student Relationship


A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.


To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teacher's behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict.


In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.


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