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发布时间: 2022-09-24 00:36:24

❶ 中国文物的英语翻译,中国传统文化的单词英语怎么说

向世界传播中国传统文化 Spread the Chinese traditional culture to the world

❷ 用英语介绍 中国的世界遗产

The world-famous ancient Chinese build the Great Wall, the east Bohai Bay Shanhaiguan, west of Jiayuguan in Gansu Province. Through the mountains, mountain stream valleys, rolling 1.2 thousand li across northern China seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. As early as the Spring and Autumn period, all countries in order to resist the enemy, they built the Great Wall, according to insurance. Qin unified China, the sub-link the defense wall to build the scale of the magnificent Great Wall, the subsequent reinforcement Upgrading North Korea again after another. To the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), in the old basis, graally converted into today's landscape. Spirit majestic Great Wall, is the world as one of history's great works. 1987 has been included in the "World Cultural Heritage"

❸ 用英语介绍我国的文化遗产

There are rich immaterial cultural heritage of mankind in China. While with the development of China’ economics and construction, a large number of immaterial cultural heritage are facing the danger of vanishing. So in recent years, Chinese governments at all levels enhance the protection. The immaterial cultural heritage announced by the government has already reached more than 500. On 30th September 2009, the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the immaterial cultural heritage of UNESCO considered and approved 76 projects in Abu Dhabi, including 22 projects of China: China’s mulberry silk art, Fujian Nanyin, Nanjing brocade, Anhui Xuan paper, The Dong Chorus, Guangdong opera, Gesar Epic, Zhejiang Longquan celadon, Qinghai Regong Art, Tibetan opera, Xinjiang Manas, the Mongolian Humai, Gansu Huaer, Xi'an drum music, farming dancing of Chaoxian nationality, calligraphy, seal cutting, paper cutting, engraving printing, the traditional wooden structure skill, Dragon Boating Festival, Mazu Folklore.

❹ 古代的文物用英语怎么说

relics from ancient times
As we travelled through this country, we saw many relics from ancient times and ruins of the native population of this kingdom.

❺ 五句话以上用英语介绍一个文物,英汉都有

Introce a cultural relic, both English and Chinese.

❻ 下面让我给你讲一讲关于中国文物收藏的情况用英语翻译

which of the following titles is better?
next i will tell you a story.或:I will share a story with you.

❼ 急求一篇用英文介绍的在中国的世界文化遗产

莫高窟,又名“千佛洞”,位于敦煌市东南25公里处、鸣沙山东麓的断崖上,是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一。洞窟始凿于前秦建元二年(公元366年),后经历代增修,今存洞窟492个,壁画45000平方米彩塑雕像2415尊,是我国现存石窟艺术宝库中规模最大、内容最丰富的一座。1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。 莫高窟的艺术特点主要表现在建筑、塑像和壁画三者的有机结合上。窟形建制分为禅窟、殿堂窟、塔庙窟、穹隆顶窟、影窟等多种形制;彩塑分圆塑、浮塑、影塑、善业塑等;壁画类别分尊像画、经变画、故事画、佛教史迹画、建筑画、山水画、供养画、动物画、装饰画等不同内容,系统反映了十六国、北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐、五代、宋、西夏、元等十多个朝代及东西方文化交流的各个方面,成为人类稀有的文化宝藏。 莫高窟还是一座名副其实的文物宝库。在藏经洞中就曾出土了经卷、文书、织绣、画像等5万多件,艺术价值极高,可惜由于当时主持莫高窟的王道士愚昧无知,这些宝藏几乎被悉数盗往国外。现在莫高窟对面的三危山下,由敦煌研究院承建了敦煌艺术陈列中心,仿制了部分原大洞窟,使游客在莫高窟的观赏内容更加丰富多彩。

Mogao Grottoes, also known as the "Thousand-Buddha Grottoes", located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, the Singing Sand Mountain and Mountain Cliff, China is one of the three grotto art treasure trove. Cave began to hammer in the Former Qin Dynasty Jianyuan 2002 (Year 1366), amended after the generation of this 492 caves exist. 45,000 square meters of colorful murals, sculptures 2415 president, is now the largest treasure trove of grotto art. one of the most abundant elements. 1987 was listed by UNESCO as world cultural heritage. Cave art features in the main building, statues and murals on the organic integration. Cave formed into shape Buddhist caves and cave temple, Damiao Cave, dome roof caves and other shapes impact Cave; Cyclotomic colorful plastic, floating plastic film plastic. good plastic instry; Zunxiang mural painting category, the change paintings, stories, Buddhist temple paintings, architectural paintings, landscapes, and so painting Animal paintings, decorative painting and other different aspects of the system to reflect 16, Northern Wei, Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties, Song, Western Xia, including more than 10 million in various dynasties and the cultural exchange between East and West, has become a rare cultural treasures. Cave is a veritable treasure trove of artifacts. Cave had unearthed in China by volume, instruments, embroidery, such as portraits of more than 50,000 pieces of art a highly valued. Unfortunately, since then the auspices of the Mogao Grottoes Wangshi ignorance, which was almost full stolen treasures abroad. Cave opposite the foot of the crisis now three, contracted by the Dunhuang Academy in Dunhuang art exhibition center. ing a large part of the original cave, visitors watch as more colorful in the Mogao Grottoes.


❽ 中国名胜古迹英文介绍


❾ 我非常了解中国历史并且对中国文物有大量知识用英语怎么说

I know Chinese history very well and have a lot of knowledge of Chinese cultural relics.

❿ 文物的英语单词怎么说

文物 [wén wù]
cultural relic;
historical relic;
The antiques on display are all marked with dates

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