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发布时间: 2024-02-25 21:02:20

⑴ 人教版小学五年级英语下册短语



do morning exercises 晨练,做早操 eat breakfast吃早饭

have English class上英语课 play sports进行体育活动

eat dinner吃晚饭 eat lunch吃午饭 climb mountains 爬山

go shopping购物,买东西 play the piano 弹钢琴

visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母

go hiking去远足

二、主要句子: When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?

I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 我晚上七点吃晚饭。

When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

I usually get up at 12:00 at noon。我通常在中午12点起床。

What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping. 我通常看电视和购物。

Sometimes I visit my grandparents。有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。

I often play football. 我经常踢足球。

Sometimes I go hiking。有时候我去远足。

三、 同义词

eat breakfast—have breakfast eat lunch—have lunch eat dinner—have dinner play sports—do sports


复数形式:policeman—policemen policewoman—policewomen



同义句:What do you do ? ---What are you? 你是干什么的?

四、表示频度的副词:always 总是,一直 usually通常,常常

often 经常 sometimes 有时候

五、以复数形式出现的词组:visit grandparents plant trees


七、too 和either的用法区别:too和either都是“也”的意思,但too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。



season季节 spring春天 summer夏天 fall冬天

winter冬天 swim游泳 fly kites放风筝 skate滑冰

make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees 种树

主要句子:Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

I like winter best。我最喜欢冬天。

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season。


Why do you like summer?你为什么喜欢夏天?

Because I can swim in the lake。因为我可以在湖里游泳。

Why do you like winter?你为什么喜欢冬天?

Because I can sleep a long time.因为我可以睡很长时间的觉。


三单:say—says ask—asks come—comes

对应词:wake up—sleep go to bed—get up

同义句:What’s your favourite season?(你最喜爱的季节是什么?)----Which season do you like best?(你最哪个季节?)

四、play with 玩雪,play in the snow在雪中玩 . 如果在横线后面有the ,则选择in ,如果在横线后面没有the , 则选择 with。

五、like后面不能直接跟动词。如果需要跟动词或动词性词组时,则需在like后面加to. 如果不加to. 就要把后面的动词变成相应的动名词形式. 如:I like to swim ===I like swimming。

六、当表示某地某个季节的天气情况时,要把季节放在前面,地点放在后面。其结构为:What’s the weather like in 季节in 地点?


一、主要单词:January (Jan。) February (Feb。) March (Mar。) April(Apr。) May June July August(Aug。) September(Sept。) October( Oct。) November (Nov。) December ( Dec。)


1. When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候It’s in May. 在五月。

2. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too。我的生日在六月。比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。

3. Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月吗?Yes.是的。

4.What’s the date?是几月几日?June 9th 。六月九日。

5. What’s the date today?今天是几月几日?

It’s April 10th. 四月十日。

三、主要知识点:1、关于月份:(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,没有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept.其他八个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。(2)无论是完全形式还是简写形式,表示12个月的单词的第一个字母都要大写。

2、关于基数词变序数词。(1)一般情况下,直接在基数词后面加th. (one , two , three 除外)。one—first , two—second , three—third . (2) 以ve结尾的基数词,变ve为f, 再加th. 如:five—fifth , twelve—twelfth. (3)以t结尾的基数词,直接加h。如eight—eighth. (4) 以不发音的字母e结尾的,丢掉不发音的字母e,再加th.如 nine—ninth. (5) 以y结尾的整十数,在变为序数词时,将y变为ie,再加th.如twenty—twentieth 。(6)20以上的两位数,变为序数词时,十位数不变,只将个位上的数变为序数词。如:twenty-one----twenty-first ,

twenty-two—twenty-second , thirty-four—thirty-fourth .

(7)序数词的简写形式为表示该词的阿拉伯数字加上该单词的最后两个字母,最后两个字母要变成上标格式。如:first—1st , second—2nd , third—3rd , fourth—4th . twentieth—20th

3. 在回答When is your birthday?这个问题时,如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in。如 My birthday is in July. 如果要具体说明生日是在几月几日,则要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is后加on。如My birthday is June 9th. 或My birthday is on June 9th 。

4。注意区分两个句子:What day is it today ?今天星期几?What’s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

5. 根据要求写单词:

make (现在分词)---making. send( 现在分词)---sending。

6。句子:How many birthdays are in October ?有几个人的生日在十月? There are 3。

7. My birthday is in February 。

(变为一般疑问句)---Is your birthday in February?

8. Does she have a computer?她有计算机吗?当第三人称单数和句子中出现了does时,其他动词必须使用原型。

9、读序数词时,前面一定要加the. 如 October 1st 。读作October the first。


Who has a birthday in October?===Whose birthday is in October?



draw pictures 画画 drawing pictures 正在画画

do the dishes 洗碗碟 doing the dishes正在洗碗碟

cook dinner 做饭 cooking dinner正在做饭

read a book读书 reading a book正在读书

answer the phone 接电话 answering the phone正在接电话

listen to music听音乐 listening ti music正在听音乐

wash clothes洗衣服 washing clothes正在洗衣服

clean the room打扫房间 cleaning the room正在打扫房间

write a letter 写信 writing a letter 正在写信

write an e-mail写电子邮件writing an e-mail正在写电子邮件


⑵ 短语用英语怎么说






A phrase is a group of words.


The reason is because they didn't study phrases.


A wordy phrase or sentence that has little meaning.


It is usually easier to pick out the meaning of a phrase in a given context.


Do we have our meeting in the morning or in the afternoon?


Verb phrases include phrasal verbs.


Phrase templates are typically expanded as part of phrases.


Do give methods names that are verbs or verb phrases.


The phrase is now in common currency.


Try to make use of the words and phrases you have learned.


The semantic category determines the slot relation model of the noun phrases.


That phrase has come into usage.


The problem is that these phrases do not exist.


This expression means 'from the very beginning'.


Thus, for every additional slop value, the values in the phrase are allowed to separate even more.


refers to any phrase that's added to your password before you create the hash in the first place.


Note that you are not asked to confirm this pass phrase so you must be careful to type correctly.

初学者应该瞄准像bathroom where?这类的短语口语练习,这将有助于他们对于基本需求进行沟通。

New language learners should aim for phrases like bathroom where? that will help them communicate about basic needs.


At this point you will feel much better about your learning ability.you will know the important basic phrases and speak much more naturally.


A simple web search using a phrase like “ cultural differences in business ” can yield a wealth of information about how your new bosses might operate.

⑶ 五年级英语词组


1. 新学期的第一天the first day of the new term

2. 互相 each other

3. 在学校at school

4. 所有的学生 all the students

5. 一座新大楼a new building

6. 许多房间 lots of rooms

7. 在大楼里in the building

8. 我不确定。I’m not sure

9. 看一看 have a look

10. 让我看看。Let me see

11. 在花园 in the garden

12. 在你家附近near your house

13. 许多花和树a lot of flowers and trees

14. 好主意good idea

15. 在盘子里on the plate

16. 在街上in the street

17. 在阅览室in the reading room

18. 第一天the first day

19. 三间乒乓室three play table tennis rooms


1. 居住 live in

2. 在他家附近near his house

3. 他的父母亲his parents

4. 非常very much

5. 住在一间新房子里live in a new house

6. 一间大的客厅a large sitting-room

7. 在你的卧室in your bedroom

8. 在床上on the bed

9. 一幅世界地图a map of the world

10. 在墙上on the wall

11. 一部电话a telephone

12. 一些图片 some pictures

13. 在课桌上on the desk

14. 在桌子下under the table

15. 在门后behind the door

16. 在沙发上on the sofa

17. 在盒子里in the box

18. 在猫的嘴里in the cat’s mouth

19. 在我的书包旁边near my school bag

20. 穿红色外套的妇女the women in the red coat


1. 下午两点two o’clock in the afternoon

2. 在音乐教室in the music room

3. 上一节英语课have an English lesson

4. 唱歌跳舞sing and dance

5. 在教室里in the classroom

6. 拉小提琴play the violin

7. 弹钢琴 play the piano

8. 唱一首歌sing a song

9. 学英语learn English

10. 骑自行车ride a bike

11. 听我说listen to me

12. 四点钟four o’clock

13. 下课后after class

14. 模仿我follow me

15. 一起做飞机模型make a model plane together

16. 弹吉它play the guitar

17. 把书放在椅子上put a book on the chair

18. 找到他find him

19. 让我们开始吧。Let’s start

20. 做个木偶make a puppet

21. 喜欢滑冰like skating

22. 吃个冰淇淋have an ice cream

23. 在教师的讲台下under the teacher’s desk

24. 打篮球play basketball

25. 在黑板后面


1. 他的家人his family

2. 买东西buy things

3. 买些面具buy some masks

4. 需要些巧克力need some chocolate

5. 一些花和一个花瓶some flowers and a vase

6. 一个南瓜灯a pumpkin lantern

7. 什么面具what mask

8. 喜欢老虎面具like tiger mask

9. 多少钱how much

10. 一位公交车司机a bus driver

11. 在星期天on Sunday

12. 喜欢做饭like cooking

13. 看电视watch TV

14. 听音乐listen to music

15. 打乒乓球play table tennis

16. 在晚上in the evening

17. 找你的零钱here’s your change

18. 画画draw a picture

19. 玩电脑游戏play a computer game


1. 星期天上午Sunday morning

2. 在家at home

3. 做家务 do housework

4. 做家庭作业do homework

5. 扫地sweep the floor

6. 擦窗子clean the windows

7. 帮我学数学help me with my Maths

8. 今天下午this morning

9. 洗衣服wash clothes

10. 你是对的you’re right

11. 做蛋糕make a cake

12. 找到我find me

13. 帮助我help me

14. ……怎么样how about

15. 上一节数学课have a Maths lesson


1. 放学后after school

2. 寻找look for

3. 在下午in the afternoon

4. 在办公室in the office

5. 在操场上in the playground

6. 打篮球play basketball

7. 来加入他们come and join them

8. 去操场go to the playground

9. 去图书馆go to the library

10. 在图书馆学习study in the library

11. 打扫图书馆clean the library

12. 看报纸read a newspaper

13. 看杂志read a magazine

14. 看图画书read a picture book

15. 下棋play chess

16. 打牌play cards

17. 玩悠悠球play with a yo-yo

18. 坐在篮球上sit on the basketball

19. 追赶run after

20. 在床上跳jump on the bed

21. 吃狗粮eat the dog’s food

22. 在狗头上跳舞dance on the dog’s head


1. 一次野营旅行a camping trip

2. 在小山附近near the hill

3. 在营地at the camping site

4. 互相展示他们的东西show their thing to each other

5. 一个大的帐篷a big tent

6. 坐在他的帐篷旁sit near his tent

7. 一听鸡肉a tin of chicken

8. 一听鱼肉a tin of fish

9. 在那边over there

10. 两床毛毯two blankets

11. 一盒巧克力a box of chocolate

12. 一些水果some fruit

13. 许多玩具a lot of toys

14. 长头发long hair

15. 一只瘦猴子a thin monkey

16. 跑跳run and jump

17. 画一张脸draw a face

18. 一张大嘴巴a big mouth

19. 一个大鼻子a big nose

20. 在冰箱里in the fridge


1. 什么形状what shape

2. 一节艺术课an Art lesson

3. 怎样画画how to draw

4. 放风筝fly a kite

5. 一个正方形的橡皮a square rubber

6. 多少个圆形how many circles

7. 八个三角形eight triangles

8. 到黑板上来come to the blackboard

9. 画一个圆draw a circle

10. 一个五角星a star

11. 一张新年卡片a New Year card

12. 在纸上on the paper

13. 画一些树和星星draw some trees and stars

14. 怎样做贺卡how to make a card

15. 画六个长方形draw six rectangles

16. 新年快乐!Happy New Year

17. 听listen to

18. 拿……玩 play … with

19. 再见。See you.

20. 在音乐课上at the music lesson

⑷ 五年级 用英语怎么说

所以是Grade 5 或者 Grade Five

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