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发布时间: 2020-12-27 04:05:50

『壹』 你昨天做什么了我和我的朋友们在操场上踢足球了用英语怎么说

What did you do yesterday?My friend and I played football on the playground.

『贰』 每天放学后经过操场,我都看到有许多同学穿着足球服在操场上踢足球,用英语怎么说

I could see many students in football wear playing football on the playground , as I pass by the ground after class every day.

『叁』 他们在操场上踢足球吗(用英语怎么写)

Are they playing soccer on the playground?

『肆』 我喜欢在操场上踢球用英语怎么说

I like playing football on the playground.

playground 英 [ˈpleɪgraʊnd] 美 [ˈpleˌɡraʊnd]

n. 游乐场制; 操场,尤指提供如秋千等设备的户外场地; (某些集体聚会游乐的) 园地;

[例句]He limped off the playground..


『伍』 尽管天在下雨可孩子们仍然在操场上踢球用英语怎么说

Although it is raining, the children are still playing soccer in the field

『陆』 放学后我和我的同学经常在操场上练习踢足球用英语怎么写

After school, my classmates and I often practise playing football on the playground

『柒』 孩子们正在操场上踢足球用英语说

Children are playing football on the playground.

『捌』 课后,学生们在操场上打篮球踢足球用英语怎么写

  • After class, the students play basketball on the playground.

  • 课后,学生们在操场上打篮球踢足球

『玖』 他们在操场上踢足球吗(用英语怎么写)

they are play football on the playground

『拾』 同学们在操场上玩游戏,有的在跳高,有的在踢足球,还有在打乒乓球..….(英语翻译)

Students are playing games on the playground,some are jumping,some are playing football and some are playing badminton.

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