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发布时间: 2022-09-19 02:47:12

① 作业用英语怎么写


读音:英 [tɑːsk] 美 [tæsk]












读音:英 [əˈsaɪnmənt] 美 [əˈsaɪnmənt]







读音:英 [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 美 [rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti]




② 七年级下册英语单词


③ 用英语介绍我的好伙伴分别要介绍到 名字 年龄 来之哪里 现在在什么学校上学 几年几班还有电话号码

My friend’s name is Lily. She is my deskmate. She has long hair, black eyes and a beautiful looking. She is not too tall or too short. It is well-known that she is kind and nice, because she always help other people. Of course, she helps me a lot. She is good at study, especially in English. Because she lives near my home, we often go to school and go home together. We also do homework and play together. We are good friends forever.

④ 用英语介绍搭档!

Hello,everybody!I'm**..Let me introce my partner.Her name is Mable and her birthday is November 13th. She is my best partner,and she is also my good friend.She is good at playing the violin.Her parents are managers.She wants to be a doctor in the future.Because doctors can help others.We all like swimming.And we want go to Maerdaifu .Because there is very beautiful.

⑤ 幼儿园老师的工作搭档英文作文

我的好搭档就在我的书桌上,那是一盏精致的护眼灯,是六岁生日时妈妈送给我的礼物哦。 护眼灯的左半部分是一座漂亮的爱心小屋,非常小巧,屋里还有两只透明的小熊,它那憨厚、笨拙的模样可爱极了。屋子的旁边有一根长长的灯杆,灯杆上方是一根用淡紫色灯罩罩着的灯管,很漂亮。灯座是个浅蓝色的小笔架,笔架的左边有一排白色的按钮,用手一按,灯就亮了。 每天晚上,我都坐在这盏灯前写作业、看书、练字。两只憨态可掬的小熊全神贯注地注视着我,好像在说:"陈逸非,仔细一点,不要粗心哦!" 多好的搭档啊!有了它的陪伴,每天晚上我不再孤单,觉得浑身是劲,学习充满了乐趣。我越来越离不开它啦!

⑥ 用英文介绍小组成员,具体要怎么说。加点修饰词什么的。急急急!!

首先说一下你在这个团队中扮演什么角色,比如说Hello everyone,I'm the compere XXX, Now I'd like to tell you someting about my group members. We have 4 porformers ,they are .......and 2 speakers............Last but not least is the procer of our PPT.中间在介绍各个角色的时候穿插一点他们的分工,如果有比较出众或者说是你们这个团队主心骨的时候可以多一点介绍,比如说我们的porformers 非常认真排练,经常请同学给他们提意见和建议,我们的procer非常严谨,制作出高水准的PPT等等,要控制在你的发言时间内。

⑦ 找英语单词

1 xanthism n.黄色素过多症
Xanthium n.[植]苔儿属
xanthochroism n.(某些动物尤指水族馆金鱼的)黄色现象
Xanthoxylum n.秦椒属植物
xanthylium 吨
XASM =Experimental Air-to-Surface Missile 实验型空对地导弹
XBM (X-Windows Bitmaps)黑白位图文件格式。
xenoantiserum n.[生](异种抗体中富有的) 异种抗血清
xenodocheum n.(=xenodochium)接待外人之旅馆, 旅馆
xenodochium n.(中世纪时收容香客,异乡人,病人的)救济院
xenotime n.[矿]磷钇矿
xeranthemum n.干鲜花卉科植物
xeraphium 干燥粉, 除湿粉
xerasium 旱涝演替
xerium 干燥粉, 除湿粉
xeroform n.[药]干仿,塞罗仿,三溴酚铋
xerogram 干式影印副本
xerophorbium 冻原
xerophytism n.适旱性, 喜旱性
xeropoium 干草原
xiphisternum n.[解][动]剑胸骨
XMODEM 一种文件传输协议
XORM =Exclusive OR Matrix 异或矩阵
xpm =expanded metal 多孔(拉制)金属网
XPM (X-Windows Pixelmaps)彩色图象文件格式。
XRM =X-Ray Microanalyser X射线微量分析仪
XSSM =Experimental Surface-to-Surface Missile“地对地”实验导弹
xylem n.[植] 木质部

Maas 马斯河[西欧](上游为默兹河)
Maccabees n.马加比家族(公元前一世纪统治巴勒斯坦的犹太祭司家族)
machicolis [军]突堞 凸堞枪眼
machicoulis n.堞眼, 枪眼
MACMIS =Maintenance And Construction Management information System维修和结构管理信息系统
macroaxis 长轴, (晶体的)长对角轴
macrobenthos n.[生]大型底栖生物
macrobiosis n.长寿,长命
macrobiotics n.长寿法
macrocarpous adj.[植]有大果实的
macrocephalus n.[医]巨头人 巨头
macrocosmos n.宏观世界
macrocytosis n.[医]大红细胞症
macrodactylous 长末射枝的
macroeconomics pl.[用作单]宏观经济学(研究经济体系中起作用的全部力量或经济部门间的相互关系的经济学)
macrofacies [sing., pl.][地质]大相
macrogenesis 骤变式发生
Mars n.火星, 战神abbr.[军] Medium Artillery Rocket Launcher, 中型炮兵火箭发射器
macrohardness 宏观硬度, 粗视硬度
macrokinetics [pl.][用作单]宏观动力学
macrolinguistics [pl.][用作单]宏观语言学, 大语言学
macromechanics [pl.][用作单]宏观力学
macronucleus n.[动]大核,滋养核(原生动物纤毛虫类体内较大的细胞核)
macrophagous 食大粒的
macrophyllous adj.[植]具长叶的
macropodous adj.[植]大胚轴的
macroporous 大孔(性)的
macropterous adj.[动]有长翅的,有大翅的;有长鳍的, 有大鳍的
macros 麦克罗斯碱性耐火制品
macrosonics 强声学
macrostress 宏应力, 宏胁强
macrurous [动]长尾的
maculosus 斑状(云)
madarosis n.睫毛脱落
madness n.疯狂, 愚蠢的行为
Madras 马德拉斯(印度港市)
mafors 女士斗篷 僧衣 修女面纱
magadis 马伽迪斯琴
magcophos 四磷酸钠
MNS abbr.Master of Nutritional Science 营养学硕士
mnemonics n.记忆术
MNAS abbr.Member of the National Academy of Sciences (美国)国家科学院会员
Mmes. Mesdames 太太们

⑧ 询问你的搭档最喜欢的季节并完成下面的表格英语表达

Name: Li Ying Age: 12 Class: 3 Grade: 7 School: Beijing No. 4 Junior High School(中学) Tel: (010)8860-1688 My name is Li Ying. I'm a girl. And I am twelve years old. I'm from Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. I'm in Class Three Grade Seven. My telephone number is (010)8860-1688. (答案不惟一)

⑨ 英文翻译:接下来,让我的搭档为你们介绍更多这部电影的内容

So next, my partner will show you more details about this film.
show在演讲口语中也是可以的,表示展示,也可以说introce or give一类的

⑩ 对自己搭档的英语介绍

Hello,everybody!I'm**..Let me introce my partner.Her name is Mable and her birthday is November 13th. She is my best partner,and she is also my good friend.She is good at playing the violin.Her parents are managers.She wants to be a doctor in the future.Because doctors can help others.We all like swimming.And we want go to Maerdaifu. she likes english best. she can speak fluent english .Because there is very beautiful.

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