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发布时间: 2022-09-13 23:03:48

⑴ “巴西”的英文如何写


巴西联邦共和国(葡萄牙语:República Federativa do Brasil),简称“巴西”,国名源于巴西红木。是南美洲最大的国家,享有“足球王国”的美誉。国土总面积854.74万平方公里,居世界第五。总人口2.02亿。与乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴拉圭、玻利维亚、秘鲁、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南、法属圭亚那十国接壤。巴西共分为26个州和1个联邦区,州下设市。

巴西原为印第安人居住地。16世纪初沦为葡萄牙的殖民地。1822年9月7日建立巴西帝国 ,1889年推翻帝制建立合众国。1967年改名为巴西联邦共和国。




⑵ 英语 介绍巴西

A country in motion

The land area of Brazil extends over 8.5 million square kilometers, occupying just under half (47%) of the area of Latin America. The country possesses 20% of all the world’ biodiversity; an example of this natural wealth is the Amazon Rainforest, with 3.6 million square kilometers. The political and administrative organization comprises three main Branches of Power: the Judiciary, the Executive and the Legislative, and the principle of autonomy among the Union, the Federal District, 26 states and 5,563 towns and cities (IBGE/2003).

Ranking fifth among the world’s most populated countries, the population of Brazil amounts to 50 million families or approximately 180 million inhabitants (2004), the majority - 81% - in urban areas. The national birth rate, which reached as high as 6.3 in 1960, currently stands at 2.1 children per female. The result of this decline, which can be associated to an improvement in social indicators and consequently in quality of life, will be a population whose majority of citizens will be aged between 15 and 44 years within the next four decades. This will represent one of the largest job and consumer markets among the countries on the American continent.

Diversified Economy

Brazil accounts for three fifths of the South American economy’s instrial proction and integrates various economic groups, such as Mercosur, G-22 and the Cairns Group. The country’s scientific and technological development, together with a dynamic and diversified instrial sector, is attractive to foreign enterprise: direct investment was in the region of US$ 20 billion /year on average, compared to US$ 2 billion/year last decade.

Brazil trades regularly with over one hundred nations, with 74% of exports represented by manufactured or semimanufactured goods. Its main partners are: the EEC (representing 26% of the balance), the US (24%), Mercosur and Latin America (21%) and Asia (12%). One of the most dynamic sectors in this trade scenery is the so-called “agrobusiness” sector, which for two decades has kept Brazil amongst the most highly proctive countries in areas related to the rural sector.

The owner of a sophisticated technological sector, Brazil develops projects that range from submarines to aircraft and is involved in space research: the country possesses a Launching Center for Light Vehicles and was the only country in the Southern Hemisphere to integrate the team responsible for the construction of the International Space Station-the ISS. A pioneer in the field of deep water oil research, from where 73% of its reserves are extracted, Brazil was the first capitalist country to bring together the ten largest car assembly companies inside its national territory.

⑶ 一小段巴西的英文介绍,求翻译

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese:República Federativa do Brasil), is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. As the world's fifth-largest country by both area and population, it is the largest country to havePortuguese as an official language–and the only one in the Americas. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km. It borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and covers 47.3% of the continent's land area. Its Amazon River basin includes a vast tropical forest, home to diverse wildlife, a variety of ecological systems, and extensive natural resources spanning numerousprotected habitats. This unique environmental heritage makes Brazil one of 17 megadiverse countries, and is the subject of significant global interest and debate regarding deforestation and environmental protection.
Brazil was inhabited by numerous tribal nations prior to the landing in 1500 of explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral. Brazil remained a Portuguese colony until 1808, when the capital of the empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. Independence was achieved in 1822 with the creation of the Empire of Brazil, a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. The ratification of the first constitution in 1824 led to the formation of a bicameral legislature, now called the National Congress. The country became a presidential republic in 1889 following a military coup d'état. An authoritarian military junta came to power in 1964 and ruled until 1985, after which civilian governance resumed. Brazil's current constitution, formulated in 1988, defines it as a democratic federal republic. The federation is composed of the union of the Federal District, the 26 states, and the 5,570 municipalities.
Brazil's economy is the world's ninth-largest by nominal GDP and seventh-largest by GDP (PPP) as of 2015. A member of the BRICS group, Brazil until 2010 had one of the world's fastest growing major economies, with its economic reforms giving the country new international recognition and influence. Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations, the G20, BRICS, Mercosul, Organization of American States, Organization of Ibero-American States,CPLP, and the Latin Union. Brazil is a regional power in Latin America and a middle power in international affairs, with some analysts identifying it as an emerging global power. One of the world's major bread baskets, Brazil has been the largest procer of coffee for the last 150 years.
巴西,正式名称为巴西联邦共和国(英文:the Federative Republic of Brazil ,葡萄牙文:República Federativa do Brasil),是南美洲和拉丁美洲最大的国家。作为世界上面积和人口都是第五大的国家,它以葡萄牙语作为官方语言,这在美洲是唯一一个。巴西东部毗邻大西洋,有7491公里的海岸线。它毗邻除厄瓜多尔和智利以外的其他所有南美国家,涵盖南美大陆土地面积的47.3%。它的亚马逊河流域有巨大的热带森林,他是多种野生动物、各种生态系统及覆盖多个保护地的广泛的自然资源。这种独特的环境遗产,使巴西成为17个生物多样性大国之一,也成为关于森林砍伐和环保问题全球关注和争论的主题。
2015年,按名义GDP计算巴西是世界上第九大经济体,按GDP(PPP)计算则为第七大经济体。作为金砖国家的一员,巴西直到2010年前一直是世界上增长速度最快的主要经济体之一,其经济改革给予赋予巴西新的国际知名度和影响力。巴西是联合国、20国集团、金砖国家、、南方共同市场、美洲国家组织、伊比利亚 - 美洲国家组织、葡语国家共同体等组织的成员,还是拉丁美洲联盟的创始成员。巴西是拉美的地区大国和国际事务中的中等大国,一些分析师把它看做是一个新兴的全球大国。作为世界上的主要粮仓之一,巴西在过去的150年中一直是咖啡生产大国。


⑷ 巴西用英语怎么说




巴西的内; 巴西人容的

巴西木; 苏木

⑸ 巴西概况 英文简介

Brazil general situation
???? country:Brazil federal republic
??????????( The? Federative? Republic? of? Brazil,
???????????? Rep ú blica? Federativa? do? Brasil)?

????? national flag:? Distance that report the rectangular, and grow with the breadth it than for 10 ∶ 7. The ensign ground is green, in the center is a yellow rhombus, its four topses and ensign sides all equal. The rhombus in the center is a 蓝色 day ball 仪 , its up have the white of an arch form to take. Green, the yellow is a Brazilian national beauty. Abundant 矿藏 of that bush of vast country of green symbol, yellow representative is with the resources. Day 26 states for ball arch on the 仪 form white taking surface of sphere is divided intoing the top and bottom twoth parts, second half department symbol Southern Hemisphere 星空 , different white of its last size fifth Cape 星 representative Brazilianlies are with a federal area. The white take to up writes the “ order with progresses with Portuguese text".??

????National insignia:? The pattern is in the center outstanding a big five Cape 星 , independence of nation symbol and solidify. Big five 蓝色 circle in Cape 星 s up have five small five ten horoscopes of Cape 星 s, representative south; Have in the circle wreath 22 small five each state of Cape 星 s, representative Brazils are with the federal area. Big five Cape 星 surroundings surround the garland, back of useful coffee leaf that weave to stand up with tobacco leaf on carry under fifth Cape 星 s the sword, hilt of a swording. The 绶 take to up write the “ Brazil the federal republic with Portuguese text", “ 1889 November 15".( the republic establish the day)?

????Important festival:??????

???????? independent day:September 7?(1822)

????????? National Day:September 7
????????? Indian's day:April 19?

Brazil Rio de Janeiro 著 ' s melon 纳 the 巴 pull the gulf
???? national high-ranking officials:? Does the president's 卢 pulls the · to reach a 尔 tile?( Lula? da? Silva)?, The 2002 win an election October, and the 2003 is on January 1 a 职 .?

????Nature geography:854.7 ten thousand square kilometer, is Latin- American biggest nation of the area. Locate the southeast department in South America. The north 邻 method belong to Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela with Columbia, west 邻 Peru, Bolivia, the south connect the Paraguay, Argentina be close to Atlantic Ocean with Uruguay, east. The coast line grow more than 7400 seseses, territorial waters width 12 outside 专 of nautical miles, territorial waterses belong to the economic area 188 nautical mile. National territory 80% locate the tropical region, most the south carry to belong to subtropics weather. Northern part the plain of second horse Sun belong to the average air temperature of equator weather, year 27 - 29 ℃ . The central part plateau belong to the drought, raining season of tropical steppe weather, cent. South department average air temperature in region 16 - 19 ℃ .?

Brazil card that body does the in beautiful attire pull the 雅族 ?

The Brazil south compares the card tile to pull the 族
The person proceeds bow and arrow game

Body the in beautiful attire's Brazil 帕 tower
The 肖族 spring ups the race to dance
???? Population:1.696 hundred million(2000)s, occupy the world population of 2.8%, reside to pull beautiful and first. among them the white man occupy54.?03%, black and white mixed blood the person occupy39.?94%, the black race person occupy5.?39%, the yellow race person occupy 0.46%, the Indian is roughly to occupy0.?16%.The Portuguese language is an authorities language.71% of the resident believe in the Catholic.?Brazil “ Indian's day"?

???? capital:? Brazil is benefit second( Brasilia)?, The population is roughly 204.32 myriad people(2000) s, melted the 汇 the world thou to construct the art's essence now, and have the “ world the building exposition" it call. The city construct by the side of artificial lake, then three power squares resemble a head for cores, shape with an eastern exposure airplane of square 巨 type.1987 the year, United Nations teach section text how to organize to declare to list as the human culture wealth of “ the second city of Brazil benefit".??

????The administrative area rows:The whole nation totally is divided intoes 26 stateses to establish the municipal, whole nation to totally have with 1 federal area( Brazil second federal area of benefit), state down 5507 City, among them 15 above have 79,100 above have 12.(1999)Name of each state is as follows: 阿 gram, Allah 戈斯 , second horse Sun, 阿 horse 帕 , 巴 the 伊 is second, 塞 Allah, saint 埃斯 skin the second 斯 , horse of diagram, 戈 pull the 尼 the 昂 , horse 托格罗 the 索 , south horse 托格罗 the 索 , rice 纳斯 the 吉 to pull the 斯 , 帕 to pull, the 帕 pull the 伊 the 巴 , 巴 to pull the that, 伯 south cloth the elder brother, skin 奥 the 伊 , north 奥格 the 兰 is virtuous, south 奥格 the 兰 is virtuous, many 尼 s in Rio de Janeiro, 朗 are second, the rare 培 , 托 of 尔 of 罗 , 塞 of 琳 , saint 保 of horse, saint card tower of 罗赖 axe the 廷斯 .??

????Chien's history:The ancient times Brazil for printing peaceful person of ground live the groundses.1500 year April 22 the cloth of Portuguese navigator card pull the 尔 to arrive the Brazil.16 century the 沦 is a Portuguese colony.1807Year Nepoleon invades Portugal, 葡 royal house to escape the Brazil the empress, Brazil in reality the 葡 ' s empire the 葡 royal house of center.1821 year move to return Lisbon, prince to wear the virtuous 罗 to stay the Brazil term the 摄政 the king.1822Year September 7 the winning is independent, and establish the Brazil the empire.1888 the year abrogates May slave's system.1889Year November 15 丰塞 card the general stage the coup to abrogate the 帝 system, and establish the republic.1891年2月24日通过第一部共和国宪法,定国名为巴西合众国。1960The year be moved by Rio de Janeiro capital is toward the Brazil benefit second.1964 March 31 of years, soldier's coup go on stage, practice the 独 to cut the governance, and change the country the by name Brazil the federal republic in 1967.

1931Year October 12, high 30 riceseses, heavy 1145 tonseses, last the engineering's Christ 石 of 10 year the statue
At around the original camel hump top of hill of municipal stand on end.
It is one of the symbol thing of Rio de Janeiro Cities
???? Politics: In 1988 the new constitution promulgating on October 5 rules, and the president be proced by direct election, and cancel direct power of ordinance promulgation of president. The president is a national head of state with the government mastermind 兼 armed forces' commander in chief.1994 year with 1997 the parliament pass the constitution revision bill, and distinguish the provision to shorten president's tenure as four years, president with each state, mayor can all connect to choose to serve another term. The citizen parliament be constitute, exercised by federal 参议院 is with the House of Representatives legislative power, for the country tallest power organization in house.The main working talent establishes the whole laws in the federal scopes; Certain period and armed power number of peace; The establishment whole nation is with the region development plan; Declare the general amnesty the ream; The authorization president declares the war or peace; The approval president visit with vice- President; Grant or cancel the federal to interfere or impose curfew; Investigate the president 账 the 目 ; The approval president signs the international treaty; The decision is temporary to move capital the etc.. the cabinet is a government administration organization, cabinet the member be appointment to officed by president.

The biggest 保 benefit in the city saint 保罗 City of Brazil 斯
The avenue ascends the lofty financing institution mansion. Saint 保罗
Is a Brazilian finance, business with the manufacturing instry center.
Economy:? River of second horse Sun that Brazil nature term with abundant resources. It is river valley that horizontal 贯 is northern part is wide in the world, biggest river of the discharge. Vegetable contain the lung of the “ the Earth" of the area of second horse Sun forest calling amount to 750 ten thousand square kilometer, occupy the world forest one of the area's three centseses, among them big the part locate Brazil inshore. Extremely have on the fifth river 巴 of southern world of west pull that river big 瀑 cloth of Su of sublime 伊 melon, Brazil match the quilt 誉 that set up with Paraguay for the biggest water electricity of world that “ century engineering" to stand the 伊泰 the 普 water the electricity to stand and then set up on the 巴 pull that river. Brazil 矿产 the resources is abundant, and primarily there is iron, uranium, aluminum 矾 soil, manganese, petroleum, natural gas and coal etc.. Among them and already clear iron mine sand of 探 the 储 measure to 650 hundred million tons, yield with export to measure to all reside the world the first. Uranium 矿 , aluminum 矾 soil is with the manganese 矿 the 储 measure to all reside the world the third. Technique level that Brazil pull the beautiful the first economic giant, and have forer complete instry system, instry proction value to reside to pull the beautiful head. steel, car, build the ship, petroleum, chemical engineering, electric power, make the shoe etc. The profession to possess the great reputation, 核 the electricity, communication, electronics, airplane the manufacturing, information, soldier the work to wait the realm in the world to have already across intoed the world advanced countries the row or column. Brazil is the biggest coffee of world to proce the country with export the country, and have the “ coffee the Kingdom" it call, and the sugar cane is with the orange's yield to also reside the world's head. The soybean yield reside the world the second, corn yield to reside the world the third. Brazil is only next to the United States proce the country with the third candy of Germany's world. Various candy yield annually amount to 800 hundred million. Candy instry year proction value is 5 hundred million US$. Every year export the candy 5 ten thousand tons are or so. Livestock husbandry that the national arable land area is roughly 4 hundred million hectares, quilt 誉 are the world 粮 of “ twenty- One centuries 仓 ". Brazil prosper very much, then keep the cow is lord. The 巴 is a big country of South America steel, for the world the country of the sixth 产 steel, steel material export to amount to 1200 ten thousand ton, occupy the total deal of national steel material of 54%. Also pull the ninth car of beautiful the first, world to proce the big country. Point that Brazilianly travel the long and negative 盛 of instry, for the world ten big travel to create the one of the 汇 countries. Primarily travel to church contain 罗 , El Salvador in Rio de Janeiro, saint 保 with the old building, Brazil of thou benefit cloth of second city, 伊 melon Su 瀑 is with the 伊泰普 the water electricity stand, agate 斯 free port, money the city, 巴 pull that 石 the wood with the etc. of big marsh ground.??Currency: Second 尔 of thunder>>>????? Brazil does the sea beach romantic feeling draw the >>>? Brazil 览胜 :(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

Second — of Brazil benefit the most young and human culture of the — inheritance
???? “ coffee Kingdom" is —— Brazil? Pull the beautiful and big country the Brazil with the coffee quality the 优 , flavor is thick but famous world, is biggest coffee in the world to proce the country with export to country, vegetable contain “ coffee the Kingdom" it call.?

????Labor force that Original 产 of coffee is in Africa's 埃塞俄 the ratio is second, and stream into the Brazil in 1727. Coffee that Brazil locate South America the southeast, ground tropical zone and subtropics, the special geography suit to plant the coffee, add with weather term very cheap, the coffee plant the quick rise of instry.19 century, Brazilian plant to almost spread over the whole nation, and again become to keep on the long “ coffee of a century the prosperous period later on". The big area of coffee plant, gave to Brazil brought the wealth with prosper.20Century beginning, Brazil of 7 10 5% that coffee yield occupy the world the total yield is above, from but won the “ coffeed the Kingdom" of beautiful call.?

????The coffee is Brazil an one of the pillars. The whole nation have consumedly small and small coffee plantation 50 ten thousandses, plant the area roughly 220 ten thousand hectare, amount to from the instry population 600 many ten thousand, year 产 coffee 200 ten thousand tons are or so, and the year export to create the 汇 near 20 hundred million US$. in recent years, because of export the constructioning of the variety be in a rut with international coffee market, Brazil coffee proce with export measure to have the descent.

????Emergence, Brazilian that Cool love coffee of Brazilian.60 the age, Brazilian is all the year coffee consume to measure to amount to 5 · 8 kilogram. In the last two decades, along with the other beverage all the coffee consume to measure to still exceed 3 kilogram.In the Brazil, wether in the city or country, the assorted coffee shop is everywhere therefore. People can almost and at any time and anywhere and drink the hot coffee of the thick 郁 fragrance.

????Big country of “ football" is —— Brazil? Brazil is a big country of world football. The football exercise to is not only is Brazil civil of common a fondness for, but also the pride of whole race. Football club that Brazil occupation ball team it is many, it may be said the world's 冠 . Formally register the registration to already have more than 2 10000, be engaged in the number of the football sport to over million. Besides king of baseball shell benefit, Brazil still own the 济 the section, Su's 格 to pull the bottom, card thunder the card, 罗纳 the 尔 many, the tile 尔 is much, Rome the 奥 wait a large quantity the football star of the world class.

The carnival of second horse Sun originates 17 centuries an only bull legend that rescue, afterwards the native son be used as the cow to revel the symbol of the stanza. Now this festival have become the traditional festival of largest race, pole 富 of Brazil the Indian of the region of second horse Sun the special features. every year draw on the large quantity visitor to come to observe and learn.

????The news publishes: In 2000, the national newspaper have 500 1485 kindseses, issuance

⑹ 巴西英文怎么读






n. 巴西(拉丁美洲国家)

例:Not anyone can be the boss: Brazil?


例:I have had similar experiences all over Brazil and Colombia.





英 [bræ'zɪl];美[bræ'zɪl]


例:I am Fernando Gomes, RA from TZ Brasil.


例:Brasil boy: Really ,why ?What are you going to do there?


2、Brazil nut


例:The life of the Brazil nut tree is truly amazing.


例:Oil, Brazil nut oil, Rhizobium fredii, and plant energy polypeptide, etc.


⑺ 巴西的英文名是什么


巴西全称是巴西联邦共和国,英文是The Federative Republic of Brazil

⑻ 我需要一段对巴西的英文简介。

Brazil is the 10th largest economic power in the world with a 600 billion dollars GDP. The restrictive monetary and budgetary policies set up by the Lula da Silva government, have restored markets confidence but have restrained growth : GDP growth rate was 0.5% in 2003, 5.2% in 2004 and 3.3 in 2005. The growth was especially e to the depreciation of the Real which stimulates Brazilian exports. The FMI forecasts a 3.5% growth in 2006. Nevertheless, Brazil remains heavily in debt to the extend of putting a brake on the country's development. The inflation rate was 5.3% in 2004 and should be 4.7% in 2004. The country holds abundant natural resources and its economy is relatively diversified. Brazil is a huge agricultural power: it is the worldlargest procer of coffee, sugarcane and oranges and attracts numerous international food processing groups. Being a big instrial country, Brazil benefits from its abundant mineral resources: it is the 2nd largest exporter of iron in the world and one of the main aluminum procers. The country is now increasingly standing out in the textile, aircraft, pharmaceutical, car, steel and chemical instry sectors.
Brazil welcomes numerous direct foreign investments. The average rate of customs ty, according to MERCOSUR's Common External Tariff (between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay), is 11% but imports often face numerous restrictions and surcharges. Brazil's main trade partners are the United States, Argentina, China and Germany. The country mainly imports electrical and electronic equipment, machines, hydrocarbons and vehicles.


⑼ 关于巴西的英语介绍加翻译


Brazil shares a border with almost every other country in South America--only Chile and Ecuador are untouched--and covers almost half the continent. It is the fifth largest country in the world, behind Russia, Canada, China, and the U.S.A., with an area of eight and a half million square kilometers.

Despite its vast expanse of territory, Brazil's population is concentrated in the major cities of its coast. The urban sprawls of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo dominate the southern coast. Further north, towns such as Salvador and João Pessoa retain the colonial atmosphere of the early Portuguese settlers. The great interior, much of which is covered by the rainforest basin of the Amazon, remains sparsely settled.

Almost half of Brazil's territory is covered by the basin of the Amazon River and its tributaries, a region that is one of the world's largest rainforest ecologies. Unfortunately, a substantial proportion of this area has suffered the effects of modernization in recent years. From the Amazon's mouth on the Pacific to Manaus, the region's bustling main city, the river is heavily traveled, and wildlife is scarce. Away from the cities and the main course of the Amazon, however, smaller tributaries lead past unspoiled habitat and traditional villages.

South of the Amazon region, the country's interior is dominated by the Brazilian Shield, an expansive bedrock flat that is slowly falling victim to the elements. The Mato Grosso, a smooth, grassy plain in Brazil's center, slowly gives way to the Planalto, a low-rise plateau that extends across the central and western regions. In the far west, along the border with Paraguay and Bolivia, is the Pantanal, one of the most extensive swamplands in the world.

Brazil's winter lasts from June to August, with temperatures between 13 and 18C, but it only gets really cold south of Rio. Summer is from December to February, a period frequently bringing stifling humidity to the far south. Brief rain showers are common, given Brazil's tropical climate, but the dry interior has only a few months of heavy rainfall a year. Of course, the Amazon Basin is the wettest area, with damp, moist temperatures averaging 27 C.



⑽ 帮忙找关于用英文介绍巴西

Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil or Repú Federativa do Brasil, listen (help·info)), is a country in South America.[1] It is the fifth-largest country by geographical area, the fifth most populous country, and the fourth most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,367 kilometres.[1]

It borders Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and the department of French Guiana to the north, Uruguay to the south, Argentina and Paraguay to the southwest, Bolivia and Peru to the west, and Colombia to the northwest.[1] Numerous archipelagos are part of the Brazilian territory, such as Penedos de São Pedro e São Paulo, Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martim Vaz and Atol das Rocas.[1][2]

Brazil is cut through by the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn and is home to varied fauna and flora, as well as extensive natural resources. The Brazilian population tends to concentrate along the coastline in large urban centers. While Brazil has one of the largest populations in the world, population density is low and the inner continental land has large areas of low population.[3] The official language is Portuguese [4] (Third most spoken western language, after English and Spanish). Catholicism is the predominant religion.

Brazil was colonized by Portugal from 1500 until its independence in 1822. The country has been a republic since 1889, although the bicameral legislature (now called Congress) dates back to 1824, when the first constitution was ratified. Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federative Republic.[4] The Federation is formed by the indissoluble association of the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities.[4] There are currently 26 States and 5,564 Municipalities.[5]

Brazil is the world's 9th largest economy in terms of purchasing power and the 10th largest economy at market exchange rates. The country has a diversified middle-income economy with wide variations in development levels and mature manufacturing, mining and agriculture sectors. Technology and services also play an important role and are growing rapidly. Brazil is a net exporter, having gone through free trade and privatization reforms in the 1990s. In spite of important economical achievements, many social issues still hamper development.

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