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发布时间: 2020-12-26 23:54:24

A. 项目经历 用英语怎么说

项目经历 用英语
Project Experience.

B. “项目”的英文怎么说


C. 项目用英语怎么说

practice project

D. 公司里做项目用英语怎么说

Do the project in the company
英 ['kʌmp(ə)nɪ]
美 ['kʌmpəni]

n. 公司;陪伴,同伴回;连队答
vt. 陪伴
vi. 交往

n. (Company)人名;(西)孔帕尼;(英)康帕尼

COMPANY 公司,连,陪伴
public company 上市公司,公众公司,股份上市公司
Company Introction 公司简介,公司介绍,介绍公司

E. 项目介绍英语翻译

1. In order to adapt to the development of modern business management, the company established an automated office operational software unit, I am the project leader of this team/unit. Firstly, through survery and research, we were familiarised with the behaviours and needs of different staff in the company, which we used to create a project demand report; then according to the needs of the project, we decided on the project development timeframe, outline, implementation plan, monitoring, after implementation service and final proct delivery. In the end we will finish our target within the predicted timeframe, hand over the procts according to plan and make the project function properly.

F. 项目策划书用英文怎么说

Project plan
project 英[ˈprɒdʒekt] 美[ˈprɑ:dʒekt]
vt. 计划; 放映; 发射; 展现,使突出;
vi. 伸出,突出;
n. 项目,工程; 计划,规划; (学生的版) 课题权;
[例句]Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam

G. 申请项目 用英语怎么说

动词性短语:apply for (some/某一) project
名词性短语:Project application

H. 什么项目 用英语怎么说

[网络] what items;
What is most important to you on this date? What projects occupy you?

I. 项目简介怎么翻译

Project Introction

Project Summary

J. 项目介绍的英文翻译

In order to adapt to modern enterprise management, enterprise investment of about three million building internal networks, to support the operation of ERP systems. Across the enterprise network Intracity two proction base, a sales company and a headquarters, Meanwhile the clients Web services, the provision of internal email services, ERP system to provide business-support and database services. Allow throughout sales office network access point

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