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发布时间: 2020-12-27 02:29:13

A. 接待别人的短语 接待外国人的英语短语,如:欢迎来到这里、我们欢迎你、很高兴认识您等,说出来一下,

Welcome guys!比较随便的口语表达方式.
Welcome to our company ( city,country,school )!正式说法.
Nice to meet you.
Nice meeting you.两种表达方式都经常用.
I am so glad that you have chance to be here today.
It's my pleasure to show you aroud.

B. 接待外国交换生常用的英语有什么


C. 学校接待外国学生访问团的英语作文怎么写,跪求速答!


D. 英语求助!!!!!接待外宾

1.Our school was founded in 19**. I would really love to show you around our school. See, that building is mainly for students to self study. There is a reading room in that building, too. Oh, that's our student apartment. There are totally * student apartment in our school. * for boys, *for girls. ...

E. 接待外国小朋友的英语怎么说啊

recieve foreign children

F. 接待外宾常用的英语有哪些

陌生人之间复的How are you?只需要制回答不错就好,不要具实情回答,因为对方并不想真的知道你的隐私。比如你回答我有点头痛,之后会比较尴尬。还有一种情况你遇到一个话痨(生活中这种人蛮多的)开始跟你将半小时他/她头痛的经历,你也会很尴尬的。如果你打完招呼对方也就回答不错/很好,你大概也就尽到责任并且知道他/她也没有要继续交谈的意愿了。所以还是问一些开放性的话题吧,能够产生共鸣。

G. 接待外国小朋友的英语怎么说

Reception of foreign children

H. 内容是"接待外国学生"写一篇英语作文

Yesterday, tens of students from Mercer University of the USA came to our school. In the morning, Prof.Wang gave a lecture about our university. Then the students in Mercer University introced themselves one by one. Those students were studyingn in different mojors, such as epidemiology, biology, sociology ect. After that, we, Chinese students were asked to ask questions. However, after Zeng's question about the internship in Mercer, there were no more from the Chinese side. Prof.Wang was a bit angry. I felt ashamed at that time. Why the Chinese students were always shy in this situation? About me, I have to admit that I really have something to say or ask, however, there was a view in my mind that, it's better no to speak before our sisters and brothers under the same introctor. The traditional view barriered my action. After the meeting in the morning at 12:00, a professor from Mercer said to us:"why are you all so shy?" He was a Chinese-Amerrican, doing research in the direction of Caner Epidemeology. I like the teacher especilly after his lecture in the afternoon. It's about the lung cancer,adenocarcinoma and the influence factors, such as air pollusion and smoke. All through his lecture, he tried to make it interesting by the method of problem-based lecture. That's one of the most obvious difference between the Chinese teaching and the American teaching way. For example, through his lecture, he asked us what was the priority to consider in the method of doing research on epidemiology. We answered it's distribution by time. On it, he praised us and gave us an encouragement, which made us more exciting and more willing to join in and react with him in his lecture. There was no useless sentences and no obscure words, but left me an impression of smart and knowledgable. He gave the lecture in both Chinese and English. All through the lecure, it's a homony,active and vivid environment. In the afternoon, a professor gave us a lecture about gene which seemed difficult for us all. Another professor Catherine Martin, who was the leader of CDC and Heath Beau if convey her profession to our Chinese offical system, gave a lecture on the health institution systems in her country. Before the two academic lectures, one teacher gave an brief introction of the Mercer University. He was the dean of the Medical department. At the end of the meeting, we, Chinese students took the foreign students to look around on our campus. I found the severity ring the process. I didn't know what to say and what to do. That's a terrible experience for me I think. If you can have a good communication with local people, it doesn't mean you can communicate well with a foreigner. That's true. Now even speak with Chinese people, I lost the confidence. I need to adopt my mood and thinking way. But how to do it. You can give me some suggentions. Thanks dear friends.

I. 接待客人,用英语应该怎么说

接待客人,用英语为receive guests


在家接待客人 meeting the guests in home

热情地接待客人 receive the guests

接待客人的人 host


  1. 然而,时至今日,女性依然觉得家中是否清洁关乎自己的形象,有一半的女性说当家中脏乱而不能接待客人时,她们会觉得难为情。

    Andwomenfeel that,eveninthis dayand age,the on themwithhalfsayingtheyget embarrassedwhenitisn'tclean and refuseto acceptvisitors.

  2. 在她公寓的休息室里,毛绒玩具、维多利亚式的版画和圣像堆到了屋顶,她在这里接待客人。

    In theloungeofherflat,piledto theceilingwithstuffedanimals, tailor’s mmies,,shewouldreceivevisitors.

  3. 按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。

    According toetiquette,youshouldstanp tomeetaguest.

  4. 第三,西方人接待客人“吃饭”很简单,不像中国人接待客人那样带有意图。

    Third, itisonlysimple“Have a meal!”thatOccidentalentertainguests. It , but it is the means.

  5. 你刚刚打扫完起居室,将要接待客人,而此时你的孩子进来开始倾倒一桶桶的玩具。

    Youjust gottheliving roomcleanedandyou'reabout tohavecompany.

  6. 你要负责接电话、写下留言和接待客人。

    M:You'd beresponsible foranswering thephones,taking messagesandgreetingguests.

  7. 按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。

    Youshouldstanpgreetingthe guestswith propriety.

  8. 但茶艺的动机对于每一种文化来说都是共通的:设想无论那一个国家,一位能干的主人接待客人,他的举止如此的从容流畅,令客人沉浸在一个安详幸福的情绪之中。

    Butthemotivationforthis artiscommontoeveryculture: soeasythatguestsare .

  9. 这所房子里客人极少,所以我愿意承认,我和我的狗都不大知道该怎么接待客人。

    , I amwilling toown,hardlyknowhow toreceivethem.

  10. 然后,名牌产品就变成了奢侈品或者是接待客人用品。

    Thename brandthen becomesaluxury itemandtreat.

J. 学校接待外国学生访问团的英语作文怎么写, 镇远中学、与我校学生座谈及进餐、游览舞阳河


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