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发布时间: 2021-02-02 18:54:35

❶ 求日本樱花的简介(要英文版的)

名称: 日本樱花 类别: 乔木 别名: 江户樱花 东京樱花 科名: 蔷薇科拉丁名: Prunus yedoensis Matsum
生态习性 :喜光。喜肥沃、深厚而排水良好的微酸性土壤,中性土也能适应,不耐盐碱。耐寒,喜空气湿度大的环境。根系较浅,忌积水与低湿。对烟尘和有害气体的抵抗力较差。
形态特征 :落叶乔木,树皮暗褐色,平滑;小枝幼时有毛。叶卵状椭圆形至倒卵形,长5-12cm,叶端急渐尖,叶基圆形至广楔形,叶缘有细尖重锯齿,叶背脉上及叶柄有柔毛。花白色至淡粉红色,径2--3cm,常为单瓣,微香;萼筒管状,有毛;花梗长约2cm,有短柔毛;3-6朵排成短总状花序。核果,近球形,黑色。花期4月,叶前或与叶同时开放。
园林用途 :本种春天开花时满树灿烂,很美观,但花期很短,仅能保持1周左右就凋谢;适宜种植与山坡、庭院、建筑物前及园路旁。
产地分布 :原产日本,中国多有栽培,尤以华北及长江流域各城市为多 .

Name: Japanese flowering cherry category: Tree alias: River household oriental cherry Tokyo oriental cherry grade: Rose family Latin name: Prunus yedoensis Matsum ecology habit: Happy light.Happy fertile, deep drains water the good slight acidity soil, the neutral soil also can adapt, does not bear salt alkaloid.Cold resistant, happy air humidity big environment.The root system is shallow, envies the ponding and low and damp.Is bad to the mist and st and the noxious gas resistivity. Shape characteristic: Fallen leaf tree, bark n, smooth; The small branch in childhood has the wool.Ye Luanzhuang ellipse to but actually oval, long 5-12cm, Ye Duanji graally point, leaf base circular to broad wedge-shaped, the leaf margin has the thin sharp heavy denticle, on the blade babbitting arteries and the petiole has the fluff.Colored white to pale pink, diameter 2--3cm, often is a single-lobe, micro fragrant; The calyx tube tubular, has the wool; Pedicel long 2cm, has the short fluff approximately; 3-6 platoon becomes the short raceme.Stone fruit, near sphere, black.Flowering season in April, in front of the leaf or also opens with the leaf. Botanical garden use: This kind of spring blossoms when the full tree is bright, very artistic, but the flowering season is very short, only can maintain about 1 week to die of old age; In front of suitable planter and hillside, garden, building and garden roadside. Habitat distribution: Proces Japan originally, China has the cultivation, especially take North China and Yangtze valley various cities as many.

❷ 用英语介绍一下cherry blossom(樱花)


❸ 彼岸花、樱花的英语介绍

樱花的英语:cherry blossoms

❹ 樱花节的英文介绍,简短的,急用

The plum flower is warm, clean and pure and classic, after sever winter, it brings the breathing of spring first.Therefore, the Japanese government settles for"plum flower stanza" on March 15 to April 15 every year.Enjoy flower season at this, people take up the relatives, inviting up the friend, holding wine and food to descend to seat on the floor in the plum flower tree, the side appreciates a cherry, side to drink to heart's content, is really a life is one great fun

❺ 介绍日本樱花的英语作文

I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend

❻ 有关樱花节起源及习俗的英文介绍最好带翻译,哪位大侠帮帮忙


每年的3月15日到4月15日是日本的樱花节(Cherry Blossom Festival)。日本有樱花30多种类,300多品种,世界上共有800多品种。日本所有公园里,满目都是樱花。日本人民认为樱花具有高雅、刚劲、清秀质朴和独立的精神。他们把樱花作为勤劳、勇敢、智慧的象征。日本有"樱花七日"的谚语,是说花期很短。因此日本家庭里一般不种樱花,认为对家族的兴旺延续不吉利。
樱花节的由来呢, 是源自于1912年, 当时的东京市长赠送给首都华盛顿3千株樱花树作为 和平的象征,美国政府以花开满丛的山茱萸回赠日本。华盛顿一些民间团体发起举行第一届 ,樱花节活动,之后就延续下来, 成了一年一度的盛会,享誉全美及世界 。 樱花属蔷薇科,落叶类乔木。又称日本樱花。
日本樱花(P.yedoensis Mats.),干皮暗灰色,叶椭圆形,先端渐尖或尾尖,缘具芒状细尖重锯齿,齿端具腺,叶柄上端有2腺体,托叶条形,具腺齿,花多重瓣,白、粉或玫瑰红色,核果球形,径约1厘米,熟时紫黑色,本种有两变种:①彩霞日本樱花(var.shojo Wils.),重瓣,大型,玫瑰红色;②粉红日本樱花(var.taizanfukus Wils.),重瓣,中型,粉红色。 樱花深受广大日本人民喜爱。
日本樱花传入中国,传入大连,其实正是日本侵华的历史罪证。当年日本人侵华,在旅顺开辟了为后方医院后,为了缓解那些伤员们思乡心切而种下的。这也是大连旅顺樱花的由来。 如今,每到樱花盛开的季节,大连的各处樱花园就成了最热闹的地方,围绕樱花的相关活动也成了大连春季比较盛大的节日活动,届时会有樱花节以及相应的花车巡演等内容。 大连的樱花主要集中在旅顺口区。这里是我国栽植樱花最早最多的地方,现有樱花3万多株,品种有中国樱、日本早樱、八重樱、山樱等,樱花园主要分布于203高地(公园)、太阳风景区(长达1.5公里的樱花一条街)、龙王塘水库樱花园(20年代栽制的樱花和星玉兰)、及庭院村舍等处。

❼ 日本樱花英文介绍,10句话就行。。

Prunus serrulata or Japanese Cherry; also called Hill Cherry, Oriental Cherry or East Asian Cherry, is a species of cherry native to Japan, Korea and China. It is known for its spring cherry blossom displays and festivals.Prunus serrulata is a small decious tree with a short single trunk, with a dense crown reaching a height of 8– metres (26–39 ft). The smooth bark is chestnut-brown, with prominent horizontal lenticels. The leaves are arranged alternately, simple, ovate-lanceolate, 5–13 cm long and 2.5–6.5 cm broad, with a short petiole and a serrate or doubly serrate margin. At the end of autumn, the green leaves turn yellow, red or crimson.

❽ 英文翻译一下下~ 关于樱花的介绍


❾ 关于樱花的英语句子、段子、短文任意,有翻译

In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds e to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dates back to 18th-century scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", and several pop songs. The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.


❿ 用英语介绍樱花节

Going to Japan in Spring? During spring cherry blossom (sakura) viewing parties (hanami) and cherry blossom festivals are held all over Japan. Cherry blossom viewing has been a Japanese custom since the 7th century when the aristocrats enjoyed looking at the cherry blossoms and wrote poems.

People drink, eat, and sing ring the day and night. It is like a picnic. People bring food, do BBQ, or buy food from vendors. Among various food people eat in cherry blossom viewing,dango is very popular. It is a chewy snack made of rice flour.

In Tokyo, Ueno park and Yoyoki park are very popular places for cherry blossom viewing. In those place, there is even competition for the best spot. If you do not like a crowd, you can go to mountains or other quiet places for cherry blossom viewing.

Stop by any castles, parks, shrines, temples, and school yards near you. There are cherry trees everywhere in Japan. Also, if you are planning to visit Kyoto, spring is the best time. Kyoto's historical sites are famous for their cherry trees. Many tourists visit Kyoto for cherry blossoms.

Sakura is the national flower of Japan, and there are over four hundred varieties of cherry trees in Japan. Yama-zakura, Shidare-zakura, Higanan-zakura, Kan-zakura, and Miyama-zakura are very popular. You can viewpictures of cherry blossoms.

Sakura is different from the cherry of other countries. The Japanese cherry tree does not yield fruit like other cherry trees. The cherry blossoms bloom at different times throughout Japan. The cherry blossoms begin blooming in Janurary in Okinawa, and they are at their peak in late March to April in Honshu region. In Hokkaido, sakura become in their peak in late May.

A map which shows the average date of sakura flowering in Japan is available. The blooming period of sakura is very short. Don't miss the best time for cherry blossom viewing in your destination.

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