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发布时间: 2020-12-26 21:40:33

① 浅谈如何让中学生喜欢学习英语词汇

词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是语言的建筑材料,如何教学生掌握一定数量的词汇,是初中英语教学的重要任务之一。本文就初中英语词汇教学的艺术谈谈具体教法。 一、利用字母和字母组合的读音规则,掌握单词的拼写形式。词的读音和拼写形式是词存在的基础,是各个词相互区别的第一要素。在词汇教学中,要注意音和形的统一与结合,使学生把一定的音同可能对应的形联系起来,又把一定的形同可能对应的一定的音联系起来,通过反复练习在大脑中建立起来一类一类词的音、形模式联系,如让学生把长元音[i:]和she,see,sea,piece等单词中的元音字母及元音字母组合的形联系起来。 二、利用具体情景掌握单词的读音和语义。具体情景指的是生活情景、模拟情景、表演情景、直观教具情景、想象情景,在具体情景中教单词、学单词,不但可以克服孤立记单词容易遗忘的缺陷,而且能培养学生灵活运用单词的能力,学会在交际中使用单词。 三、教新词的艺术。 一)介绍新词汇(让学生先不看书,看教师示范表演。) 1.翻译法。把单词写在黑板上,然后译成汉语介绍给学生,这样教单词既快又简便,适合初中一、二年级 学生。 2.直观法。 1)利用实物介绍新词汇。如:Look,this is a watch.(用手指着手表) 2)利用图片介绍词汇,如:面部(faces) (附图 {图}) 简笔画要画得快,边画边交流,达到用画表达词义。 3)用模拟、示范动作或面部表情介绍词汇。如:Look——I am ope-ning the door. I am writing some w ords on the paper.然后利用手势、动作指导学生模仿做。 总之,用直观法教词汇,生动活泼、快而有效,容易引起学生兴趣,给学生留下深刻的印象,不易忘记。 3.用举例的方法介绍词汇。如:教lazy 这个词时,就可以说:Allof you study hard,but Xiao Ming do esn't study hard. He isvery lazy.He gets up late and then does nothing all day. Heis not a good student.这样通过一个例子使学生既练习句子,又清楚、准确地领会了单词lazy的意思及其怎样灵活运用。 4.同时使用几种方法介绍词汇。如:Look,he is smiling. Now lo-ok at me.I am smiling,too.(用面部表情)smile. We smile whenwe are happy(作手势让学生重复),学生:smile.老师:Good,what d-oes it m ean?(学生说出汉语意思“微笑”)5.使用斜线介绍新词。如:I go there by bus. He goes to scho-ol on foot.在斜线旁给一个句子或一个词,目的是斜线上的词放在有意义的情景中,来区分词的意义上的细微差异。 (附图 {图}) 6.利用诱导的方法介绍新词汇。如:老师指着眼睑问What aboutthis?Look-I can open and close the m. They are …eye…?学生答“眼睑”。老师接着板书出eyelids.这样诱导的优点是在于学生的注意力会集中到这个新词上来,对了解这个词产生兴趣。 7.利用直接介绍法。直接介绍讲解词汇,让学生重复。如:介绍新单词wrist,老师:(Pointing to wrist )。Look,this is my wrist. C-an you say it?学生重复说wrist两遍。 8.利用下定义法。如:breakfast——the first meal of a day. Anoun is the name of a person,plac e or thing. 9.利用各种关系解释词义。 1)利用事物的特征:Ice is cold. Water turns into ice in winter. coal is black. Coal burns When coal burns,we get fire. 2)利用因果关系:Xiao Li has not taken his lunch, so he is hungry. I have drunk a lot of water,so I am not thirsty now. 3)利用先后关系或自然顺序:Spring comes before summer. Sunday comes before Monday. We take our breakfast at seven in the morning. We take our lunch at twelve. 二)操练和使用新词汇。介绍新词

② 中学生该如何对待爱好 英语作文


③ 怎样让中学生爱上学英语


④ 我要在美国上高中 请问美国中学生喜欢些什么东西 我怎么学英语

呵呵~ 你在哪个州呢?我现在也在美国上高中呢~
我在Michigan的Troy~上Troy High.





至于学英语嘛~ 不用担心的,我只来了3个月就可以和他们简单交流了。一开始我是什么都不知道,等于两眼一摸黑.-_-...可是现在就好多了。

而且学校里都有ESL就是English Second Language的办公室。专门帮助外国学生的老师,学生都在里面。我这个学校里中国人是最多的,还有一个中文老师,所以不用担心的。不知道你那边是怎样的?~



⑤ 怎样才能成为初中学生喜欢的英语老师


⑥ 如何让中学生爱上英语

此“平等”不仅指师生之间的平等,还指对待不同学生之间的平等。有一句俗语说得好:“要想赢得别人的尊重,就要首先学会尊重别人”,这话对于师生之间同样也不例外。虽然学生尊重老师是天经地义的事情 ,但一个优秀的教师是用其丰富的专业知识和幽默风趣的教学方法赢得学生们的尊重和爱戴,而不是靠其严肃的外表和严厉的手段使学生产生敬畏之情。教师只有用平等的态度对待学生,把学生当成朋友,才能让学生喜欢上教师,进而喜欢上该课程。当然,有学生就会有比较,就会有差距,教师不应该因为学生成绩的高低而戴有色眼镜。初中生都很敏感,或许你的一个眼神就会伤害到他们的自尊心,进而就有可能失去一位英语界的天才!

⑦ 我是一个初中学生我喜欢上学的英文

英译:I am a junior high school student.I like going to school.

⑧ 中学生喜欢什么样的英语课堂


⑨ 中学生英语演讲稿---爱

字爱有多数不同的意义在英国人, 从某事哪一给予对某事的一些快乐 (" 我爱一餐 ") 一会一钢模为.(爱国心, 双会接) 它能描述一强烈的感觉爱、情绪或情绪的州。 在平常的使用中,它通常提及人与人之间的爱。 或许由于它的心理学中肯,爱是艺术和音乐中最通常的主题之一。

正如有爱人的多数类型, 有多数类型爱。 爱是固有的在所有的人类文化。 它精确地是有任何的全世界的定义的这些文化差异爱困难的建立。 见到 Sapir-Whorf 的假设。 一尝试普遍可适用的定义是汤姆斯鸟 Oord 的: 对爱是对行为有意地, 在有同情心的回应对其他 (包括上帝), 促进全部的安宁。 这定义适用于爱的积极的含蓄。

表达爱可能包括那爱为一个 " 灵魂 " 或思想, 那爱法律和组织, 爱为一个身体, 爱为自然, 爱食物, 爱钱, 爱为学问, 爱力量, 爱名望, 爱为那尊敬其他, etcetera。 不同的人地方改变他们受到的重要性对爱的类型程度。 依照哲学家, 生活的唯一的目标是很快乐。 而且只有一生活的快乐: 对爱和是爱。 爱本质上一摘要观念, 非常容易的对经验超过解释。
The word love has many different meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure ("I loved that meal") to something one would die for (patriotism, pair bonding). It can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably e to its psychological relevance, love is one of the most common themes in art and music.

Just as there are many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love is inherent in all human cultures. It is precisely these cultural differences that make any universal definition of love difficult to establish. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. One definition attempting to be universally applicable is Thomas Jay Oord's: to love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote overall well-being. This definition applies to the positive connotations of love.

Expressions of love may include the love for a "soul" or mind, the love of laws and organizations, love for a body, love for nature, love of food, love of money, love for learning, love of power, love of fame, love for the respect of others, etcetera. Different people place varying degrees of importance on the kinds of love they receive. According to philosophers, the only goal of life is to be happy. And there is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. Love is essentially an abstract concept, much easier to experience than to explain.




怀有一颗感恩的心,才更能体会一个平凡人的伟大。当2007感动中国十大人物之一的黄舸走上银幕时,人性的善良再一次被点燃,这个行程1.3万多公里,当面感谢恩人的壮举刺痛了每一个人的眼睛,也点燃了每一个人内心未燃的火种。而让他做出这样事的理由很简单就是为了能面对帮助过他的人说声谢谢! 2003年,15岁的黄舸和父亲用一辆三轮摩托车踏上了“感恩之旅”,开始在全国寻访素未谋面的恩人。如今,父子俩已经走过了82个城市,行程1.3万多公里,向30多位当年给他们寄过钱的恩人当面道了谢。父子俩一路上感受着感动,也传播着感动。用30载爱心让一村之中老有所终,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。富人做这等事是慈善,穷人做这等事是圣贤,官员做这等事是本分,农民做这等事是伟人。这位农妇让九州动容。
怀有一颗感恩的心,不是简单的忍耐与承受,更不是阿Q,而是以一种宽宏的心态积极勇敢的面对人生。我相信,最温暖的日子来自寒冷,我更相信,最温暖其实是对寒冷的一种谅解,一种感恩中的感动。一个人要学会感恩,对生命怀有一颗感恩的心,心才能真正快乐。一个人没有了感恩,心就全部都是空的。 “羊有跪乳之恩”,“鸦有反哺之恩”, “赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,“执子之手,与子偕老,”这些都因怀有一颗感恩的心,才芬芳馥郁,香泽万里。





Love of comprehension
Someone say that forget's feel grateful is the person's disposition.When we by chance arrive at this in the world, haven't come yet everything and do of time, we have already started enjoy people of the past to bring us the whole result of material and spirit.This remind everyone of us, have to have a the heart for feel grateful.

Have a the heart for feel grateful, just know a respect more.Respect life, respect labor, respect creation.Bosom feel grateful of heart, generation great man Deng Xiaoping thou the sparse year say:"I am China the son of the people, I deeply of love my motherland and people!" Bosom feel grateful of heart, write in poet's moxa green his poem:"My eye why embezzle restraining tears water, because I to this land love deep sink."Have you ever heard a person toward the story of tree apology?Have you ever heard all story that the car which is drive give way for the dog?These true story, touched at the person to life of care and love, touched at the person to life of respect.When we everyday enjoy to sweep of environment, we want with gratitude those protect Jie a worker;When we move into new residence, we want to thank those construction workers;When we line, appreciate driver ……know with gratitude, will treat each life by equal taste, re- treat our everybody, respect each ordinary common of labor, also more respect oneself.

Have a the heart for feel grateful, just more the ability realize an ordinary person of great.When ten a Huang2 Ge3 Zou3 of the somebodies in 2007 touched Chinas up silver screen, human nature of docile is spark again, this route of travel is more than 13,000 kilometer, directly appreciate benefactor of the heroic act is piercing each person's eyes, also sparked each a personal heart don't burning material for new fire.But let him do so the reason of the matter's being easy be for the sake of the ability to face a help to say a voice thanks over his person! 2003, 15-year-old Huang2 Ge3 and father stepped on "feel grateful it trip" with three motorcycle of 1, beginning at whole country look for to visit vegetable do not strive for the benefactor of noodles.Now, the father and son a pair have already walked through 82 city, route of travel is more than 13,000 kilometer, to more than 30 benefactor that that year once sent money to them directly way thank.Father and son a pair all the way top feeling touched, also dissemination touched.The benevolence of use the 30 years let Tsun 1 in old have eventually, young have long, widowers, widows, orphans and the childless incapacitating disease all have to keep.Rich man's doesing this etc. matter is a charity and poor people's doing this etc. matter be a sage and virtuous man, officials' doing this etc. matter be a ty, and farmer's doing this etc. matter be a great man.This farm woman let nine states change countenance.
Having a heart for feel grateful isn't simple of enrance and bear, isn't also Q, but with a kind of generous mindset aggressive brave of face life.I believe that most the day of warmth come from cold, I believe more, most warmth in fact is to cold of a kind of understanding, 1 kind feel grateful medium of touched.A person want academic association thanksgiving, have a heart for feel grateful to the life, heart then can real happiness.A person have no feel grateful, heart all all is empty. "The sheep has boon of kneel the milk", "the crow fed parents of boon", "present person's rose, hand enough to spare joss-stick", "keep the hand of son, with son Jie old, " these all because of have a heart for feel grateful, just fragrant strong fragrance, body's fragrance ten thousand inside.

So I want to thank you, the stranger of contacts in my life, let me know thin come thin to just don't lead long tired at the mind, with gratitude have you, come and go go to, I will cherish;With gratitude you, all teacher in my life, let me know knowledge of precious, with gratitude have you, from year to year, I will bear firmly in mind;With gratitude you, the nearest relative go to an airtight friend in my life, the happiness have you sharing, sorrow have you to listen to, with gratitude have you, busy, I will not forget;With gratitude you, I go to true most love of close relatives, years on the way, quiet nurse me, block breeze to hide rain, let I drive love of in happiness also academic association how go to love others, with gratitude have you, every day and night after night, I pay attention to inside.

With gratitude sun rise sunset, appreciate happiness to distress, appreciate the sky the earth, with gratitude sky all stars, with gratitude life, with gratitude get with lose of everything, and have no income have no lose of everything of everything, let my grass long the oriole fly of Nian in the season life of beauty!

My friends, let our bosom feel grateful of the heart face to world!Let our bosom feel grateful of the heart treat us of life!As long as we to life be full of to feel grateful of heart, be full of hope and enthusiasm, our society would be a little bit little to blame and evasiveness, many some tolerate with comprehension, would be a little bit little to quarrel with inhospitality, many some harmony and warmth, would be a little bit little to shuffle out to spread with Huan, many some sincerity and solidify, our spirits home forever young ……

End, let us listen this quietly again together 《feel grateful of heart 》 :The heart feel grateful, with gratitude have you, companion I whole life, make me courageous to do myself, feel grateful of heart, appreciate destiny, flower bloom fall, I be similar to cherish.

I the lecture of today arrive this be over, thank everyone



⑩ 怎么教好不爱学习的初中学生英语


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