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发布时间: 2021-12-01 17:35:24

❶ 教材分析 教学反思 用英语怎么说

一、教材分析 翻译:Textbook analysis

教学反思 翻译:Teachingintrospection


英 [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃn] 美 [ˌɪntrəˈspɛkʃən]

n. 自我反省;反省,内省


1、When I was at start of introspection.


2、From both introspection and conversation, I have formulated a general law on this subject.





review 英 [rɪˈvju:] 美 [ rɪˈvju]

vt. 检讨 vi. 复习功课;写评论

例句:1、the government's review of its ecation policy


2、The case is subject to judicial review .




adj. 顽固的,固执的

例句:1、He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way


2、This treatment removes the most stubborn stains


❷ 关于初一英语第7单元的教后记怎么写

七年级英语教学反思-新目标七年级英语下 册第七单元教学反思 第七单元的话题是谈论天气以及用现在进行时态谈论正 在做的事情,学生在设计表演的时候大都根据2d 的对话进行 展开,并且大都以打电话的形式。在他们组织语言的过程里, 复习巩固了所学知识,也进一步增强了小组团结协作的凝聚 力。四组可能是因为有前面几个小组的铺垫,无论在设计还 是表演上都很精彩,看点不少。 (情景一)Hu Zaixia : Hello, this is Hu Zaixia speaking. Wang Changhong : Hello, it’s Wang Changhong. How’ s it going? Hu : Not bad. Thank you. What are you doing? Wang : Not much. I’m just washing my clothes. What about you? Hu :I’m watching TV. But it’s boring. Wang : Do you want to go to the movies? Hu :That sounds great. But it’s raining now. 2 Wang : What about tomorrow? Hu :OK. Wait, let me see the weather report first. (插入画面,彭宇在做天气预报) Hello, everyone. Do you want to know the weather here? Let me you now. In Yinan, it will be hot and it will be sunny. Just right for going outside. You can go swimming. And you can go shopping or going to the movies. Have a good time! Wang : Tomorrow is no rain . See you tomorrow. Hu :See you (情景二) Hu : Hello, Hu Zaixia speaking. May I speak to Li Sheng? Li Sheng:Hi, this is Li Sheng? Hu : How’s your summer vacation? Where are you? Li Sheng Great. I’m in Canada. Hu : What are you doing now? Li Sheng I’m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. (王子硕抢电话) Wang Zishuo : Hello, Hu Zaixia. I’m in Canada, too. 3 Hu : Hi, Zishuo. How’s it going there? Zishuo : Great. I like Canada very much. Hu : Have a good vacation. Bye. Zishuo : Bye.

❸ 教学反思用英语怎么写

teaching reflection 教学反思

❹ 教学反思用英语怎么说

教学反思英文:teaching introspection

例句:As a matter of fact, there exist many misunderstandings in the world of ecation as far as teaching introspection is concerned which result from objective factors as well as subjective ones.



1、teaching 读音:英 [ˈti:tʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈtitʃɪŋ]

n.教学;教义;所教的东西;学说 adj.教学的;教导的

v.教育;教书;教( teach的现在分词);训练

复数: teachings

2、introspection 读音:英 [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃn] 美 [ˌɪntrəˈspɛkʃən]




schooling 读音:英 [ˈsku:lɪŋ] 美 [ˈskulɪŋ]




1、He had little formal schooling.


2、The distinction between schooling and ecation implied by this remark is important.


3、The Effect of Compulsory Schooling Law on Ecation and Earnings



就按照你上完一个单元后你的感受 学生的几首情况 还有什么欠缺的 等等进行说明就是

❻ 初二英语第七单元grammar focus的翻译。

初二英语第七单元grammar focus的翻译:

1、what's your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么?

2、My favorite subject is science.我最喜欢的科目是科学。

3、What's his favorite subject?他最喜欢的科目是什么?

4、His favorite subject is Chinese.他最喜欢的科目是中文。

5、What's her favorite subject?她最喜欢的科目是什么?

6、Her favorite subject is art.她最喜欢的科目是艺术。

7、Why does Bob like history?为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?

8、Because it's interesting.因为这很有意思。

9、Why do Frank and Bob like P.E.?为什么弗兰克和鲍勃喜欢体育?

10、Because it's fun.因为这很有趣。

11、Who is your music teacher?你的音乐老师是谁?

12、My music teacher is Ms.Xie.我的音乐老师是谢女士。

13、When is your geography class?你的地理课是什么时候?

14、lt's on Monday and Friday.星期一和星期五。

❼ 教学反思用英文怎么说

revision of ecation

❽ 人教版英语八年级上册第七单元教案

Period 3

校 班
级 日
期 10.26
教师 课
题 How do you make a banana milk shake?

备课标与教材 知识点(语音、词汇、语法等方面) 1. 语音知识:butter ['bʌtə] turkey ['tə:ki] slices [slais] beef slices, relish ['reliʃ] and lettuce ['letəs] boil [bɔil] add [æd]
2. 词汇与语法:blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon . First, next ,then ,finally butter, onion, tomato, turkey slices, beef slices, relish and lettuce.
How do you make a banana milk shake ?
How many bananas do we need ?
How much yogurt do we need ? 用how many 和how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问.
重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面) 重点1:能正确读出音标和词汇:
难点:正确运用how many 和how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问
分析知识点与知识系统的关系 课标要求:学习如何对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问。
分析确立重难点的依据 确立重难点依据:基于上述分析确立重点与难点。。
确立难点的理由是:学生对how many 和how much理解不清 运用不熟。

备学情 学生已具备的知识与技能 学生已经学习了各种句型和各类词性的词。但对可数名词和不可数名词的概念分不清,不能准确的运用how many 和how much提问。
学生的学习兴趣(对教师、教学法的兴趣) 我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,采取小组背单词,竞争拼单词,和脱口秀的方法。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时在阅读和书面表达中加以落实,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。
学生的差异性 根据自己的学生分析差异性,分出层次进行不同的目标教学。1-20号学生能听懂他们并能脱离课本流利的对话,21-40能听懂并准确的对话,41-50号学生能基本听懂并看着材料对话并能运用词汇编句子。

备教学目标 知识与技能目标(分层) 词汇与语法:
(1)、句型--- How do you make a banana shake?First, …. next ,then ,finally
词汇:turn on, cut up, peel, pour, put, mix up add to boil the noodles eat the noodles
(2)、句型How many bananas do we need ?
词汇:watermelons oranges Countable noun ---
(3)、句型How much yogurt do we need ?----
词汇:salt yogurt milk ice cream water Uncountable noun
过程与方法目标 本课主要通过幻灯片出示奶昔制作步骤同桌交流讨论或小组交流讨论来学会如何学习本单元英语知识。
情感态度目标 通过设计制作奶昔,激发学生动手动脑探知新事物。培养学生热爱劳动的习惯.
创新支点 由于所设情境贴近生活,有“吃”又有“玩”,学生们充分体会到了学习的乐趣和成功的喜悦,为他们的终生学习奠定了较好的基础。立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境(或半真实情境)引导学生在 运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学, 在用中学,学了就用)结合现实生活让学生自由谈论自己的制作过程。
备教学方法与媒体 1.教学方法:开展多种类型的任务型活动,拼单词比赛,表演对话等。提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。
2.多媒体教具:黑板 大屏幕 ppt

教学流程 Task 1 revision and warm up by discussing
Aim: 复习前两节课的词汇语法句型。
Steps: Step 1 read words and phrases. Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .
Step2 have a dictation about the words and phrases.
Step3 how do you make a milk shake? Talk about the steps. Make conversations. Ask and answer like:Do you like ---?
Task 2 Pairwork
Aim: Use the target language to make their own conversation
Steps: Step 1 Let’s make a sandwich .
Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb .
Then ask ,How do you make your favorite sandwich ?
Step 2Ask students to write the procere down.
Using first,next ,then ,finally Students’ Activities:Practice writing.
Step 3 SB Page 44 , 1a ,1b .
Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat it .
Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss write the things they like in a sandwich .
Students work .After that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with a partner .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring .
Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .
Task 3 Listening(2a ,2b)
Aim: 练习巩固提高学生的听力。
Step1 SB Page 44 , 2a .
Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods in activity 1a .Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Play the tape again .Ss circle the words in activity 1a .Check the answers .
Step2 SB Page 44 ,2b .
Listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart .Check the answers .
Step3 Pairwork (2c , ) Ss work in pairs .Ask several pairs to act out .
Make a sandwich .


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